Originally Posted by Taurus
The right price on a zaishen key ( after the zrank update ) would be a balance on the average gold gain per chest drop ( not only merch price but the actual item price in the market ) + the price on 5 points on the zaishen title track. There isnt a way to calculate that, since the drops are unpredictable and the you really cant put up a price on a title track like the zrank, so the average price is supposed to reach a optimum balance by a common sense of worth of the players...
I had figured the price of 5k was about right - since it takes 5k Balth faction to get one and that's equivalent to unlocking 5 skills - which would normally cost 1k each.
I'd think that attempting to price based on the possible drop's values is a very tough equation. There are too many variables with unknown value. What's the drop percentage of an everlasting? Even if you make simplifying assumptions (gold item dropped will be worth on average 456g), there's still a lot of variability.
Realistically, the keys are just the latest and greatest invention by Anet for a title that will later be called "weak cause its bought".