Hey we are are pretty new guild formed by me and boarding dewd and a couple other RL friends.
We don't have many reqs but the few we do have are as follows:
Rage Free--Want to have fun while playing
Have your profession almost completely unlocked
Mature (no age req but needs to be able to handle constructive criticism)
Be Smart, know how to play your position.
Some previous GvG experience is preferred but not absolutly necessary.
The guild would be a GvG-based guild and HA in the downtime when not enough are on to GvG. Once we get 4 ppl to 14 days we would most likely start doing ATs and MATs.
Since I am in the American Central Time zone (GMT-6) this is what the playtimes would go off of. Other timezones are welcome to apply though.
We definitly need a monk and a necro. However we are recruiting extra people so we extra ppl incase somebody isn't on.
So pm me on these forums OR
Whisper either one of his in game, my ign=The Tinny
boarding dewd's ign=Boarding Dewd
Also recruiting guilds for our Luxon alliance.
Omega Squad recruiting
The Tinny