Kurzick/Luxon faction cap increase
I noticed this last AB bonus weekend the need for a higher cap on alliance faction. It would be similar to how Balthazar faction maximum increases as you gain titles. Let's say 5k larger capacity per rank level?
Not sure if 5K per is needed, but 1-2K per should be fine.
In theory, you shouldn't have more than 5K at a time unless you're doing the 10K quests in Factions, since 5K is the most you can spend at one time, but doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice.
Not sure if 5K per is needed, but 1-2K per should be fine.
In theory, you shouldn't have more than 5K at a time unless you're doing the 10K quests in Factions, since 5K is the most you can spend at one time, but doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice.
The other 'need' I saw this weekend was a z-key trader at AB battle grounds.
That would also make speed up time between battles.
Both make sense to me! :-)
The other 'need' I saw this weekend was a z-key trader at AB battle grounds.
That would also make speed up time between battles.
Both make sense to me! :-)
/signed for kurz/lux cap increase
haven't we had like 50 of these threads? everyone comes in here saying "yes this is great," a couple come in saying "no this sucks" and anet won't implement it.
Originally Posted by Reptile
The other 'need' I saw this weekend was a z-key trader at AB battle grounds. That would also make speed up time between battles. Both make sense to me! :-) |
Shayne Hawke
/signed, because it's annoying to have to deposit after every round or so.
I can argue the other side's point already. People will complain that you can store faction. I don't really think that that has such an imbalanced effect that it can't be implemented though.
I can argue the other side's point already. People will complain that you can store faction. I don't really think that that has such an imbalanced effect that it can't be implemented though.
Increasing the Kurzick/Luxon faction cap by 1k (or more I suppose) per rank would be a very nice addition.
Increasing the Kurzick/Luxon faction cap by 1k (or more I suppose) per rank would be a very nice addition.
If they raised the cap, people could store more faction to donate to their guild after tax, which would unbalance ownership of towns. Leave as is.... you guys are just lazy.
If they raised the cap, people could store more faction to donate to their guild after tax, which would unbalance ownership of towns. Leave as is.... you guys are just lazy.
Derrick the Nomad
think of the potential for abuse, if you had every member of your alliance save up 20k faction or whatever, then all donate at once. Some little dinky alliance could own cavalon because they cheated the system. And no, my guild doesn't own cavalon, or any town. I just see the potential for havoc with this suggestion. There's a faction guy in your gh and every ab area, why not donate when you get over 5k?
think of the potential for abuse, if you had every member of your alliance save up 20k faction or whatever, then all donate at once. Some little dinky alliance could own cavalon because they cheated the system. And no, my guild doesn't own cavalon, or any town. I just see the potential for havoc with this suggestion. There's a faction guy in your gh and every ab area, why not donate when you get over 5k?
Originally Posted by crazybanshee
think of the potential for abuse, if you had every member of your alliance save up 20k faction or whatever, then all donate at once. Some little dinky alliance could own cavalon because they cheated the system. And no, my guild doesn't own cavalon, or any town. I just see the potential for havoc with this suggestion. There's a faction guy in your gh and every ab area, why not donate when you get over 5k? |
Edit: To comment on this and the post below, if it was a 1K per rank bonus, it is not that significant an advantage. I can see how 5K per rank would be a potential issue.
While I personally would not mind this in the least, I think crazybanshee is right on the money about why Anet hasn't already done this. Anet is fairly consistent about its principle of higher rank player X not having a competitive edge over lower rank player Y (assuming all other things equal), and there's no doubt as to owning towns being a competitive achievement. Given the gradual decay of Alliance faction as time goes on, implementing this would mean alliances whose players can instantly dump 20k or 30k faction into the pool would beat out other alliances whose players have to donate the same amount in several chunks (ultimately having less due to decay right after the first set of donations).
It's just plain helpful and it is beneficial to everyone.
It's just plain helpful and it is beneficial to everyone.
They have a faction rewards guy in the ab waiting areas now. The problem is already solved.
