My idea.
When you've reach your enemy door steps, do you attack their fort, even thou your forces is not strong enough yet or do you hold out and wait for the right time to attack the fort? holding out until its the correct time = hold the bridge.
If you are being invaded, what is your first instinct? Disable foe's ability to get to your fort fast. which is = Hold the Bridge.
Either scenario requires you to HOLD THE BRIDGE! Holding the bridge gives you faster access to 5 shrines vs attack fort gets 2 shrines
heres a pictures
You can view ancestral land layout here, the spawn/ressurrect area are all exactly at the same place as that of the Kaanai Canyon one, except on is frozen water the other forest.
I am starting this thread, not because I am very good at Alliance Battlte, It just happens that every time some idiot go attack the fort the first chance they get, your side lost! So what is it that makes you think attacking the fort will win you the game without first holding the bridge? ensuring that your party member will be ressurrected not miles away (point Z or from within the fort)
I am not very sure, but I think point E & F are the teleportal.
Which one are you?
Bridge or Fort tell us why.
Please discuss in a civil manner. thank you