The string summonor
Lawliet Kira
This is mainly towards gw2
A new unique class, that uses strings to manipulate foes actions
Primary Attribute
String caller: For every 2 in this attribute, your strings have a 3% range increase
Mimicry: No inherit effect. Increases skills used in this attribute
String Manipulation: No Inherit effect. Increases skills used in this attribute.
Here are some skill examples
15e 2c 15r
Puppet master: For 5 seconds you control target foes movements.
String Manipulation:
10e 1c 10r
Target foe uses a random skill from skill bar on target ally, if that skill was an attack, target foe deals the amount of damage it would have done to you, but to targets ally.
A new unique class, that uses strings to manipulate foes actions
Primary Attribute
String caller: For every 2 in this attribute, your strings have a 3% range increase
Mimicry: No inherit effect. Increases skills used in this attribute
String Manipulation: No Inherit effect. Increases skills used in this attribute.
Here are some skill examples
15e 2c 15r
Puppet master: For 5 seconds you control target foes movements.
String Manipulation:
10e 1c 10r
Target foe uses a random skill from skill bar on target ally, if that skill was an attack, target foe deals the amount of damage it would have done to you, but to targets ally.
Hybrid Meteroa
Eh, no thanks.
Konig Des Todes
I agree with Hybrid, no thanks. The general idea can work *if you call it a Puppeteer, which would be the real name*, but not with those types of ideas, Mesmers are better*and same idea cept that mesmers use mind manipulation instead of physical manipulation*.
Originally Posted by Avatar The Element
10e 1c 10r Target foe uses a random skill from skill bar on target ally, if that skill was an attack, target foe deals the amount of damage it would have done to you, but to targets ally. |
It doesn't seem like something that would fit into a GW world, to be honest :/
Killed u man
Would be cool to see tough, with a spinning wheel, a guy shooting (and weaving them, or whatever U call it) these webs...
Simply call them Spider-Mans....
Simply call them Spider-Mans....
I'd rather have the mesmer-like class have abilities to confuse/control enemies honestly. It suits them more. A class dedicated to strings is interesting but not for me.
Then Again Im the guy that wants bards instead of paragons so....My input means squat
Then Again Im the guy that wants bards instead of paragons so....My input means squat

