Just wondering if anyone has experienced their mouse cursor flashing constantly during game play, sometimes it messes me up because I will be in the middle of a battle and lose track of where my cursor is(so taking valuable time to click what i want) It flashes very fast, what is funny though is it does this in another game also (Counter strike: source) So I am not sure what is causing this. It is just very annoying. I am running 2 7900 GTX SLI. AMD 4800+ Dual core, over 2 gigs ram.
Mouse constantly flashes during game play
I know for a fact GW doesn't go well with SLI mode, and sometimes not with dual cores either.
Playing GW on 1 videocard would probably fix it.
Playing GW on 1 videocard would probably fix it.
If you have mouse trails enabled, disable it.
Aratak The Blind
You can try changing your display size in game. When you come back to your original size it could be fix. If this work every time you minimize gw it will come back.
Originally Posted by fusa
If you have mouse trails enabled, disable it.