I am one quest away from the Ruins of Morah and you need the paragon hero, General Morgahn for it, I have never used a paragon before and don't even know what they are good for really.
Can anyone recommend any builds or even just moves I should put on him, particularly so I don't have to micro manage him >_<
Paragon help
get a guildy/alliance member/another player with a good morghan and use that one. if you have no paragon skills and only the ones morghan has to start with he is gonna suck anyways, so it really won't make a difference.
sry, but thats the best way I can see it to work.
sry, but thats the best way I can see it to work.
or go to spamadam and unlock so para skills there...
or just play PvP get some factiona and do like-wise...
they are the best options if you wish to use him...
or just play PvP get some factiona and do like-wise...
they are the best options if you wish to use him...
Check PvEwiki...theres some good builds on their site.
Originally Posted by matsif
get a guildy/alliance member/another player with a good morghan and use that one. if you have no paragon skills and only the ones morghan has to start with he is gonna suck anyways, so it really won't make a difference.
sry, but thats the best way I can see it to work. I can just get moves using balth faction points....it's what i have been doing for my heroes whenever I don't have a move/access to a move that I need for them ^_^
sry, but thats the best way I can see it to work. I can just get moves using balth faction points....it's what i have been doing for my heroes whenever I don't have a move/access to a move that I need for them ^_^
The easiest way I see it is to go to pvxwiki (Seeing as that's more helpful to you, as the builds are explained there).
This is the build I used on General Morgahn for Ruins of Morah mission.
There are a few which I like, but I think these 2 are my favourites:
[Cruel Spear][Barbed Spear][Harrier's Toss][Cry Of Frustration]["Go For The Eyes!"]["Fall Back!"]["Stand Your Ground!"][Aggressive Refrain]
[Spear Of Lightning][Blazing Spear][Disrupting Throw][Empathic Removal][Ballad Of Restoration][Aria Of Restoration][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return]
[Cruel Spear][Barbed Spear][Harrier's Toss][Cry Of Frustration]["Go For The Eyes!"]["Fall Back!"]["Stand Your Ground!"][Aggressive Refrain]
[Spear Of Lightning][Blazing Spear][Disrupting Throw][Empathic Removal][Ballad Of Restoration][Aria Of Restoration][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return]