The undead are spread throughout the world of Tyria and the Rift. Of course nearly everything in the Rift would be considered undead, as ghosts are as well. For the sake of simplicity, I will separate the undead into two main factions, “Tyrian Undead” and “Rift Undead.” The difference is explained in the titles.
Tyrian Undead
These Undead are the ones that are encountered in the World of Tyria, in other words, those not in the Realm of the Gods. These undead can then be split into the categories of “Army Based” and “Restless” undead. The Restless would be simple ghosts that cannot move on, much like the ones I discussed in one of my previous threads, Spirits. Where do they go after they "die?". These undead can be then be divided into their location, which would be “Ascalonian Restless” and “Crystal Desert Restless” (I do not include “Desolation Restless” because the Desolation is part of the Crystal Desert). The Restless doesn’t need much more discussion.
The “Army Based” groups are simply all of the hostile undead that are in an army, as the name suggests. Such armies include the Lich’s Army, Joko’s Army, the undead who rebel against Joko, Fendi Nin’s army, among others. These Armies can be put into the categories of Orrian, Desolation, and Depths armies.
Tyrian Undead
Restless Undead*It is never mentioned that Selvetarm actually controls these undead, however they only appear in his level, so it is very possible.Ascalonian RestlessArmy Based Undead
Crystal Desert RestlessOrrian ArmyDepths ArmyVizier Khilbron’s ArmyDesolation Army
Fendi Nin’s ArmyPalawa Joko’s Army
Rebel ArmyMurakai’s Army
Zoldark’s Army
Selvetarm’s Army*
Rift Undead
This group is easier to categorize then the Tyrian Undead. That is because there are a lot less, as the area of the Rift we can go to is far less then that on Tyria. These undead mostly belong to Dhuum, or is guessed to belong to Dhuum. The undead believed to be under Dhuum’s control are in all of the Rift areas we are able to access, excluding the Fissure of Woe. These areas are the Domain of Anguish (Foundry of Failed Creations), the Tombs of Primeval Kings(All levels), and the Underworld (mostly the Chaos Plains and Ice Wastes). The only Undead that are in the Rift that are not under the control of Dhuum are the Skeleton Army. With that, we can categorize the Rift Undead.
Rift Undead
Dhuum’s ArmyDomain of AnguishSkeleton Army
Tombs of Primeval Kings
Shing Jea IslandFissure of Woe
II. Lich Lords
One thing I have always wondered since Nightfall came out, was how did Palawa Joko become a Lich Lord himself and what is his history? And when Eye of the North came out, I wondered where Zoldark came from, and how Murakai is able to control the other undead.
Sadly, the question for Zoldark and Murakai are still unknown to me, as is Palawa’s human life. However, through looking at Vizier Khilbron, it is possible to see how one becomes a lich. Vizier Khilbron became a Lich himself by casting that powerful spell that created the Cataclysm. So that means that a very ancient and powerful spell can turn oneself into a Lich, in the Guild Wars universe at least that much is known. By looking up Lich on wikipedia, it says:
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
n modern fantasy fiction, a lich (IPA: /ˈlɪtʃ/) (sometimes spelled liche, cognate to German Leiche"corpse") is a type of undead creature, usually formerly a powerful magician or king, who has used evil rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a perverse form of immortality.
With the aftermath of Khilbron turning into a Lich (The Cataclysm) then Palawa Joko might have created a similar event to occur, which might even be the reason why that spell was forbidden. It is possible it was even the same spell that turned Palawa Joko into a Lich himself. Looking at the timeline of Tyria, in order to find the origin of Palawa Joko, it would be a good guess to look for a past disaster that occurred before Joko’s first reign.
The first mention of Joko is in 757 AE, about 300 years before current time in Guild Wars. Keeping the research to Elona only, the first disaster to occur before Joko’s mention is the Scarab Plauge, before that is the creation of the Crystal Desert and Desolation, however that was caused by Abaddon’s fall, not a spell. Other then those two events, there are no recorded disasters in the timeline.
If joko was the cause of the scarab plague through making himself a lich, that means that he is from Istan, as that is where the Scarab Plague originated. Also, seeing how "the royal family was eradicated" then it is likely that Joko could have been in that royalty, which would show that he had leadership before becoming a Lich. If the Scarab Plague was caused by Joko becoming a lich, then that means that Joko lived as a human around 452 AE, which then would mean that he is about 600 years old.
With that in mind, that either means that the effect of a spell that turns one into a Lich either isn’t limited to a simple giant explosion like the Cataclysm, or it can be not as deadly, possibly just killing oneself and being automatically resurrected as an undead that kept his will and that is powerful enough to control others.
III. Difference between Minions and other Undead
The most obvious difference is that Minions have degenerating life, other undead do not. One difference that I have noticed other then the aforementioned is that, when their master dies, minions go rampant and attack anything and everything, in other words, they are like the Destroyers after the Great Destroyer’s death, mindless killing machines. However, other undead do not go rampant and attack anything and everything, as evident by Joko’s defeat by Turai. Although Joko was not killed, the bonds between master and servants were broken. Although all of the undead in the desolation were technically free from Joko, some stayed loyal to Joko and did not rebel like many others did. Other then that, I cannot find any other differences, both are undead (obviously) some have flesh, some do not, and lastly they all much have a master in order to coordinate things. Those are the only the real differences between a Minion and other Undead.
Although it's not GW undead, here is a link that has some information about undead that I found rather interesting (mainly the "intelligence" of undead part). It may take a few reloads to show it all due to high graphics and whatnot used in the page (Blizzard being fancy eh?).
Thanks for reading this research I have done.