Hi, I have been with the same guild for 2 years and I love the people in it but, I need a pvp guild. I have 9 RP and one slot to change professions for a pvp character. I unlocked a good amount of skills, have all campaigns.
It doesn't have to do TA but I would prefer that the guild is involved in GvG HA (Which Both I need to learn from. I can't get rank because I can't even get in a group) and AB (Which I have played a bunch of times.) I like to think that I'm pretty good but, I haven't had the chance to prove it yet, and I would very much like to learn.
I also would like the guild to have Vent or something similar. We used to be in an alliance that used it and when we left it felt so wrong pvping without it lol. Websites are always a plus.
So, I dunno. I hope someone accepts me.
IGN: Devonas Aprentice