the savage nornbear
wot? strong somonor?
Phoenix Tears
whats this for junk ?
You gave your stuff there even only 3 Attributes, do you want us to throw at you lolcats like that mental ill woman in "The Simpsons" ?
You dont describe anything about your idea, how this junk should work ingame - atm it justs looks only like a slight to heavy overpowered terrible named nonsense.
If we talk about Puppeteers as a new profession, or if it was maybe the OP's intetion to create that and he/she hadn't known that the profession gets called so whatever... then a Puppeteer at least in GW1 would look attribute wise like this:
[P] Telekinesis
Every Point in Telekinesis lets move your Dolls 2% faster and destroyed Dolls will get repaired 2% faster.
Includes Doll Buff Skills and mental non elemental Energy Attack Skills
Doll Game
Used Minipet Attacks will become with Doll Game stronger and iwll have higher chance for critical attacks, each doll can have a different damage type, be it slashing, blunt, piercing or elemental damage, making Puppeteers through this Weapon Attribut damage wise very versatile, but this Attribute will also count for Staff/Rod weapons as standart, as logn you have no minipet, that you can use as "weapon" *gg* (FFX's Lulu lets greet ^.~)
Heal/E Management Skills and for the Puppeteer or single Ally Members and E-management Skills for your Dolls.
Doll Creation
Creating (summoning) Dolls at your side (max 3) which are balance wise a mix yet out of ranger pets and the necros flesh golem/undead group concept, with the important point, that you as Puppeteer just can't resummon a new doll or call it puppet, its regardless, because the Puppeteer is limited on having max 3 and when one of them gets destroyed, the destroyed one must be first get repaired, before it can be "resummoned", thats the reason, why Puppeteers should have in GW1 3 pets with similar power of flesh golems, but semi gameplay of ranger pets and the malus of undead alllies of being not ever summonable, when you need them.
However, even if i talk here about GW1, it is naturally also imaginable for doubt
, but because I talk about GW1, this concept here has only 4 attributes, would I talk about GW2, I'd try to give it more, like at least 7
HP: 480
MP: 30
MR: >>> (+>, when MPv50%) (I ask me really, why GW has yet not such interestign weapon mods
AL: 60
Doll Master's (+ 5 Defense for every summoned Doll of yours (max +15 Defense also with 3 active Dolls on field)
Mentalist's (+1 Energy for every summoned Doll of yours (so again max +15 max Energy, as long you have 3 active summoned Dolls and have this insignia on all Armor parts > 5*[+1 a summoned Doll = max 3]= max +15E)
Mind Reader's' (+5HP Health heal, whenever a Telepathy of you ends)
Manipulator's (+30 AL vs. Chaos Damage, creating Dolls costs 20% more Energy *this will include, that balancewise lots of mesmer spells will get changed into dealing Chaos Damage, instead of armor ignoring non elemental damage.
If you post example skills, you should post per attribute far more than just only one, because when you can't show, that you can't think of enough skills for your own CC, why should be Anet then able to do this for you ? Listing example skills should contain per attribute at least 5 Skills for the lazy ones, 10 for those people ,that really want to describe good the gameplay of their CC.
What I wrote here is just the half part of a real serious CC suggestion as example, that looks at least somehow a bit structured and thought out...uhm longer than just 5 minutes
whats this for junk ?
You gave your stuff there even only 3 Attributes, do you want us to throw at you lolcats like that mental ill woman in "The Simpsons" ?
You dont describe anything about your idea, how this junk should work ingame - atm it justs looks only like a slight to heavy overpowered terrible named nonsense.
If we talk about Puppeteers as a new profession, or if it was maybe the OP's intetion to create that and he/she hadn't known that the profession gets called so whatever... then a Puppeteer at least in GW1 would look attribute wise like this:
[P] Telekinesis
Every Point in Telekinesis lets move your Dolls 2% faster and destroyed Dolls will get repaired 2% faster.
Includes Doll Buff Skills and mental non elemental Energy Attack Skills
Doll Game
Used Minipet Attacks will become with Doll Game stronger and iwll have higher chance for critical attacks, each doll can have a different damage type, be it slashing, blunt, piercing or elemental damage, making Puppeteers through this Weapon Attribut damage wise very versatile, but this Attribute will also count for Staff/Rod weapons as standart, as logn you have no minipet, that you can use as "weapon" *gg* (FFX's Lulu lets greet ^.~)
Heal/E Management Skills and for the Puppeteer or single Ally Members and E-management Skills for your Dolls.
Doll Creation
Creating (summoning) Dolls at your side (max 3) which are balance wise a mix yet out of ranger pets and the necros flesh golem/undead group concept, with the important point, that you as Puppeteer just can't resummon a new doll or call it puppet, its regardless, because the Puppeteer is limited on having max 3 and when one of them gets destroyed, the destroyed one must be first get repaired, before it can be "resummoned", thats the reason, why Puppeteers should have in GW1 3 pets with similar power of flesh golems, but semi gameplay of ranger pets and the malus of undead alllies of being not ever summonable, when you need them.
However, even if i talk here about GW1, it is naturally also imaginable for doubt

HP: 480
MP: 30
MR: >>> (+>, when MPv50%) (I ask me really, why GW has yet not such interestign weapon mods

AL: 60
Doll Master's (+ 5 Defense for every summoned Doll of yours (max +15 Defense also with 3 active Dolls on field)
Mentalist's (+1 Energy for every summoned Doll of yours (so again max +15 max Energy, as long you have 3 active summoned Dolls and have this insignia on all Armor parts > 5*[+1 a summoned Doll = max 3]= max +15E)
Mind Reader's' (+5HP Health heal, whenever a Telepathy of you ends)
Manipulator's (+30 AL vs. Chaos Damage, creating Dolls costs 20% more Energy *this will include, that balancewise lots of mesmer spells will get changed into dealing Chaos Damage, instead of armor ignoring non elemental damage.
If you post example skills, you should post per attribute far more than just only one, because when you can't show, that you can't think of enough skills for your own CC, why should be Anet then able to do this for you ? Listing example skills should contain per attribute at least 5 Skills for the lazy ones, 10 for those people ,that really want to describe good the gameplay of their CC.
What I wrote here is just the half part of a real serious CC suggestion as example, that looks at least somehow a bit structured and thought out...uhm longer than just 5 minutes

i love the pic

I Conjure Ho I
lol @ lolcat. i need to throw some at u