now i know this doesnt really have to do with guild wars but i really like some of the artists on here so i thought i would ask here as well as my normal flash forum.
i need someone to help me in making flash games, you dont need ANY experience in flash, i just need images as i am artistically inept. i will do all of the programming ect and i will tell you exactly what i need for the game.
now why would you do this for me? well for one i will use your ideas for games, if you ever wanted a game made i will make it IF its within my abilities as im not a god and some things i cant do.
also the site i host on Kongregate, has revenue sharing, and i would be willing to split this 50/50. so hey you can make money off of this lol.
last but not least i could prolly give you some guild wars gold but seeing as extensive as this would be i dont think i would have enough gold to make up for it.
so go ahead and respond if you are interested in being my partner on this, and please post some samples of your work as i am a bit picky. thanks in advance
Flash Game animator
got an animator so yea