Triple drop/double points weekend problems?
Tender Wolf
So all day I was hearing various people saying that it's almost as if the special weekend with triple lockpick drop rates hasn't even started. For instance, a friend has vanquished all day and didn't get one lockpick drop until the 11th one. Then he used it on a chest and it broken on a purple, but he didn't get double the unlucky points, it stayed the same. Is anyone else having problems with this, or are the people who are saying these things just having bad luck? I've heard that sometimes things are scheduled but don't actually get set up to occur. So I just thought I'd ask.
Just anecdotal, but I vanquished a few areas in Cantha earlier today, and would usually get at least one pick by now, but got none. Unusually bad luck for normal droprates, much less 3x. I don't buy picks, so since I didn't have any, I couldn't tell ya if the lucky/unlucky points work yet...
As I mentioned in the other thread...
~25 Fronis Irontoe normal mode runs today, averaging about 1 pick per run (as many as 4 in a single run) have gotten bonus for each box I open in there. "Just lucky, I guess"
~25 Fronis Irontoe normal mode runs today, averaging about 1 pick per run (as many as 4 in a single run) have gotten bonus for each box I open in there. "Just lucky, I guess"
Tender Wolf
Yay I got one! It broke but at least it was on a gold. Didn't think to check my points. lol Not a big deal even though I'm at 84/100 chests opened for Treasure Hunter, but at least I got one.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Unusually bad luck for normal droprates, much less 3x.
-- Chosovi
obsidian ectoplasm
This weekend sucks. End of story
I've been getting more dye drops than keys or lockpicks.
Originally Posted by StormDragonZ
I've been getting more dye drops than keys or lockpicks.
Point's Do Work, Thank God, I've Added A Few Thousand To Title Now But I Doubt I'll Get Another 300K To Hit Golden This Weekend
Squishy ftw
The double lucky/unlucky works, and so does the tripple(or whatever) lockpick drop's just about luck..
lol they get u the points but make the drop rate of the lockpicks 1%
2 Picks for me, 2 Picks for my mate while Vanquishing Varajar Falls. Cant complain.
mazey vorstagg
I figure 3x0 is still 0. So no lockpicks for me
The reason is that three times a teeny tiny drop percentage = still a teeny tiny percentage.
Some guildmates and I went to Frostmaws dungeon. We must have had at least 10 lockpicks drop during our run. Some from mobs. Some from hidden treasures and some from chests. Each pick I used broke however.
Me and a friend vanquished an area, he had 5 lockpicks, i had 1, nice weekend
Well, I stand corrected. Congratulations to those of you you have had great luck. I did get "Charmed" though!
-- Chosovi
-- Chosovi
Elusive of SoLD
I cartographed The Wilds mission and got about 5 Maguma Keys which was cool, have mainly been chest running and the dbl lucky/unlucky is working for me.
Noticed 2 people bottins which makes what im doing seem pointless if others can cheat to get the same reward, those botting were, [removed]
Mod Edit: GWG generally has a no-names policy for unverifiable accusations. Please respect the privacy of other players on these boards - the NCsoft Support team is the ideal place to provide such information, along with time, date, and other relevant information the event occurred. Thanks.
Noticed 2 people bottins which makes what im doing seem pointless if others can cheat to get the same reward, those botting were, [removed]
Mod Edit: GWG generally has a no-names policy for unverifiable accusations. Please respect the privacy of other players on these boards - the NCsoft Support team is the ideal place to provide such information, along with time, date, and other relevant information the event occurred. Thanks.
i've gotten 1 lockpick this weekend so far, did about 5-6 HM quests for my book.
Bo Fairfield
I did The Deep with my guild earlier, at least 12 or 13 Deep Jade Key Drops, as well as 4 black dyes... I agree with the people who said that dye drops are raised, but I also saw a ton of Keys.
I was helping guildies through EOTN yesterday and just about every mob dropped a pick for someone. It's definitely on.
I was getting more picks before the weekend started. Since it has, not one pick for me.
Shiro Katagari
I've had 9 or 10 picks drop for me in Normal Mode this weekend, mostly in the Charr Homelands. I think that's more than I've ever seen in the whole 3 years I've been playing!
Lawliet Kira
Gonna go solo spectrals we will be back with results in a few minutes with screen shots
nvm i did 3 runs not 1 i didnt bother to put screen shots up
nvm i did 3 runs not 1 i didnt bother to put screen shots up