I've borrowed this idea from Ragnarok Online. Maybe it could be possible to use some kind of outside program to write instructions for our heroes?
For example ,,Start battle with skill nr 1, then follow by 2 and 4'' or ,,Focus interrupt skills on Monks/Elementalists (to choose)'' or even ,,Don't use skill XX on YClassY''. Or maybe something like ,,Set priority to healing/supporting player/hero nr1/2/3'' to make sure hero doesn't cast Splinter Weapon on me, monk that calls a target, but on the melee/Barrage ranger. Probably it would be impossible to script it to farm UW with A/Me or A/E, but it would improve AI.
Of course, it would be loaded just like Templates and each hero could have separate instruction.
Hero Scripts
Bump for the heck of it.
It's possible ... that's why there are bots out there...