Meiji Renegade [MxR] is now recruiting

Reks Valentine

Reks Valentine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2008

Rainbow City, AL

Sweet Misty Fire [SMF]


[MxR] is now recruiting active players. We are looking for players to PvE, PvP, AB, FoW, UW, DoA. We are an North American Guild, with several international players. We are a Kurzick guild in X Legion of Doom X [L o D] Alliance. We have our own Vent server and would like to get more members in vent. We have our own web-site with forums. as you can also sign up and give your information to become a member of [MxR]. we have 80 members at the moment, with our goal to get 100 guality members.

If intrested PM me Reks Valentine or sign up at our web-site and one of our officers will contact you shortly

Good Luck