You guys saying that storing faction until after the takeaway are ignoring the fact that, while you are doing that, you can't earn any faction at all.
Real big advantage.
Real big advantage.
Diva Signet
Originally Posted by Nuclfus
Anet is fairly consistent about its principle of higher rank player X not having a competitive edge over lower rank player Y (assuming all other things equal)...
It's almost impossible to find a non-Ursan PUG, let alone one that doesn't fail hardcore.
Originally Posted by Nuclfus
...and there's no doubt as to owning towns being a competitive achievement...
Originally Posted by Nuclfus
...Given the gradual decay of Alliance faction as time goes on, implementing this would mean alliances whose players can instantly dump 20k or 30k faction into the pool would beat out other alliances whose players have to donate the same amount in several chunks (ultimately having less due to decay right after the first set of donations).
And more generally, there's not a Kurzick Bureaucrat in Lutgardis Conservatory, where most Kurzick faction is earned, so no there isn't "an AB guy" everywhere.
who cares who owns what towns 99% of the towns are owned by people who farm the faction and it wouldn't effect them. i acualy think it would help them keep on to it. also is it a bad thing that a guild that normal dosnt have the amount of faction to take a town to get one?
also signed if they nerff the kurzick's hfff. it would "bring balance to the force again" lol i cant believe i just quoted starwars......
also signed if they nerff the kurzick's hfff. it would "bring balance to the force again" lol i cant believe i just quoted starwars......
The God Of War
/signed this would be nice
Cap should be increased by 5k per rank of the Kurz/Lux title, just like with Hero and Glad. Nothing less than 5k. Anything less than 5k per rank would be nonsense.
As for the "town ownership" argument, almost nobody cares about town ownership. That's a moot point for the vast majority of players. Whereas the 10k Kurz/Lux faction cap is a very big annoyance for the vast majority of players therefore is important to change.
/signed for 5K cap increase per Kurz/Lux title rank
As for the "town ownership" argument, almost nobody cares about town ownership. That's a moot point for the vast majority of players. Whereas the 10k Kurz/Lux faction cap is a very big annoyance for the vast majority of players therefore is important to change.
/signed for 5K cap increase per Kurz/Lux title rank
I not sure about 5k. 1k per rank sound OK to me.
/signed for 5k faction cap increase per rank in lux/kurz title track.
And for the people QQing about their town being stolen from them due to smaller or less famous alliances gaining/saving up faction i just laugh. Go AB more and earn more faction if you want to stay in control of a town and stop the QQing about it.
And for the people QQing about their town being stolen from them due to smaller or less famous alliances gaining/saving up faction i just laugh. Go AB more and earn more faction if you want to stay in control of a town and stop the QQing about it.
...and the fact the towns would change ownership more frequently might make things more interesting.
...and the fact the towns would change ownership more frequently might make things more interesting.
Originally Posted by ilipol
...and the fact the towns would change ownership more frequently might make things more interesting. |
/signed for 1-3k per rank, as this "spike" everyone is complaining about could only push up to 20-30mill faction in the most drastic situation (it'd end up being closer to 4-5mill in reality)
besides if some "dinky" alliance can get 10 full guilds to have all 100 active members spike 20k donation within one day, I say give them Cavalon.
besides if some "dinky" alliance can get 10 full guilds to have all 100 active members spike 20k donation within one day, I say give them Cavalon.
Phoenix Tears
this town owner ship was so or so a retarded crap feature, that needs to get deleted imo, because this crap is 99,9999......% of the tiem only somethign for the hardcore elitism faction farm guilds. Small guilds will never get the chance to becoem town owners.
So the whole crap is concept wise unbalanced imo and needs a serious gameplay mechnic tweak or should be removed from the game, because this stuff gives thsoe players of guilds wehich own towns also some little unfair advantages over other players for example beign able to buy lockpicks from npcs instead for 1,5 platin for like 1,1P or so, those guys get also some kind of % for the merchants and on large amounts of money, this can make quite a big difference, when Player A in such a guild has only to pay for 100 lockpicks of the NPC 110 Platin and Player B would have to pay for that 150 Platin...
