Premade War Cry
pumpkin pie
I like to have a macro or somthing that, say you click, a dialog box open, and you can key in THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAA OR THIS IS LUXONNNNNNNNNNNN OR KURZIKSSSSSSSSSSSS OR well anything you want to put in the box and then when you go into battle you gets to use it, no effect on actual game play just something extra to spice up the battle.
goes put on flame suits. but i like it, annoying yes, but thats the purpose of it all annoy your opponent in battle!
goes put on flame suits. but i like it, annoying yes, but thats the purpose of it all annoy your opponent in battle!
simple and fun
wont affect the game whatsoever.
simple and fun
wont affect the game whatsoever.
Is it... really that difficult to type in "Suxons are suck!" at the beginning of every AB? Especially if you've been spamming it in the staging area and all you have to do is hit Enter + Up + Enter?
Just pointless.
Just pointless.
Too easy to be abused by the kiddies

It wouldn't really effect the game... but it would be damn annoying. Just type it out, you've got over a minute before the actual battle starts.
"goes put on flame suits. but i like it, annoying yes, but thats the purpose of it all annoy your opponent in battle!"
Sportsmanship ftw
Also... poor idea, better luck next time
Sportsmanship ftw
Also... poor idea, better luck next time
You are right T_T
So I go from a /signed to a /notsigned (it's late, so I don't think good lol).
Too easy to be abused by the kiddies |
So I go from a /signed to a /notsigned (it's late, so I don't think good lol).
Operative 14
So basically the ability to save often used text?
/SortOfSigned I suppose, for the odd use here or there. But I don't see much point.
/SortOfSigned I suppose, for the odd use here or there. But I don't see much point.
More of the senseless spam at the start of AB? no thank you.
More of the senseless spam at the start of AB? no thank you.
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by Operative 14
So basically the ability to save often used text?
/SortOfSigned I suppose, for the odd use here or there. But I don't see much point. |

actually there's a second part to this idea, but because my flame suite isn't thick enough, but, what the hell, here goes. it would be great if what we type in the box, could be something that you can actually hear.

i'll go away now.
Hellllllllllll To The No!
Miska Bow
Just buy your Ztitle, it comes with a Zemote.
/not sign
/not sign
No thanks. I already keep local chat turn off whenever I can, but this could give me a reason to turn off team chat as well.
Mister O
Umm...we only need one Kilroy in GW.
Petra Arkanian
I know this can be done because there is a female ranger (can I put the name?) who does it in ab at the start of every battle. she has quite a long quote from LoTR as her war cry. I know she doesnt type it in every time, some hotkey or something.
Although it would increase the use of /report, I see people using it for racial, sexist, religious, etc. slurs and insults. I'd rather it be something Anet put in for all to use, or nothing at all. And since Anet has GW2 and bugs to worry about, I'll say:
So mature catchy battle cry, yes.
"oMg yU NuBs yOu gOna DIES!!!!11!!!"
I'll have to say /notsigned.
"oMg yU NuBs yOu gOna DIES!!!!11!!!"
I'll have to say /notsigned.
Originally Posted by Petra Arkanian
I know this can be done because there is a female ranger (can I put the name?) who does it in ab at the start of every battle. she has quite a long quote from LoTR as her war cry. I know she doesnt type it in every time, some hotkey or something.
Not only one of the most overused quotes ever it is lame aswell. I made the mistake to let this fool into my group and after he started 5+ matches with this crap I had enough and kicked him with a warm and hearty "Sry but I need you to stfu"...Press Kick...annoying...don't want to see more dorks like that.
/notsigned 100000times
as for your second idea with the voice output...please uninstall if that was a serious suggestion.
Pyro maniac
it really doesn't add something to the game, on contrary I think
it really doesn't add something to the game, on contrary I think
There are macro programs that can do exactly that for you. Way more flexible too.
on {ctrl}{alt}{z} do {enter}# WAIT!{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{x} do {enter}! Bawahah, i pwnt u!{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{c} do {enter}$ WTS all my Zkeys, 5k ea.{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{c} do {enter}@ Good evening, guild.{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{g} do {enter}! GG{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{z} do {enter}# WAIT!{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{x} do {enter}! Bawahah, i pwnt u!{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{c} do {enter}$ WTS all my Zkeys, 5k ea.{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{c} do {enter}@ Good evening, guild.{enter}
on {ctrl}{alt}{g} do {enter}! GG{enter}
more useless spam? no thnx teamchat is allready off almost each time thnx to the various idiots spamming the chat, if i'm party leader that spam get's you a nice kick of the goodbye boot :P
/sooooooooooonotsigned mkaythnx
oh and since i got that sniperrifle back i'll shoot the topic aswell
mods please close this before it ends up in a flamewar or trollfest they're is allready enough of that.
I support constructive ideas not the next flamefest
/sooooooooooonotsigned mkaythnx
oh and since i got that sniperrifle back i'll shoot the topic aswell

I support constructive ideas not the next flamefest
In this situation, macros are your friend.

