UW HM Terra Tank - Is this build a scam?
Wrath of m0o
Is the Terror Tank in the group to make the run faster, or so the Terror Tank can go off and solo all the Enemies that drop ecto.
I have been in a few UW HM groups that say the Terror is there to make the run faster, but from my experience..the terror tank goes off and solo's all the mesmers himself, that have a high rate to drop ecto.
Now if im joining this group to do all the stuff he cant do, while he solo's all the ecto drops just so he can open the chest at the end, i think this is a sham.
Im not wasting my Con sets so some guy can solo farm.
Whats you opinions on this?
I have been in a few UW HM groups that say the Terror is there to make the run faster, but from my experience..the terror tank goes off and solo's all the mesmers himself, that have a high rate to drop ecto.
Now if im joining this group to do all the stuff he cant do, while he solo's all the ecto drops just so he can open the chest at the end, i think this is a sham.
Im not wasting my Con sets so some guy can solo farm.
Whats you opinions on this?
First, its "Terra" Tank, as in Earth Tank.
The Terra Tank is there specifically to make the Four Horsemen quest go smoothly. The Terra Tank sits on one side and holds all the mobs while the rest of the team cleans up the other side. After the other side is clear, they all come over to the Terra Tank and kill the mobs there.
Note that the Terra Tank doesnt actually kill anything while holding the mobs in place...
For the rest of the UW run, the Terra Tank should be using Arcane Mimicry to copy Ursan from another player. The Terra Tank should never be off alone farming...
The Terra Tank is there specifically to make the Four Horsemen quest go smoothly. The Terra Tank sits on one side and holds all the mobs while the rest of the team cleans up the other side. After the other side is clear, they all come over to the Terra Tank and kill the mobs there.
Note that the Terra Tank doesnt actually kill anything while holding the mobs in place...
For the rest of the UW run, the Terra Tank should be using Arcane Mimicry to copy Ursan from another player. The Terra Tank should never be off alone farming...
Though there are some variants to the classic terra tank build that enable them to do the ice king quest and clear bone pits aswell.
Those tanks tend to get a few ecto's on the way, but no more then usual.
Those tanks tend to get a few ecto's on the way, but no more then usual.
Lol @ Terror Tank.
On topic, the tank should be with the party the entire time. Like seabass said, he/she is there for The Four Horsemen, and normally copies Ursan from others. Sometimes, they will bring Sliver Armor and one of the Crystals spells, in order to solo some of the Mindblades, making the run go faster.
On topic, the tank should be with the party the entire time. Like seabass said, he/she is there for The Four Horsemen, and normally copies Ursan from others. Sometimes, they will bring Sliver Armor and one of the Crystals spells, in order to solo some of the Mindblades, making the run go faster.
Terra tank also can solo 2-3 of the quests, which speeds up the run. Someone sounds jealous that an ele is getting ecto and he isn't.
The Red Messenger
I recently did a HM UW run with 3 ursans, 2 terra tanks, 2 HB monks, and one SB monk.
first, we cleared the path for one so he could solo smites, and ice king quest
then, we cleared the way for another so he could clear the chaos planes and get ready for 4 horsemen. the terra tanks moved on to other solo'able areas after they cleared the first ones.
the 3 ursans only had to do like 3 areas, and then finish the quests to get the reward chest.
did the terratanks get more ectos? yes.
did we mind? no, because we all can solo UW with the right buid if we want ectos, and get em faster. we were there for fast end chest.
Terratanks have an advantage on these teams, but it requires more skill and practice, which ectos are the reward for =)
first, we cleared the path for one so he could solo smites, and ice king quest
then, we cleared the way for another so he could clear the chaos planes and get ready for 4 horsemen. the terra tanks moved on to other solo'able areas after they cleared the first ones.
the 3 ursans only had to do like 3 areas, and then finish the quests to get the reward chest.
did the terratanks get more ectos? yes.
did we mind? no, because we all can solo UW with the right buid if we want ectos, and get em faster. we were there for fast end chest.
Terratanks have an advantage on these teams, but it requires more skill and practice, which ectos are the reward for =)
I was in a guild group that did a full UW trip, and we had 1 terra tank who DID solo one or two area, and who DID get more drops than the rest of us (individually--i.e. I got 2, people got 3, terra tank got 5-6). I believe that the terra will get more, because he's off the radar, so loot that drops in his radar will end up...going to him. I could be wrong, though.