So those people of those guilds get a real unfair financial advantage over others, because they can easily make through that some quite profit, when thry buy the lockpicks for 1,1P and sell them to players for 1,25P in large amounts over times...
easy made money, just for ownign a stupid town permanently. a total NO GO imo.
Abouut the topic
Aloen the fact ,that everyone iwll be able to get higher caps will balance the stuff out about people, which store big amounts of faction to donate them.
So the whole crap is concept wise unbalanced imo and needs a serious gameplay mechnic tweak or should be removed from the game, because this stuff gives thsoe players of guilds wehich own towns also some little unfair advantages over other players for example beign able to buy lockpicks from npcs instead for 1,5 platin for like 1,1P or so, those guys get also some kind of % for the merchants and on large amounts of money, this can make quite a big difference, when Player A in such a guild has only to pay for 100 lockpicks of the NPC 110 Platin and Player B would have to pay for that 150 Platin...
So those people of those guilds get a real unfair financial advantage over others, because they can easily make through that some quite profit, when thry buy the lockpicks for 1,1P and sell them to players for 1,25P in large amounts over times...
easy made money, just for ownign a stupid town permanently. a total NO GO imo.
Abouut the topic
Aloen the fact ,that everyone iwll be able to get higher caps will balance the stuff out about people, which store big amounts of faction to donate them.
Parson Brown
A small alliance might have, what, 400 people? So let's say they all save up 20k faction (not likely, but let's argue). That's an 8 million dump. Surely enough to own a major town.
But even now, those same people could dump 4 mil and own a major city. So why don't they? Because smaller alliances aren't that active/organized!
But even now, those same people could dump 4 mil and own a major city. So why don't they? Because smaller alliances aren't that active/organized!
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
- long post -
If an alliance AB's regular and saves up enough faction that they can take ownership of a town then i say great, good for them they deserved it. If an alliance is organised enough and has enough commitment amongst its members to gain a huge amount of faction then i say they deserve a reward for such activities.
I feel players should be rewarded for their efforts and if an alliance makes 60+ million faction then they deserve some reward for such a feat. Because afterall its not like you can actually produce 60million faction overnight, it takes some time/grind to get that much.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that your point about being able to buy Lockpicks for 1.1k in a town owned by your alliance is somewhat mute considering people sell Lockpicks in the major trading towns for 1.25k at most. Perhaps you need to go and look at the trade chat instead of running to the merchant to buy your Lockpicks.
Phoenix Tears
imo i think the stuff about the taxes needs also a change.
it should not be a daily 10% Tax or so, I think the tax should be defined for each guild individual and more factors should play a role in defining the tax for each guild individual.
factors like:
How big is the Allliance, like has an Guild only like 4 Allies, or has it a full Ally of 8 (or was it 9 XD) other guilds.
How big the own guild is, has the guild only like 30 or lesser members, or is it complete full with 100 members...
such things should imo play also too a role in the heigth of the tax for each guild.
So it would be natural, that ful allies with guilds that have all full guilds of 100 people should have a much higher tax per day, than small guilds with lesser people and lesser ally guilds...
this way the system would be much more balanced, than to give the system just a fix 10% tax for everyone.
Big allies with full guilds have alot mroe people, and can make in a certain time alot more faction, than smaller guilds with small allies, alone the fact that their higher amount of faction will result into a bigger drawback of the 10% tax is imo not balancing enough to ensure smaller guilds with small allies a good chance to be one day mabe too a guild which owns a town.
Especially because of the fact ,that large allies are more active and organized, they deserve to get for balance a much higher tax !!! and this csan be only done, when more factors get taken into consideraton for defining the heigth of the tax and those factors can be only the size of the ally and the size of the guilds that are in the ally so in short the total amount of people an ally has together.
