Bezerker Profession

Nick Of Troy

Nick Of Troy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008

New Zealand.

Human Alliance [HA]


The Bezerker exists mainly as an anti-buffer to his opponents. All affected enemies in earshot of his War Cries have a chance to be knocked down due to his primary attribute Intimidation. Bezerker War Cries can cancel out existing buffs/enchantments in enemies, interrupt, and even cause them too lose control of their NPC allies (spirits, minions,pets) for a short while. The Bezerker takes a front-line position wielding a club, or may choose to master the mid-ranged Throwing Axe.

This class would use Taunts, Threats and Battle Cries to temporarily affect opponents within earshot. His role would mainly to deny buffing assets to his foes, and several vocal skills would also aid in the stratagy of turning enemy allies into hostile creatures for a limited period of time.

  • Intimidation - For every point, enemy's chance of recieving a 3 second knock-down when affected by War Cry increases by 1%.
  • War Cries - Governs and enhances Taunts, Threats and Battle Cries.
  • Throwing Axe Mastery - Governs and enhances ranged axe skills.
  • Club Mastery - Governs and enhances club-based skills.

Armor Level

Being a front-line fighter, the Bezerker would have an armor rating either equal or slightly lower than a Warrior

Energy Level

- 25 Energy, 1-3 Energy Regen

Range Type

- Mid-Ranged - Throwing Axes
- Melee - Club

Constructive discussion of this class is welcome, and id appreciate insight into possible weaknesses this class could possess.

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


So basically its a Paragon/War with a throwing axe instead of a spear...

Taunts/threats/battle cries = Shouts/Chants/Echos

Basically you building new shouts that strip other shouts/enchantments....

This really doesnt read lilke a new class to me, just a new set of Paragon/war skills...

This link is to an old class I proposed that could do what your looking to do but with a bit of a twist.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007



i like the me it sounds like the opposite of a paragon. the ying to the yang if you will. not sure tho if its a strong enough case to be a stand-alone class, but the intimidation and war cries are a great idea.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Yeah it sounds like a Warrior/Paragon to me to.
Or like a Barbarian from Diablo II...

Sure it is a nice concept but it fails to me when it's a mix of the 2 professions.

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

lol, what a weird imagination of BERSERKERS *cough* Bezerker lol, just as funny as calling Rogues ever Rouge *looks at Magna XD j/k*

Imo this CC fails and sucks for me personally alone of the fact, because it shows a Wannabe-Berserker with total wrong Setting making this CC look like a retarded Para-Clone, which is in itself a retarded Warrior-Clone >.<

Berserkers don't wield Clubs and Throwing Axes rofl, they aren't Pseudo-Indians >.>

Nick Of Troy

Nick Of Troy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008

New Zealand.

Human Alliance [HA]


Crom: I'll admit that the Throwing Axe idea is a pretty weak one, my excuse is i've yet to come up with a fourth attribute, and giving this class a choice of two weapons makes a good makeshift attribute. The Zen class is very close in what i'm attempting to describe, save that Bezerker would be a close-range buff-canceller instead of a team buffer. Thanks for the link, it'll help me to try and improve the idea for this class

Taunts/threats/battle cries = Shouts/Chants/Echos

I agree that these skills would be similar to the ones of Paragons and Warriors, but the difference is that these skills affect enemies, not allies. The Bezerker would have only a few team buffing skills, if any, and would not simply cancel out other chants, shouts etc. My ideas for these skill types was that they serve to shorten/nullify enchantment times, disrupt stances and cause pets, spirits and minions to turn on their masters for a short while.

Komma: Thanks for the input. This Concept Profession did begin as an anti-para profession, but I've been trying to find ways to make it more viable as it's own profession. Any ideas would be welcome

Nadasee: I've never played Diablo, but my friend did tell me that when i was describing it to him, so you're not alone in that analysis. Any improvements or alterations you think could be added?

Phoenix Tears: Hungry wannabe-elitist troll needs food. If you're actually attempting to flame my idea because of my CC doesnt conform completely to what you think a Beserker should be, please proceed to nearest wayshrine and fall to your knees begging Dwayna for some dignity and/or brains. My character is not intended for the neo-Norse kiddies to make female avatars and fapfapfap too; that is why the Norn were created. I selected the Club weapon because it fits with my idea of a brutish character who's bark is more painful than his bite. The club would do Low-Medium damage, because the true advantage a Bezerker posesses is the ability to demoralize a large amount of opponents at once. I could have opted instead for some variety of coolzors broadsword or crossbow, but i believe that GW currently has enough different sword types, and nty to the crossbow.

However, the bottom line is that you simply do not like this CC. Fair enough. Now unless you have some progressive ideas or advice to share, please don't come a'knocking in here again. I want help improving this CC, not more lamentation of how non-canon it is

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Imo Berserkers would look attribute wise so:

[P]Brutal Rage
For every 4 points in BR, you receive 25% more Adrenaline from Enemy Hits and whenever you use a War Cry, while being in Berserk Mode, you receive +3 Energy (max +12 and that max 3x per 15s)
Includes many adrenaline based AoE Force Attack Skills

Blood Lust
No inherent Effect. Includes Self Buff Skills and Self Heal Skills, as also very special Finishing Moves, that you can use only, when in Berserk Mode and when your foes hit on certain requirements, like being in negative Status X or having HP under y%, which become alo slightly more effective, so more foes are around you

War Cries
Debuffing Shouts, which remove Shouts, Chants and Echoes from Foes or in generally demoralize and weaken them. A new negative status effect needs to be implemented imo "Fear"

Fear: When under Fear, your Hit rate gets reduced by 50% and whenever you miss with your attacks, you lose 3-9 Energy Points, but while under Fear, all the attacks will give that Foe double Adrenaline

2H Weapon Mastery (including Great Swords/Axes)
Simple Weapon Mastery for 2H Swords and al other masteries

Great Sword
17-32 (speed of Hammer)

Great Axe
10-39 (speed of Hammer)

Thats how Berserkers should look and not like a mix of norse and indians with tomahawks lol


HP: 480 (-50 while Berserking)
MP: 20 (+5 while Berserking)
MR: >> (+> while Berserking)

AL: 70


Warmonger's (AL + 10 while under the Effect of a Shout)

Bloody (Get healed by +2 Energy, whenever a nearby foe to you goes under 25% Health)

Barbarian's (Get Healed by 5 HP (max 25), whenever you use a War Cry)

Wild (+30 AL vs. Beasts, -50 HP)

Nordic (+ 15 AL vs. Elements)

Rage (Deal +1 additional armor ignoring Damage more)