It certainly did shorten the run to have him go off by himself--maybe by more than 1/2 an hour.
We decided that the fair thing was to total the ecto, pool it, and divide as evenly as possible. We got lucky: 24 total ecto, 8 people, 3 ecto each.
This worked a) because we're guildies, and b) because we're all grownups who want each other to have fun. This wasn't agreed upon before the run, but we saw that one player got just one ecto, from the chest, and one more got just 2. It seemed, to the group, a fair way to share the wealth.
So, no, not a scam. But if you're looking for equality....one run with randomized drops certainly won't give you that.
So if you're really bothered by the inequality in ectos...maybe explicitly make that compromise before leaving. You don't want a loooooong run without a terra (see Red Messenger's last line, above, too)...and the terra would like the rest of the group to help clear and get the chest. Win win, fair deal, all that.
It certainly did shorten the run to have him go off by himself--maybe by more than 1/2 an hour.
We decided that the fair thing was to total the ecto, pool it, and divide as evenly as possible. We got lucky: 24 total ecto, 8 people, 3 ecto each.
This worked a) because we're guildies, and b) because we're all grownups who want each other to have fun. This wasn't agreed upon before the run, but we saw that one player got just one ecto, from the chest, and one more got just 2. It seemed, to the group, a fair way to share the wealth.
So, no, not a scam. But if you're looking for equality....one run with randomized drops certainly won't give you that.
So if you're really bothered by the inequality in ectos...maybe explicitly make that compromise before leaving. You don't want a loooooong run without a terra (see Red Messenger's last line, above, too)...and the terra would like the rest of the group to help clear and get the chest. Win win, fair deal, all that.
Lord Sojar
A scammer eh? No, they solo the bone pits and mindblades. They save the rest of the party a lot of time. Terra tanks have a difficult job trying to stay alive, one mistake and they are deader then a doornail. To me, this appears to be a jealousy thread, and shouldn't exist.
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
A scammer eh? No, they solo the bone pits and mindblades. They save the rest of the party a lot of time. Terra tanks have a difficult job trying to stay alive, one mistake and they are deader then a doornail. To me, this appears to be a jealousy thread, and shouldn't exist.
Wrath i'll say it this way good luck to do it without the terratank have fun.
Oh and ya don't need either ursyblessing nor consets to do it but to be honest speeds it up so much even for the one's used to clearing UW.
That you must be nuts not to take it with you, sadly it also makes alot of the game boring in my oppinion after a while
Oh and ya don't need either ursyblessing nor consets to do it but to be honest speeds it up so much even for the one's used to clearing UW.
That you must be nuts not to take it with you, sadly it also makes alot of the game boring in my oppinion after a while
Alex the Great
try doing 4 horseman without a terra, AS A MONK!
seriously, all the migrains are bad enought when SB runs out, more mods will screw you up bad
seriously, all the migrains are bad enought when SB runs out, more mods will screw you up bad
Th Fooster
DUDE i TOTALY understand your point!
My solution is, when i run groups the terra tanks pay the cons. or boot. i dont caree how leet they are, its only fair to the group.
I run a terra tank alot, and i can aford cons. esp when i clear uw in 30 minutes! There are too many terra tanks out there that go farm the chaos planes BEFORE they do thier job, witch it so solo bone pits, or smites quest, or pools, or the horsemen quest.Regardless too many terra tanks take advantage of thier posiion, and farm like madmen at teh groups expense and get a chest at the end as a bonus! so yeah! make terras pay the cons.
On the other hand not every terra tank is like this.In general terra tanks are not scammers. and they do earn thier keep in the party. IF they do what the group needs them to do FIRST. not last.
These terra tanks that jsut use groups to get past ataxes and then run off to farm, they eventualy get known for that crap.Gives teh good terras a bad name! ESP since i use 3 of the dam things, thats 1 con set every 3 runs.
UW should be profitable for everyone. THe main group dont get half the ecto drops terras do. YEt they do all the crappy areas that dont drop s#$@!
This inter dependance is resolved in making the terras pay the dam cons. and if you find a terra tank thats decent, and a team player, keep him.