8 Guilds with 100 people will mean for all of the guilds a tax of say 10%
As guild self having 100 people will mean additional 15%
So when you are now a member of a 100men strogn guild that has also 8 allies which also have all 100 people, all those guilds will have a tax of 25%
So lesser allies your guild has now and so lesser people in total the allies have together, so lesser will be the tax for all of them.
A a tax system somehow similar to my example, at least somethign liek this would be alot more fair, then fix taxes of 10%.
@Adja, because this Game is still Guild Wars and not Grind Wars, where people in PvP should get rewarded for grinding, especially with unfair advantages for PvE like said making easy money through buying lots of lockpicks very cheap and selling them for the higher average price to pve'ers.
Your postign has completely proven now, that you absolutely didn't understood the basic concept of Guild Wars of Skill>Time yet... and that this unfair "benefit" from holdign towns is a typical clear break agaisnt their own concept of anet...
But anet so or so works imo only after 1 rule it seems, namely:
"We make gameplay concepts for our games, to break them again and again and again - we lie at ourself and hold not our words, because it makes fun to take our community on a ride 24/7"
it should not be a daily 10% Tax or so, I think the tax should be defined for each guild individual and more factors should play a role in defining the tax for each guild individual.
factors like:
How big is the Allliance, like has an Guild only like 4 Allies, or has it a full Ally of 8 (or was it 9 XD) other guilds.
How big the own guild is, has the guild only like 30 or lesser members, or is it complete full with 100 members...
such things should imo play also too a role in the heigth of the tax for each guild.
So it would be natural, that ful allies with guilds that have all full guilds of 100 people should have a much higher tax per day, than small guilds with lesser people and lesser ally guilds...
this way the system would be much more balanced, than to give the system just a fix 10% tax for everyone.
Big allies with full guilds have alot mroe people, and can make in a certain time alot more faction, than smaller guilds with small allies, alone the fact that their higher amount of faction will result into a bigger drawback of the 10% tax is imo not balancing enough to ensure smaller guilds with small allies a good chance to be one day mabe too a guild which owns a town.
Especially because of the fact ,that large allies are more active and organized, they deserve to get for balance a much higher tax !!! and this csan be only done, when more factors get taken into consideraton for defining the heigth of the tax and those factors can be only the size of the ally and the size of the guilds that are in the ally so in short the total amount of people an ally has together.
8 Guilds with 100 people will mean for all of the guilds a tax of say 10%
As guild self having 100 people will mean additional 15%
So when you are now a member of a 100men strogn guild that has also 8 allies which also have all 100 people, all those guilds will have a tax of 25%
So lesser allies your guild has now and so lesser people in total the allies have together, so lesser will be the tax for all of them.
A a tax system somehow similar to my example, at least somethign liek this would be alot more fair, then fix taxes of 10%.
@Adja, because this Game is still Guild Wars and not Grind Wars, where people in PvP should get rewarded for grinding, especially with unfair advantages for PvE like said making easy money through buying lots of lockpicks very cheap and selling them for the higher average price to pve'ers.
Your postign has completely proven now, that you absolutely didn't understood the basic concept of Guild Wars of Skill>Time yet... and that this unfair "benefit" from holdign towns is a typical clear break agaisnt their own concept of anet...
But anet so or so works imo only after 1 rule it seems, namely:
"We make gameplay concepts for our games, to break them again and again and again - we lie at ourself and hold not our words, because it makes fun to take our community on a ride 24/7"
Orange Milk
/not signed
Yes it would help those trying to get a town, but it would also benifit those holding a town even more. It's the daily Tax that gives other alliances a chance to get a town, if a town is being held the alliance can simply store up 20k faction per person, dump it in after the tax and hold the town with ease. With a 10k cap it's difficult to make up your Tax in one dump if you have 10-20mil faction in your alliance making it easier for a nother alliance to charge up after you and catch you. I suggest every sit down and think for a second about balance, cause and effect and try to see the big picture instead of the purple bar in your own personal hero window display.
With a guy in AB to turn in faction to this should not be a problem.
Raising the cap would create more problems than it would solve, and honestly the only problem to solve is laziness to turn in faction in a timely manner and it's not ANets fault your lazy.
