Warrior Enery levels.
How much is is the total energy of a warrior and how much does it increase by.
20 at level 20 with no bonuses or items on.
base energy of all classes is 20, which never increases. warriors who wear gladiator's armor can get additional energy based on which pieces they are wearing (total of +8?). other than that, you would need items to increase your energy pool.
Originally Posted by striderkaaru
base energy of all classes is 20, which never increases. warriors who wear gladiator's armor can get additional energy based on which pieces they are wearing (total of +8?). other than that, you would need items to increase your energy pool.
Warrior base is 20 energy, 2 pips of regeneration.
Ranger base is 25 energy, 3 pips of regeneration.
Caster base is 30 energy, 4 pips of regeneration.
It is unaffected by level. The only things that add to energy, apart from weapon/focus and the energy storage attibute (Elementalist) are certain armours:
Gladiators gives +8 for warriors, other classes get Druids (Ranger), Ascetic's (Monk), Scar pattern (Necromancer) and Enchanter's (Memser) to boost their energy.
i suppose i could have worded it better. i guess what i wanted to say was that all classes naked have 20 energy and +2 regen. the extra energy for rangers and casters is from their armor.
however, epinephrine summed it up the best.
however, epinephrine summed it up the best.
Lord Iowerth