Just an idea:I think it would be good if A-Net created an option that would let you save different control and user interface profiles instead of just having one 'profile'.
For example there is a control set up that uses 1,2,3,4,5,t,g,h to target party members and q,w,e,r,t,a,s,d,f are used for skill activation. If we had the option of having more then one control scheme preset, a user could swap between this set up and the default one with the click of a button as opposed to having to click 'default settings' to revert back and then manually re-assign each key when they want to swap back to the 12345tgh targeting system.
This would also be handy for user interface (party window, radar, size of windows etc.) so that the game can remember more than one layout that you can swap between with ease instead of having to resize the windows in cuztomise interface option manually everytime you want to swap.
Presets/Profiles for controls & user interface
they should come in forms of templates
HFFF would become alot easier to micro this way
they should come in forms of templates
HFFF would become alot easier to micro this way
/signed. i play on three different computers and use a different layout on each due to screen size. I also use a different layout for different classes. Templates would rock.
NYC Elite
Would help playing other professions easier.
Would help playing other professions easier.
Riot Narita
Nice idea.
I use a programmable gamepad which lets me do exactly that. For HFFF, I use a template with buttons assigned for hero flagging and hero skills. For times when I'm using weapon spells, healing etc.... I use a template with those same buttons reassigned to target party members... etc etc.
It would be cool for people to have that kind of convenience built into the game... implementing it hurts no-one... and it wouldn't imbalance the game.
I use a programmable gamepad which lets me do exactly that. For HFFF, I use a template with buttons assigned for hero flagging and hero skills. For times when I'm using weapon spells, healing etc.... I use a template with those same buttons reassigned to target party members... etc etc.
It would be cool for people to have that kind of convenience built into the game... implementing it hurts no-one... and it wouldn't imbalance the game.
Good idea. Like many other people, I also play on different computers and templates would be very convenient.
Good idea. Like many other people, I also play on different computers and templates would be very convenient.
Thread necro, as shifting between a 22' and a 14' monitor for laptop and desktop proves mildly complicated for optimum interface options.