Hey I'm not here to talk about guild wars [aw man!] BUT for those interested in parkour, me and my cousin just posted a new vid of ourselves on youtube!
Just search in 'Amateur chase - Limitless' or simply 'Amateur chase' and see for yourself!
Although I do have a guild wars acc along with my cousin which is
Luke Xz
Inabikari C
I have been playing guild wars almost 2 years thats why I turned to this site to spread my vid xD
enjoy and I appreciate constructive critisism.
URL: http://youtube.com/watch?v=MMFuFec7NJY
Hi, new to the forums not to guild wars xD
I think this belongs in the off-topic forum, not the arts forum tbh
Unlucky Slayer
I moved it here... either that or delete it.
They made a video. its art i guess.
They made a video. its art i guess.
I'm confused, OFF-topic is everything other than guild wars, Basically general stuff, it is also a form of art, the art of movement. It isn't a crime to put random things in Off-topic. Thats why its there isn't it?
Well, I always thought the nolani art forum was for GW related art, and the off-topic forum for everything else. I didn't make Guru so if Slayer thinks it belongs here, then that's it
I agree Slayer... it's art.
Limitless... really cute idea. The humor didn't get by me. Clever. I like it.
I just have one criticism. You continually used jump cuts in approximately the first half of your video (characters moving in opposite directions from cut to cut), and, although jump cuts are a fairly popular effect these days, I don't think they worked in your video because they contradicted the concept of a chase. It took me awhile to realize the chase started at the beginning of the video. I thought they were going through different exercises. I would rather have seen them both going in the same direction and entering the scene from the same direction they left the previous scene. Less frenetic.
Hope this little article on editing helps... http://www.videomaker.com/article/1215/
Limitless... really cute idea. The humor didn't get by me. Clever. I like it.
I just have one criticism. You continually used jump cuts in approximately the first half of your video (characters moving in opposite directions from cut to cut), and, although jump cuts are a fairly popular effect these days, I don't think they worked in your video because they contradicted the concept of a chase. It took me awhile to realize the chase started at the beginning of the video. I thought they were going through different exercises. I would rather have seen them both going in the same direction and entering the scene from the same direction they left the previous scene. Less frenetic.
Hope this little article on editing helps... http://www.videomaker.com/article/1215/