Terra tanks earn thier share, but thre are more ways to skin a cat. and the four horsemen is possiblee without a terra. just harder. so if you come up with a substatute to a terra(since there are scrubs out there that do jsut use groups to farm and couldnt care less about sucess)
then please share your alternatives! and maybe that will keep a few scrubs honest.
i bet every one of the people that defende terra tanks ARE terra tanks defending thier little niche!
terra tanking is EASY and any clown can learn it. esp with my guide i made with videos! and there are alternatives...
My solution is, when i run groups the terra tanks pay the cons. or boot. i dont caree how leet they are, its only fair to the group.
I run a terra tank alot, and i can aford cons. esp when i clear uw in 30 minutes! There are too many terra tanks out there that go farm the chaos planes BEFORE they do thier job, witch it so solo bone pits, or smites quest, or pools, or the horsemen quest.Regardless too many terra tanks take advantage of thier posiion, and farm like madmen at teh groups expense and get a chest at the end as a bonus! so yeah! make terras pay the cons.
On the other hand not every terra tank is like this.In general terra tanks are not scammers. and they do earn thier keep in the party. IF they do what the group needs them to do FIRST. not last.
These terra tanks that jsut use groups to get past ataxes and then run off to farm, they eventualy get known for that crap.Gives teh good terras a bad name! ESP since i use 3 of the dam things, thats 1 con set every 3 runs.
UW should be profitable for everyone. THe main group dont get half the ecto drops terras do. YEt they do all the crappy areas that dont drop s#$@!
This inter dependance is resolved in making the terras pay the dam cons. and if you find a terra tank thats decent, and a team player, keep him.
Terra tanks earn thier share, but thre are more ways to skin a cat. and the four horsemen is possiblee without a terra. just harder. so if you come up with a substatute to a terra(since there are scrubs out there that do jsut use groups to farm and couldnt care less about sucess)
then please share your alternatives! and maybe that will keep a few scrubs honest.
i bet every one of the people that defende terra tanks ARE terra tanks defending thier little niche!
terra tanking is EASY and any clown can learn it. esp with my guide i made with videos! and there are alternatives...
Slayer Z
Yeah because someone soloing some of the "hardest" parts of the UW for you is a scam and adds an 30-45mins to your run.
Make a Terra Ele then and you can do it too. Case closed.
- Ganni
- Ganni
"Terra tank" is an idiotic name. Geomancer sounds so much cooler.
Wrath of m0o
Originally Posted by Cyb3r
Wrath i'll say it this way good luck to do it without the terratank have fun.
Oh and ya don't need either ursyblessing nor consets to do it but to be honest speeds it up so much even for the one's used to clearing UW. That you must be nuts not to take it with you, sadly it also makes alot of the game boring in my oppinion after a while |
The Terra Tank is NOT needed to complete UW. It can be done completely without. Dont need ursan either, it just makes it faster. Now i understand mabe that this was a build in the beginning, that stayed with the group, but now seems to be a solo farmer in diguise, so that he can rob noob teams of one of the most profitable areas of UW.
lol, good luck without it.
I can do it with hero/hench
Originally Posted by Wrath of m0o
The Terra Tank is NOT needed to complete UW. It can be done completely without. Dont need ursan either, it just makes it faster. Now i understand mabe that this was a build in the beginning, that stayed with the group, but now seems to be a solo farmer in diguise, so that he can rob noob teams of one of the most profitable areas of UW. lol, good luck without it. I can do it with hero/hench |

Wrath of m0o
Srry, i was thinking of Duncan, i do alot of stuff in GW's with hero hench, but me and one other human did UW with hero's 2/6.
Missions like this is where heo's shine most, because they never leave you on long missions.
Missions like this is where heo's shine most, because they never leave you on long missions.
I guess they might get more ectos than the party. But should you really care? If it's ectos you want, go solo or two man. The only reason to party is to get a quick clear for the chest.
