It's obnoxious. 32 gems * the current 3.6 mats trader price is ~120k. And my only other options are buying them from other players (go try, they're sold ptp about as often as clay bricks) or repeating the trade contract quests ad nauseum on different characters until I get 224 of the damn things. And at 27 per character... well... I don't have 9 pve characters.
Vabbian armor is cute and all, but 200k armor it ain't. Hell, I only even noticed the obscene prices on gems because I'm on a Lawrence of Arabia kick and figured it'd be fun to get the stuff on my warrior.
Talk about a man's man.
I'm sure most of you are wondering why you should care that I'm too cheap to just buy it. Well, here's the deal. Most of the other 15k sets sit at around 80-100k. The newer it is, the more the campaign specific mats cost and all that. Heck, even Primeval Armor, the endgame set for NF, costs (in total) less than the mats for Vabbian.
Vabbian is, what, almost two years old now? And it still costs what seems to me to be obscene amounts of my filthy filthy lucre. This is silly.
I'm sure most people will respond with "lol go frm poor prson" or "just don't buy it!1!1!" or "urzan wey!", but this isn't so much a whine as it is a complaint that Vabbian armor is so out of whack pricewise when compared to other sets of gear. Even with FoW armor, if I got knocked on the head and suddenly decided that I wanted to spend a meeelion GWBucks buying it, I'd be able to go somewhere (random arena! I mean... uh... UW) and farm the specific items I need.
Full Disclosure: I've been playing for a few years now, and I've only got about 400k saved up, mostly from pvp (ab and halls drops) and being a total cheapo.
And yeah, this kinda is a whine. But it isn't like this change would bother any of you people -- I've seen, like, MAYBE one person still wearing Vabbian. It's soooo passe these days.
And now, a quote from my hero, judge floro:
Originally Posted by judge floro
the days radars of fetus suckers in full moon are electrified and opened full volume