That Darn Ele
Shiishii Momo
So I got a wild hair yesterday and decided to get a partial alliance group together for an Underworld clear, we meant in TOA and needed a few more to fill out the group. Me and another monk, and 3 Ursans (yeah, i know), so the other Monk starts spamming for 2 more ursans and a terra... He later explains the terra is to clear the Chaos Plains. So, we enter, and start as usual, right after we finish clearing the chamber, the terra takes off to the Chaos Plains, which I am told is what he's supposed to do. Long story short, while we were doing the rest of the quests and getting jack squat, the terra is getting ecto's like crazy and gold drops, and then once he got his fill, he zoned out without doing any of the quests, horsemen or queen. I later get told (after we wiped on the horsemen) that this has gotten very common. Anybody else have experience with this? What would you suggest be done about it? thanks, momo.
Just find a person to do it that you trust. An alliance or guild member could set up their Ele and learn how to do it
That's probs your best bet.

Free Runner
Whatever happened to that thread "The biggest Jerk you ever met"? that was a fantastic read.
I trust nobody in UW/FoW. There are too many greedy f**ks in those areas so its always better to go with guildies/alliance members.
I trust nobody in UW/FoW. There are too many greedy f**ks in those areas so its always better to go with guildies/alliance members.
Gun Pierson
Happened to a few groups I was in last week too. I hate those terras that leave, selfish pricks. Another point about terras is that they almost never got a con set (or don't wanne use one), but they rake in a lot of ectos.
There should be a consequence for leaving as they give terras a bad name. I've got one in my ignore list but couldn't report him as he needs to be in the same area.
There should be a consequence for leaving as they give terras a bad name. I've got one in my ignore list but couldn't report him as he needs to be in the same area.
HuntMaster Avatar
is a terratank a w/e? if so pm me the build, weapons,runes,armor needed and the timezone and time you play in and I will take the place of the terra tank if its a w/e. I would love to play that area. I wouldnt leave either, if for no other reason, if I left I would only be hurting myself, losing a group to play with regularly.
I would like a reliable group to play the harder areas with and I would do my best to do my job in the group. Although I would need a few tries to get the hang of the build and area.
I also have an ele but its still in the baby stages of being built. But I am serious about helping with no BS.
PS: Yes I am newby when it comes to builds due to never chatting with people or checking build forums.
I would like a reliable group to play the harder areas with and I would do my best to do my job in the group. Although I would need a few tries to get the hang of the build and area.
I also have an ele but its still in the baby stages of being built. But I am serious about helping with no BS.
PS: Yes I am newby when it comes to builds due to never chatting with people or checking build forums.

Originally Posted by HuntMaster Avatar
is a terratank a w/e? if so pm me the build, weapons,runes,armor needed and the timezone and time you play in and I will take the place of the terra tank if its a w/e. I would love to play that area. I wouldnt leave either, if for no other reason, if I left I would only be hurting myself, losing a group to play with regularly.
I would like a reliable group to play the harder areas with and I would do my best to do my job in the group. Although I would need a few tries to get the hang of the build and area. I also have an ele but its still in the baby stages of being built. But I am serious about helping with no BS. PS: Yes I am newby when it comes to builds due to never chatting with people or checking build forums. ![]() |
Originally Posted by Shiishii Momo
What would you suggest be done about it? thanks, momo.
Be a terra tank yourself

