Charater Guild Tag in Alliance Chat
Reading many, many post i couldnt find this suggetion, even tho it may be similiar and would have the benefit as other suggestions.
The Idea I was having would only change the appearance of a officer or leaders guild tag of a guild in allaince chat. such as if somone was leader their tag would appear [LOD, Leader] , [LOD-Leader] , [Leader of LOD]
Something to that affect so others in alliance would know what this persons position in alliance would be. I think this should only have a change to a leaders and officers of each guild and only appear in alliance chat.
The Idea I was having would only change the appearance of a officer or leaders guild tag of a guild in allaince chat. such as if somone was leader their tag would appear [LOD, Leader] , [LOD-Leader] , [Leader of LOD]
Something to that affect so others in alliance would know what this persons position in alliance would be. I think this should only have a change to a leaders and officers of each guild and only appear in alliance chat.
For some names/tags it'd stretch the chat while it's not even required.
You should know your own alliance I hope >_>.
/not signed for it not being needed.
You should know your own alliance I hope >_>.
/not signed for it not being needed.
Or simply chat to fellow alliance members and find out, seems kinda pointless imo.
Heres a scenario for you incase you have trouble understanding:
"Hey there !"
"Are you and officer of your guild within the alliance of which we are both currently in!?"
"Yes i am !"
"oh, ok cya /slitwrist"
Heres a scenario for you incase you have trouble understanding:
"Hey there !"
"Are you and officer of your guild within the alliance of which we are both currently in!?"
"Yes i am !"
"oh, ok cya /slitwrist"
Decent idea if your in a busy Alliance and need to talk to leaders / officers of another guild.
BUT as xPIMPx said, you could just ask -_- social isnt it
BUT(2) instead of:
[LOD, Leader] it could be the normal tag but a different colour. Orange (or wtf its ment to be right now) for normal member, another colour for officer and then gold or something for a leader.
BUT as xPIMPx said, you could just ask -_- social isnt it

BUT(2) instead of:
[LOD, Leader] it could be the normal tag but a different colour. Orange (or wtf its ment to be right now) for normal member, another colour for officer and then gold or something for a leader.
/notsigned for an uneeded idea.
Where are my pve/pvp skill nerfs at???? /signed for those to come soon COME ON REVERT INCOMING!!!!
Where are my pve/pvp skill nerfs at???? /signed for those to come soon COME ON REVERT INCOMING!!!!
El Presidente
/not signed
you can ask in a/c if they are on...
you can ask in a/c if they are on...
wow, alot of hatefull people here.
Yes belong to a busy/active alliance 10guilds with most or some having 10 officers makes 100 people. Makes hard to get to know everyone and position within the allaince. Plus the idea was meant more for new member in the alliance. Cause I dont know how some of your allainces are ran but ours isnt a dictatorship. Each guild in our alliance also helps maintain order even if the offending member isnt in their guild. So for an easy way to realize who is an officer or not. For when the officer reminds of a rule or what not the member can see that the person talking to them is an officer and knows that person is more aware of how the allaince is ran to maintain order.
And thanks for the comment, even a simple color change will have the desired affect.
Yes belong to a busy/active alliance 10guilds with most or some having 10 officers makes 100 people. Makes hard to get to know everyone and position within the allaince. Plus the idea was meant more for new member in the alliance. Cause I dont know how some of your allainces are ran but ours isnt a dictatorship. Each guild in our alliance also helps maintain order even if the offending member isnt in their guild. So for an easy way to realize who is an officer or not. For when the officer reminds of a rule or what not the member can see that the person talking to them is an officer and knows that person is more aware of how the allaince is ran to maintain order.
And thanks for the comment, even a simple color change will have the desired affect.
If you need to find an officer or leader in another guild, just ask.
Or maybe don't invite people who would be disrespecting alliance members in the first place.....
Or maybe don't invite people who would be disrespecting alliance members in the first place.....
Red Sand
/not signed
I believe that the OP wants is a little flag next to the officer/leader names so that they can be important, but that is unnecessary.
While there must be close to a hundred officers in my alliance, there are less than 10 that matter. They are on my friends list already.
I believe that the OP wants is a little flag next to the officer/leader names so that they can be important, but that is unnecessary.
While there must be close to a hundred officers in my alliance, there are less than 10 that matter. They are on my friends list already.
I Is Special
I'm not going to sign or not sign because i don't really care.
But, Maybe instead of saying "Leader" make it
L- UberPwner: Hey everyone, i'm a super cool leader.
O- Mai Nam Rox: I'm an officer, look at me!
Just a suggestion.
But, Maybe instead of saying "Leader" make it
L- UberPwner: Hey everyone, i'm a super cool leader.
O- Mai Nam Rox: I'm an officer, look at me!
Just a suggestion.
I can see how this would come in very handy for large guilds/alliance. They've got new people coming in all the time and it'd be a good way for those new folks to figure out who's who.
Maria The Princess
since my friends list is nearly full, and rembering the leaders/officers names from all other 9 guilds, is not enouth since there are multiple characters, and as an officer, it can come very handy.
as long as you will have the ability to turn it off.
since my friends list is nearly full, and rembering the leaders/officers names from all other 9 guilds, is not enouth since there are multiple characters, and as an officer, it can come very handy.
as long as you will have the ability to turn it off.
I would my name to read "[BOSS] Professor Pimphand".
Red Sand
Access to a full alliance roster is a much better idea, but that's be asked for since 2006.
/unsigned for unneeded.