Yes it would help those trying to get a town, but it would also benifit those holding a town even more. It's the daily Tax that gives other alliances a chance to get a town, if a town is being held the alliance can simply store up 20k faction per person, dump it in after the tax and hold the town with ease. With a 10k cap it's difficult to make up your Tax in one dump if you have 10-20mil faction in your alliance making it easier for a nother alliance to charge up after you and catch you. I suggest every sit down and think for a second about balance, cause and effect and try to see the big picture instead of the purple bar in your own personal hero window display.
With a guy in AB to turn in faction to this should not be a problem.
Raising the cap would create more problems than it would solve, and honestly the only problem to solve is laziness to turn in faction in a timely manner and it's not ANets fault your lazy.
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
@Adja, because this Game is still Guild Wars and not Grind Wars, where people in PvP should get rewarded for grinding, especially with unfair advantages for PvE like said making easy money through buying lots of lockpicks very cheap and selling them for the higher average price to pve'ers.
A lot of people enjoy PvP, specifically AB, and have put time and effort into attaining faction for themselves and their guild/alliance. Why? Because they want to, because they have fun, because they perhaps would like to see their guild or alliance become better known.
As for the Lockpicks i still think your point is mute. Buying Lockpicks from a town owned by your alliance for 1.1k and selling them to players for 1.25k is hardly big money, 150g? its not that much to say "zomg teh unfairness!". Not to mention its they are benefiting PvE players as the average price at the merchant for a Lockpick is 1.5k i believe, maybe more. So really how is it bad they get Lockpicks for cheaper when not only them but the rest of us can benefit?
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
Your postign has completely proven now, that you absolutely didn't understood the basic concept of Guild Wars of Skill>Time yet... and that this unfair "benefit" from holdign towns is a typical clear break agaisnt their own concept of anet...
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
But anet so or so works imo only after 1 rule it seems, namely:
"We make gameplay concepts for our games, to break them again and again and again - we lie at ourself and hold not our words, because it makes fun to take our community on a ride 24/7" |
Originally Posted by JAK3US
If they raised the cap, people could store more faction to donate to their guild after tax, which would unbalance ownership of towns. Leave as is.... you guys are just lazy. |
If they make it related to the level of the title, it would be a HUGE mistake that would mostly help the HFFFers.
Originally Posted by crazybanshee
think of the potential for abuse, if you had every member of your alliance save up 20k faction or whatever, then all donate at once. Some little dinky alliance could own cavalon because they cheated the system. And no, my guild doesn't own cavalon, or any town. I just see the potential for havoc with this suggestion. There's a faction guy in your gh and every ab area, why not donate when you get over 5k? |
seriously. dumb reason.
/signed having 1k extra in the cap isnt going to hurt anyone

I Can Cure Cancer
/signed for 1k extra per rank.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
This won't be a real problem AS LONG as the increase if for EVERYONE.
If they make it related to the level of the title, it would be a HUGE mistake that would mostly help the HFFFers. |
or make it so luxons could hfff easly.
Always thought this to myself (who else would I think it to, no one else in my head). Should of been like it anyway.
Originally Posted by Orange Milk
Raising the cap would create more problems than it would solve, and honestly the only problem to solve is laziness to turn in faction in a timely manner and it's not ANets fault your lazy.
And, again, everyone would get this, so this spike that everyone's worried about, there's no reason a guild that currently owns a town couldn't do the same thing to try to keep the town.
And if towns change hands more frequently... why is that a big deal?
Originally Posted by Bront
And if towns change hands more frequently... why is that a big deal?
Zahr Dalsk
The spiking thing is quite silly. Faction only drops the 10% once per day, so the spike, regardless of time it takes (I have no problem sitting there and HFFFing my faction to full and then hand it in, for several 10k faction donations, though admittedly I also had great music to listen to and the HFFF was for something to do as I listened and chatted with alliance.) will be roughly the same... it just takes different amounts of time within the day.