No wrath i meant a decent terra chips of alot off of you're time, a bad one well yeah that's like a monk hero bad energy refill so no healing so overall bad = kick out of the party 
Oh and while i'm an ele as main i don't like the people that give ele's an overall bad name, i like the one's that come up with inventive builds for use in GVG (where i'm still a new guy/other PVP is another thing tho
Never had trouble running a terra tank or any other config in the UW been in there plenty of times and yes you can do that quest without terratank (if i'm in my ele i won't be the tank cause it's boring to death) and about ursan i find it boring after a while fact is it speeds up the whole game times ten since it's uberoverpowered think that says it all.
And about the scamming terra's well i suggest ya kick em out of the party or ya do the trick fooster said, but i had plenty of bad encounters with pugs (also some good ones, but the bad still outweigh the good
(imho when i find a good pug the whole pug ends up in my buddy list which is overcrowded atm to be honest)))
So most of the times i tend to run through those areas together with my guild or with people on my friends list and i find ya allways should devide the loot nicely like some other guy showed in here. And yeah i maybe gave out the wrong words in the previous post but was bussy doing admin work for a clan i'm also member off, so my apologies for that one
Oh and while i'm an ele as main i don't like the people that give ele's an overall bad name, i like the one's that come up with inventive builds for use in GVG (where i'm still a new guy/other PVP is another thing tho

Never had trouble running a terra tank or any other config in the UW been in there plenty of times and yes you can do that quest without terratank (if i'm in my ele i won't be the tank cause it's boring to death) and about ursan i find it boring after a while fact is it speeds up the whole game times ten since it's uberoverpowered think that says it all.
And about the scamming terra's well i suggest ya kick em out of the party or ya do the trick fooster said, but i had plenty of bad encounters with pugs (also some good ones, but the bad still outweigh the good

So most of the times i tend to run through those areas together with my guild or with people on my friends list and i find ya allways should devide the loot nicely like some other guy showed in here. And yeah i maybe gave out the wrong words in the previous post but was bussy doing admin work for a clan i'm also member off, so my apologies for that one
Originally Posted by Esan
"Terra tank" is an idiotic name. Geomancer sounds so much cooler.
Originally Posted by The Red Messenger
Terratanks have an advantage on these teams, but it requires more skill and practice, which ectos are the reward for =)
Terras solo quests on which ursans would fail miserably.
They basically run "U" through UW, but unlike other runners at other places they don't ask for "1K per person". Be glad for it.
"U" get reward proportionate to their contribution and ability. "Skillfull gameplay rewarded", and in ursan teams, no less! If you can't accept that, grow up or stop taking terras and see what happens.
I agree with the OP. This is in fact a sly form of scamming by Terra tanks. They get all the best stuff and don't have to do as much work as the rest of the party.
Everyone should stop tolerating this. Make the Terra stay with the party at all times. They can't pull this scam anymore if everyone stops tolerating them doing it.
Everyone should stop tolerating this. Make the Terra stay with the party at all times. They can't pull this scam anymore if everyone stops tolerating them doing it.
Seef II
If you're after the monument, Terra tanks speed up the run significantly. If you're after ecto, well, be prepared to quest with the party. =P
Originally Posted by Navaros
Make the Terra stay with the party at all times. They can't pull this scam anymore if everyone stops tolerating them doing it.
Originally Posted by kobey
With what? Cookies?
Fill the cookies with poison so they stay with ya for the antidote kobey xD
I farm for ectos...I don't care about ecto drops for the terras when I'm looking to clear...if I can get it done in a half hour, that's fine by me...one guaranteed ecto plus a chance at more, for a half-hour's work. A 600/smite full run can end up netting you zero ecto and that's a half hour's time wasted. Sure, you can end up with more ecto, but you can end up with more from the end chest and any drops along the way as well.
Half hour UW clear is well worth the terra getting a few more ecto than me. If I get upset about it, I'll just level my ele up and do the same.
Half hour UW clear is well worth the terra getting a few more ecto than me. If I get upset about it, I'll just level my ele up and do the same.
I don't understand the envy. Instead of joining an UW team a TT ele could take 3 heroes to clear the way to Chaos Planes, then park the heroes away and solo all of Chaos Planes, Bone Pits and Spawning Pools and keep everything that drops. Me and Foo did this long before GW:EN came out.
TTs need the rest of the team way less than the rest of the team needs them, so be happy if you get a good one.
