Voltaic Spear and the Official Wiki
Well I went ahead and checked out where voltaic spears drop on the official wiki and the unnofficial, obviously out of duncan chests, zaishen, underworld, and FoW, but something puzzled me. The official wiki says they drop from enchanted spears as well, and I always knew that enchanted spear held voltaic spears, but I never thought that they dropped them. Of course, the unofficial wiki has no such claim. Before farming my brains out on those enchanted spears, I was wondering if anyone has a screenie with something like this? I remember what happened with the celestial compass, and people modifying the official wiki to keep compass prices high as hell, but does anyone have a screenie?
In my experience you always trust the unofficial wiki.
No Enchanted spears do not drop voltaics this is coming from countless CoF Runs
I run CoF at least 4 times a day, for a long time now. I've heard the rumors also, but am yet to see one drop.
there is always the chance of having bad luck though, so maybe you should stick to the confirmed drop locations
the official wiki is wrong quite often. most of the smart people stuck to guild wiki
Dark Luke
If you find something in the offical wiki wrong, then edit it!
The enchanted spears in any of Slavers like Forgewight hold Voltaic Spear, so they might drop them... but as far as i know, non of the Enchanted drop the skins they are holding, like Embersteel or Magmus shields.
Originally Posted by Dark Luke
If you find something in the offical wiki wrong, then edit it!
or i could just go to the wiki that has more articles that are all correct