I was away from GW for almost a year and I (within the past 2 weeks) decided to come back to GW. Now I have noticed quite a few game changes, some I like some I dont. I have also noticed quite a few things that I wished would have been changed, but where not.
Now all of this is fine and I will not go on about them, but what I still find utterly amusing is all of the Idiots still in the game. What I am going on about are those people who seem to have nothing better to do but to sit around in the cities say things like "I'm bored" or "GW Sucks". Or those people who feel it is really important to let everyone known that they like to say discrimanting remarks.
I know this happens in ALL games and I know these people can be reported (and some have), but it just struck me as funny.
One last thing, if any of you that are reading this are some of those people, can I have your stuff? You dont like playing so why not give your things away.