RAWR is Rebuilding! Looking for like-minded people to join.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2008

Whitefield, ME

Harbingers of Genocide [RAWR]


I made a little post in the PvE looking for guild section also... so you may check that out if you like, but anyway...

RAWR is rebuilding it's guild, we already have a handful of officers dedicated to helping us grow, are working on updates to our website, and have joined the ARCH alliance.

We were once a strong guild, with 50+ members, a full alliance of our own and 1 million factions to our guild alone. Things went downhill when guilds in the alliance failed to report that they were failing and the alliance disbanded. Our guild continued to be strong, but a couple of months ago, a few of our officers had to leave for a while due to real life issues.

We are looking to rebuild, and are recruiting officers and anyone interested in helping us grow. We aim for this to be a group environment of people in the same skill level, and interests. Those who are with us are mainly PvE players. and I am personally interested in recruiting more of the same. Individuals who enjoy all campaigns, HM, titles, dungeons, FoW, etc.

I am not just looking for members, but for people to share in the leadership of the guild, to help make decisions, recruit new members, and plan events. If you have an interest in being part of this please message me here or whisper me in game!

IGN: Genesis Gaia (add me to your friends list, and we'll have a chat ;-D )