Since last night, I keep getting this error when ever I try to enter Shenzunn Tunnels in Cantha, every other area works fine, including the second area in this city (matuu keep) :S.
I don't know what is causing this, here's a screenshot of the error I keep getting.
Note: It only gives me this error when loading in this location, guild hall, + other areas work fine :s
Edit: Just resized the image.
Error when leaving Matuu Keep
I used to get that a few months ago (not from Maatu, but other locations). I was using a low-end computer at the time while my new rig was being put together, which may have been the reason, but I found that running at lowest graphics settings, defragging the GW folder and using -image helped.
I'm not sure if that could be a reason, I just bought a new mother board, heat sink, and graphics card, running at 60-100 FPS, but I guess it could be a possibility, maybe the gw.dat is corrupted but it works for every other area? that's what im confused about.
How good is your internet connection?
It's pretty good, Cable, 4mb speed. there's no problems with my ping

Not aware of any issues with Shenzun Tunnels - this sort of thing is common in EotN. I would say it's more likely a .dat problem. Either delete it and -image yourself a new one, or you could try running the game with the -repair switch. It might help.
cheers , trying that now,
edit:bah, i'll try doing a new one, good thing Im going out for atleast 5 hour anyway
edit:bah, i'll try doing a new one, good thing Im going out for atleast 5 hour anyway

Whose cable? Virgin?
See if you can get your .dat delivered by mail - probably quicker
See if you can get your .dat delivered by mail - probably quicker