TTs need the rest of the team way less than the rest of the team needs them, so be happy if you get a good one.
terra tanks make 60-90 mins run become 30 mins run and I love that 
I don't care much about gold, ecto drop along the way but, i do care about end chest.
/pray for Eternal Blade :P
I don't care much about gold, ecto drop along the way but, i do care about end chest.
/pray for Eternal Blade :P
Mr. Undisclosed
well first of all lol about the "terror tanks!" makes me think of killdozer for some reason.
Second on all its not a scam, it cuts a lot of time off the run. And what you're really after in the end is the end chest/monument, you can solo farm later.
Second on all its not a scam, it cuts a lot of time off the run. And what you're really after in the end is the end chest/monument, you can solo farm later.
Terra tanks who solo Ice Wastes/part of Chaos Planes/Bone Pits... well I'm all for it. They shave a good time of our runs and even though I'm not a speed maniac, I generally like my runs as fast as possible so I can get rid of the annoying PUGs.
if you're not careful, these tanks will not only steal your ecto, but they'll kill you entire team and take the 8 end chest rewards for themselves as well... -_-
tbh, the majority of the ones helping the UW clear teams shave 30-60min off their times are only going to be there as long as they're doing just that.
Otherwise they'd be quite comfortable running the E/Mo chaos plains farmer (takes 30-45min anyway, just no end chest and not in HM)
If you're that concerned with the amount of ecto you're recieving, are you saying you're any more deserving by running an ursan or an HB monk?
FFS, grab an ele and terra tank yourself.
tbh, the majority of the ones helping the UW clear teams shave 30-60min off their times are only going to be there as long as they're doing just that.
Otherwise they'd be quite comfortable running the E/Mo chaos plains farmer (takes 30-45min anyway, just no end chest and not in HM)
If you're that concerned with the amount of ecto you're recieving, are you saying you're any more deserving by running an ursan or an HB monk?
FFS, grab an ele and terra tank yourself.
Krazi Bastid
why even take a terra tank if you dont want him to solo some quests and shorten your run because he/she will get more ectos? well i for one would be glad for that kind of run actually. ill just do the shit that they really need me to do, tank a side in 4 horseman, ice wastes quest. they can just pm the hell out of me so i hear that ding then i can switch from watching porn back to do whatever i gotta do in guildwars, then go back to porn.
Fried Tech
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
A scammer eh? No, they solo the bone pits and mindblades. They save the rest of the party a lot of time. Terra tanks have a difficult job trying to stay alive, one mistake and they are deader then a doornail. To me, this appears to be a jealousy thread, and shouldn't exist.
Dont like the terra getting more drops? Then go roll a terra.
Lots of fun. but not easy
That has to be the most stupid thread I have ever seen on guru... And what's more amusing is there are people who actually agree with the OP.
Terra doesnt need you to farm. You need him to finish UW quicker. And you complain.... Some people fail at using their brain... seriously.
Next topic will be something like this:
Terra doesnt need you to farm. You need him to finish UW quicker. And you complain.... Some people fail at using their brain... seriously.
Next topic will be something like this:
I've played as a TT before, and I hated it. My primary is ele and I've always had problems timing Obi flesh and stoneflesh aura so they don't go down at the same time. I've just started doing UW in Ursan groups and I find it MUCH faster to have a TT than not to.
If you want to have every one get an equal chance of getting ecto: 1. go with a guild group that will split ecto equally, 2. when getting a TT ask for one that will bring mimicry and stay with the group, or 3. don't take a TT (yea its suicide, but if you don't like them that much don't take them)
If you want to have every one get an equal chance of getting ecto: 1. go with a guild group that will split ecto equally, 2. when getting a TT ask for one that will bring mimicry and stay with the group, or 3. don't take a TT (yea its suicide, but if you don't like them that much don't take them)
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Amadei
But you gotta admit Terror Tank sounds pretty awesome.

I Pwnd Joo Mom is casting Mending!
romeus petrus
Bottom line: Yes Terratanks get mroe ectos, but they shave off a good one hour to any run, hence it is worth taking them.
Fried Tech
The first UW group that tells me not to leave the group im going on Terra strike for a week. I'll just use my r10 UB 
I just have one question..
Who's coming with me man.... who's coming with me..
I just have one question..
Who's coming with me man.... who's coming with me..