I am not too afraid of the ecto prices dropping. Type /favor. It's getting about 500minutes less per day. So in about 1,5-2weeks we won't have permanent favor anymore. There are still scrolls, but those might get expensive because of huge demand.
Also if the ectos' price drops under a certain level imo there are always people buying them for that cheap price and prices go up right again.
Don't worry. Don't panic. Don't mind.
picks vs ectos
Zena Starlight
Originally Posted by _Todeshand_
I am not too afraid of the ecto prices dropping. Type /favor. It's getting about 500minutes less per day. So in about 1,5-2weeks we won't have permanent favor anymore. There are still scrolls, but those might get expensive because of huge demand.
You could buy a load of picks at 1.2k at alliance towns. At least when you trade them back to other players you could make a slight profit guaranteed