^that is why the Terra's are still doing it...
I can think of a few ways to make the Terra stay through the entire run. 1. make them bring a con set and use it first when your group gets to UW. This will make them loose about 7k, which they will get back in ecto drops. 2. Make them scroll the group in/pay for the group. 3. Have them only solo places when you tell them to. If they don't want to do it your way kik'em. 4. If they leave spam them (it makes every one feel better
I can think of a few ways to make the Terra stay through the entire run. 1. make them bring a con set and use it first when your group gets to UW. This will make them loose about 7k, which they will get back in ecto drops. 2. Make them scroll the group in/pay for the group. 3. Have them only solo places when you tell them to. If they don't want to do it your way kik'em. 4. If they leave spam them (it makes every one feel better
Nittle Grasper
Wait so he didn't stay for chance at an eternal blade? WTF moron, I would never leave just after getting a couple of ectos I want the whole deal baby!
Johny bravo
Time he goes in solos leaves and does it again. If he gets only 2 ectos a run he can easily make more then an e-blade is worth in the time it would take to finally get one considering the drop rate for them is low
Is it really any wonder where the ectos are at in the UW anymore? (Hint: It starts with a C and ends with a S) If you really want the ectos, go kill over there or don't complain about the Terra tank getting them. Yeah, it wasn't right for the guy to leave but people are going to be pricks.
We are on the internet after all...
We are on the internet after all...
Unfortunately there seem to be more bad Terras out there than good ones.
It's the old monk syndrome. They know you need them so they can act like Prima Donna's with their demands. Personally, I'd rather just go balanced or even with an extra Ursan in place of the Terra and take a little bit longer to clear, but good luck convincing the average pug to agree.
It's the old monk syndrome. They know you need them so they can act like Prima Donna's with their demands. Personally, I'd rather just go balanced or even with an extra Ursan in place of the Terra and take a little bit longer to clear, but good luck convincing the average pug to agree.
Zeff Nut
I have been doing several UW runs lately and I see this trend with terras also, now this is not a generalization as I have been fortunate to team with some very good terras. Best time was aprox 50 mins for complete HM clear, in a PUG. More often than not though, with 2 terras in the group, neither one has a con set, no scrolls, they come farm the main ecto areas (and I don't mind that really IF they do their jobs also as I have a 600 monk and can farm ecto if I really want it) and we spend more time running back and forth resing them because they die on a consistant basis, and heaven forbid you ask them to just wait a couple mins so you can finish the quest/ clearing area you have started, they just leave. Even though it takes a bit longer, most times I would rather just go with 1 good terra that someone knows as really the only thing they are pretty much essential for is taking 1 side of 4 horseman, even if it's just holding till ursan's clear other side. Was wondering when I'd see a thread like this, guess I'm not the only one getting disgusted with terras lately.
thtat guy sounds cool. report him for griefing.
Why would you waste time doing this, when you can solo with SF?
Fried Tech
sry to hear about your luck.
if ppl need a terra for HM UW feel free to msg me in game
<<< ign.
If I'm not busy or afk (happens a lot during summer) i will be glad to help
if ppl need a terra for HM UW feel free to msg me in game
<<< ign.
If I'm not busy or afk (happens a lot during summer) i will be glad to help
Originally Posted by Antheus
Why would you waste time doing this, when you can solo with SF?

Originally Posted by Lycan X
End area chest perhaps?
![]() |
Man this type of rubbish is sadly becoming so common....Lots of leavers, leechers and all other types of jerks.
Same happened to me in FoW with the monk forcing us to sell him lockpicks (at a low price) cuz he didn't bring his and if we don't? Well, he'll leave us...
Same thing happened to me about 5 months ago was redoing ToMBs with a B/ranger team and the MM got nasty and left....
Same happened to me in FoW with the monk forcing us to sell him lockpicks (at a low price) cuz he didn't bring his and if we don't? Well, he'll leave us...
Same thing happened to me about 5 months ago was redoing ToMBs with a B/ranger team and the MM got nasty and left....

Sorry I don't know much about Terra's but, I thought they only tanked and did not do any damage. So, couldn't you make them ping their build and see if they have damage dealing, if so kick them before you go down?
Squishy ftw
Originally Posted by Shiishii Momo
What would you suggest be done about it?
Originally Posted by kratimas
Sorry I don't know much about Terra's but, I thought they only tanked and did not do any damage. So, couldn't you make them ping their build and see if they have damage dealing, if so kick them before you go down?
The terra leaving before the horsemen quest just doesn't make sense. It's just a couple of minutes of additional work for a guaranteed reward, from a reward/effort perspective it's by far the best deal in the entire run. It makes even less sense if you consider that the terra doesn't need the rest of the team for the Chaos Planes farming run.
Next time, consider taking a SF sin instead. It can do everything that the terra can do and more
As said, that terra was dumb as a sink to leave that early.
Being minutes from endgame chest and quiting? jeez.
Being minutes from endgame chest and quiting? jeez.
There is a reason I quit playing in Pugs 3 years ago. 99% of the people you find in outposts are selfish retards.
Zeff Nut
Originally Posted by tmakinen
. It makes even less sense if you consider that the terra doesn't need the rest of the team for the Chaos Planes farming run.