A little rant
Sai Rith
I'm sure this has already been posted and iscussed many times, but I don't care. At the Suggestions forum (for Guild Wars), I see a discussion for KOABD titles having emotes. My rant is a little in depth, and refers to ANY PvE title, which is why I made a sperate topic. Anyway, PvEr's are complaining that PvPer's have emotes. However, they don't realize that PvE titles have benefits that PvP titles don't. Examples are the Treasure Hunter and Lucky titles.The higher rank in those, the better drops from chest you get. Another are the Lightbringer/Sunspear titles. A high rank in those means powerful PvE only skills. If PvE titles were to get emotes, then PvP titles should have PvE benefits as well.
HuntMaster Avatar
I didn't read it, But I agree -100%.
I also hate salt in my penut butter and chicken jelly samiches.

I also hate salt in my penut butter and chicken jelly samiches.
im sorry i doesed, maybe becuase i have read this 9x10^123123 times, its not gonna happen, use search in future..............><
Originally Posted by Sai Rith
Examples are the Treasure Hunter and Lucky titles.The higher rank in those, the better drops from chest you get.
Since when?
12 chars
Smile Like Umean It
While I'm sure you have a point somewhere in there, but you made terrible examples. For instance, what advantage would a PvE player with maxed SS/LB have over a PvP player in PvP? Are they going to smite them with their super PvE only skills?
As for the Lucky/Hunter titles, I'm not even sure that's true, but it doesn't sound right. And even if it was true, what advantage does that have over someone who can simply reroll a character and make the exact weapon (stat-wise) that they want?
Wouldn't having title advantages in PvP, I don't, imbalance it even further?
So, yeah, you might wanna redirect us to your point.
As for the Lucky/Hunter titles, I'm not even sure that's true, but it doesn't sound right. And even if it was true, what advantage does that have over someone who can simply reroll a character and make the exact weapon (stat-wise) that they want?
Wouldn't having title advantages in PvP, I don't, imbalance it even further?
So, yeah, you might wanna redirect us to your point.
Please add your argument where it belongs, theres no reason to start a whole new thread about it.
Please add your argument where it belongs, theres no reason to start a whole new thread about it.