Max Damage Mod
Well you know how weapons have base damage(15-22) and then a mod like 15% if health if above 50 or always or hexed or enchanted.Well whats the most % that you can find?Like is 15 the max or is anything above 15 mega rare?
15 for positive conditions (>50, enchanted, stance, vs hexed)
20 for negative conditions (<50, while hexed)
20 for negative conditions (<50, while hexed)
+15 is the highest for ^50% hp, enchanted and stanced, +20 is the highest for under 50% hp and hexed.
Edit: beaten to it.
Edit: beaten to it.
So 17% if hexed isnt special right? Oh darn I thought i had a item worth something :@
IMO not worth anything really as it relys on you having something bad on you for you to do more damage.