Explanation: this would be a class that dealt dammage with their feet and hands
Unique Functions: combos the more hits you put together on one opponent the more damage and affects you cause
Class Role: damage dealer not a class to tank with
PRIMARY balence- for every rank of balence your attack speed goes up
way of the bear: combos cause knockdowns and daazedness
way of the spider: combos cause poison and disease
way of the cheetah: combos cause bleeding
way of the armadillo: combos cause defensive bonuses for you
Weapons: scrolls you cant see them but they function the same
AL 60
Head- tattoo
Body- tattoo
Legs- pants
Feet- boots
martial artist
gg owned
has been suggested sooooooo many times, its just not gonna happen lol use seach.........i can see 5 similar threads already.
Originally Posted by gg owned
im thinking a base mp pool of 20 with four points of regen and all the skills would require very little amounts of mp.
On the other hand it just sounds like an assassin wit 5 less energy and no attack chains.
Also your Katra/martial arts names are horrible, where you watching kongfu Panda while making this post or something?