/signed because Errrrfff Shakur can now say "Ima Errrffff Shakur n give u butthurts!"
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
There are macro programs that can do exactly that for you. Way more flexible too.
on {ctrl}{alt}{z} do {enter}# WAIT!{enter} on {ctrl}{alt}{x} do {enter}! Bawahah, i pwnt u!{enter} on {ctrl}{alt}{c} do {enter}$ WTS all my Zkeys, 5k ea.{enter} on {ctrl}{alt}{c} do {enter}@ Good evening, guild.{enter} on {ctrl}{alt}{g} do {enter}! GG{enter} |
Petra Arkanian
[QUOTE=Mystica]Saw it I think..."Swords shall be shaken! Spears shall be splintered! A sword day; a red day, ere the sun rises!"
Not only one of the most overused quotes ever it is lame aswell. I made the mistake to let this fool into my group and after he started 5+ matches with this crap I had enough and kicked him with a warm and hearty "Sry but I need you to stfu"...Press Kick...annoying...don't want to see more dorks like that.
Well I saw her/him get positive and negative responses to it but I never saw her/him anything but polite and courteous in reply. A lot of people in GW could learn from that.
If its for ab etc how about a guild battle cry that u can choose/put together from a list, like the cape?
Not only one of the most overused quotes ever it is lame aswell. I made the mistake to let this fool into my group and after he started 5+ matches with this crap I had enough and kicked him with a warm and hearty "Sry but I need you to stfu"...Press Kick...annoying...don't want to see more dorks like that.
Well I saw her/him get positive and negative responses to it but I never saw her/him anything but polite and courteous in reply. A lot of people in GW could learn from that.
If its for ab etc how about a guild battle cry that u can choose/put together from a list, like the cape?
I won't mid as long as it's not spammable.
Hm... it would interesting to have a 'Character quotes' tab in the Options panel.
It could allow to set a different series ot quotes your character would use like the Heroes do. There could be two lists, a PvP one and a PvE one (the PvE would be grayed for PvP characters), and the quotes would be saved in a txt file with the name of the character, so no server is needed.
Then, for each mode (PvP and PvE) you set a list:
- Introduction:
- Idle quote #1:
- Idle quote #2:
- Idle quote #3:
- Idle quote #4:
- Idle quote #5:
- Battle quote 1#:
- Battle quote 2#:
- Battle quote 3#:
- Battle quote 4#:
- Battle quote 5#:
- Death quote:
And the client would send them randomly just like AI chatter.
Hm... it would interesting to have a 'Character quotes' tab in the Options panel.
It could allow to set a different series ot quotes your character would use like the Heroes do. There could be two lists, a PvP one and a PvE one (the PvE would be grayed for PvP characters), and the quotes would be saved in a txt file with the name of the character, so no server is needed.
Then, for each mode (PvP and PvE) you set a list:
- Introduction:
- Idle quote #1:
- Idle quote #2:
- Idle quote #3:
- Idle quote #4:
- Idle quote #5:
- Battle quote 1#:
- Battle quote 2#:
- Battle quote 3#:
- Battle quote 4#:
- Battle quote 5#:
- Death quote:
And the client would send them randomly just like AI chatter.
this is /notsigned
I think it would be fun to be able to hotkey your favorite battle cry/taunt but, to many idiots would spam it, not just in PvP but, PvE as well. making pugs even more of a nightmare. Good idea Pumpkin, but, like socialism, stupid people would ruin it.
~the rat~
I think it would be fun to be able to hotkey your favorite battle cry/taunt but, to many idiots would spam it, not just in PvP but, PvE as well. making pugs even more of a nightmare. Good idea Pumpkin, but, like socialism, stupid people would ruin it.
~the rat~
Zahr Dalsk
Use macros, it's not hard.
Use macros, it's not hard.