Show weapon in outpost
Sai Rith
Slightly different than the holster weapons idea, but same concept. Did you buy that Crystalline Sword? Too bad you can't show it off unless in party. I want to petition a hide weapon (in Outpost) idea. However, I do not really need a holster or sheath at all-just having the characters hold their weapons in their normal position is good enough.
gogo e-peen booster
Squishy ftw
Go try and boost your e-peen elsewhere.
Go try and boost your e-peen elsewhere.
so even more e-peen can be shown?
E-peen is bad for you, if you like to see 100000cm e-peens, go to WoW.
I can haz shotz of e-peen?
Go outside or go to Wow
Go outside or go to Wow
just join random pugs and ping your 1337 weapons like crazy like the rest of the idiots.
just join random pugs and ping your 1337 weapons like crazy like the rest of the idiots.
Originally Posted by Lykan
just join random pugs and ping your 1337 weapons like crazy like the rest of the idiots.
+1 cookie (:.: )
ScoobyDooby Dooo
/not signed... but i would like to say it would be good to see them on your back or something and not to show off.
i have too many cookies thank btw Lykan i could sell you some Keke an miskav you sure you can spair that 1+ cookie.
i have too many cookies thank btw Lykan i could sell you some Keke an miskav you sure you can spair that 1+ cookie.

Miska Bow
Not signed.
Most of the time when ppl ping their uB3r l337 weapon in party, i just type back:
I'm welding a bow.
Funny thing with those pugs is that i always end up with lots of DP and failling whatever i was set up to do.
Never had one of my heroes/henchies ping his weapon so far and rarely failed with them. You all think it could be related to pinging your weapon? Could it be that it triggers a secret HM where you end up dead most of the time?
Most of the time when ppl ping their uB3r l337 weapon in party, i just type back:
I'm welding a bow.
Funny thing with those pugs is that i always end up with lots of DP and failling whatever i was set up to do.
Never had one of my heroes/henchies ping his weapon so far and rarely failed with them. You all think it could be related to pinging your weapon? Could it be that it triggers a secret HM where you end up dead most of the time?
/signed and I dont have 1337 weapons
Diddy bow
There is no such thing as a rare skin just rare stats on a weapon.
That aside, animated weapons would lag towns more than they are now.
That aside, animated weapons would lag towns more than they are now.
Yuhe Ji
It's unnecessary, and it only makes people show off their 1337ism. Not the direction GW should be going.
It's unnecessary, and it only makes people show off their 1337ism. Not the direction GW should be going.
I think it's kind of funny to hear people complaining about e-peen in a game where people pay money out the ass for cool-looking gear with similar or identical stats.
that IS E-peen Daerien, that's WHY we complain >_>.
But..... but.... I love my e-peen!
Yah we know Shadows :3 but much like you don't show your peen in the real world in public places.
Neither do you in GW, so HAH!
(wow I made sense for once :3, +1 cookie to meh (:.: )
Neither do you in GW, so HAH!
(wow I made sense for once :3, +1 cookie to meh (:.: )
i have too leet weapons and everyone already know it.
/notsigned the idea sucks, it doesnt matter what weapons or armour you've got.
may i have a cookie btw miskav?
/notsigned the idea sucks, it doesnt matter what weapons or armour you've got.
may i have a cookie btw miskav?
I this causing too much unnecassary (gah, search for that spelling later) lag in towns. That and I really do not care if someone has a shiney sword. I prefer Longswords anyway.
Edit: Found it 'unnecessary'. Wait, all I got was a vowel wrong? Frelling frell :/
I this causing too much unnecassary (gah, search for that spelling later) lag in towns. That and I really do not care if someone has a shiney sword. I prefer Longswords anyway.
Edit: Found it 'unnecessary'. Wait, all I got was a vowel wrong? Frelling frell :/
Originally Posted by Pesi
may i have a cookie btw miskav?
*Gives cookie (:.: )*
for above reasons.
for above reasons.
/Signed so I can slap people in the face with my E-Peen!!!
Well the general idea on this topic seems to be the same :3, what a surprise.
lol no, it's bad enough tards are running around with /zrank and /rank
Showing your Crystalline shows us your bad taste (already avaliavable to everyone by watching your ugly chaos gloves + bandana + Obsidian set dyed black) so there's no need to add something already obvious. And just imagine all that lag with all the noob rangers and their stormbows. No thanks.
ALF, if you think stormbows are bad, imagine voltaics/ tormented shields / whatever else that's animated o.O;;;;;.
I dont care about people waving epeen ~ tbh I think most people have got used to it by now ~ I agree it would look pretty cool, but the Lag this would create in popular outposts would slow even the best PC's down to a crawl.
Kamadan US district one would be a 1fps 5000ping nightmare, its bad enough there already.
I dont care about people waving epeen ~ tbh I think most people have got used to it by now ~ I agree it would look pretty cool, but the Lag this would create in popular outposts would slow even the best PC's down to a crawl.
Kamadan US district one would be a 1fps 5000ping nightmare, its bad enough there already.
Zamochit, It'd be nice to test the ping cap on GW :3
agent akio
Kamadan AD1 is already 1fps and 15000ping nightmare for me...
Kamadan AD1 is already 1fps and 15000ping nightmare for me...
*insert random epeen comment*
wait , e-peen is not what gw is about ????
Originally Posted by Ghen
wait , e-peen is not what gw is about ????
Originally Posted by Yosh
No, it's about teaching noobs they have no right to buy a game and not know how to play it right away. Everyone knows that.
street peddler
next person who says e-peen is getting pistol whipped.
Who cares about your weapons in towns or in pugs, seriously...
I heard flamers can win cookies here, so I flame.
Whoaaa you have a rare weapon, you are sooo 1337 omg go spam it you'll get tons of fanboyz...
Who cares about your weapons in towns or in pugs, seriously...
I heard flamers can win cookies here, so I flame.
Whoaaa you have a rare weapon, you are sooo 1337 omg go spam it you'll get tons of fanboyz...
Miska Bow
Originally Posted by street peddler
next person who says e-peen is getting pistol whipped.

Originally Posted by Elia
Who cares about your weapons in towns or in pugs, seriously... I heard flamers can win cookies here, so I flame. Whoaaa you have a rare weapon, you are sooo 1337 omg go spam it you'll get tons of fanboyz... |
Lawrence Chang
Originally Posted by Ghen
well aint that same shit with armor / titles ?
People complain about this yet they don't complain about titles/armors.
Originally Posted by Lawrence Chang
People complain about this yet they don't complain about titles/armors. |
E-peen doesn't make you a good player.
Haygize!!!111! luk hao big mah epeen iz lolols!1!