Originally Posted by zamial
I am passing this along, this is what I was told. I am not implying this is the cause, or a solution but in my opinion 1 can never be "to safe". I can not confirm this info officially. I know I would be upset if I got hacked, so without further adieu,
The theory is that on the hacked account a character has a quest called Plan B active. (yes, I know there are several plan b quests). Then while in AB the player is booted by the hacker, during the reconnect the hacker intercepts the packets, has your account info and then logs in as you. Then does what he/she does. Once again, I can not confirm this, but I do trust my source, I believe the info to be at the very least not fabricated by my source. This is a pass it along to help others post. |
and if he had compromised your PC he wouldn't need to intercept packets.