Since there is no more expansion comming (as far we know) for GW-1, I was thinking to keep us motivated, for playing GW untill GW-2, why not make UW bigger.
Suggestion 1:
Like we all know, UW has 5 area's, with all core prof's. In the past there was a discussion about that secret door, in the back in Ice Wastes.... why not making 4 new area's inside UW? Make an area for Paragon, Dervish, Assassin and Ritualist.....

Suggestion 2:
After you have done all the quests, you get back to the chamber and you getting your stuff out of the UW chest. When you have completed this, you unlock a Elite mission/quest inside UW. This behind the big secret door. When you completed this Elite, there will be a chest spawning named "Chest of Grenth" (or something like this)

Let me know what u all think about this

Grtz, Mr Jorgen