Hero Suggestions - Necro Hero / Hero AI


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2008

Improvement to Hero AI & Necro Hero AI:

Verata's Gaze - This spell should realy cast before A "animate undead spell' OR "Before any other spells besides heal type spells" if theres a masterless undead minion up, Reasoning, your minions tend to kill off the spawn of Malign Intervention before it can be turned friendly with Verata's Gaze because your other minions are right around the thing that dies when the masterless minion pops up.

Malign Intervention - This should be cast more often, I dont mean to say make it over cast, just cast it on a mobs that are at about 50% health, and the heros not casting.

Elemental Attument - This realy needs to be cast any time it can and even if Water/fire/air/earth attument is already active.

Hero UI/AI Improvement - I think it would be realy useful to have a option to make heros link spells, "say if they want to cast one spell you can make them cast another spell before it if they want to cast that spell, but not have it factor in the first spell, as the AI alot of times rates the cast time of the spells and how fast its needed to factor in how often it should cast that spell.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2008

Icy Veins - Icy veins need to cast again even if the hero knows the hex from Icy Veins is already on the foe, other wise its a bit of a waste.