Oops, that reminds me to add the newest one here. I'm not that happy with it tbh, the likeness is off and he looks way too young, but oh well, at least the soundtrack is a recording of one of his standups -.-
And I'm extremely jealous of your new Cintiq, Asp, guess those Amazon vouchers finally found some use =P Though I'm happy with my Wacom, I can't imagine how much of a step up drawing directly on the screen would be. Definitely post some of your work once you get used to it.
It's A Me: Thanks! It takes a long time to figure out your own workflow in PS, so try to adapt your pen/paper techniques. You can do fine with just one or two brushes for simple sketches, and a basic knowledge of a few tools and hotkeys.
Oh and by the way (to anyone watching), feel free to leave a comment/subscribe =]
Time Lapse Painting
guevera verreuil
*big glowy pup eyes*
love them.
also love your taste in music.
love them.
also love your taste in music.
Wow Sab... I opened this thread and without reading anything I immediately recognized George Carlin... what a beautiful tribute... so well done. I think you're amazingly talented.
Mistical miss
Agreed lakatz, wonderful portrets. Sometimes halfway the vid I was fearing for disaster, but apparently you saw the problem aswell and you perfected things I hadn't noticed at all ^^.
I should put more time in my works, definately the way you keep perfecting things, its awesome
I should put more time in my works, definately the way you keep perfecting things, its awesome
O M G... awesome :X Me wants to see moar
btw...do you speedpaint GW characters for Ingame Gold?
btw...do you speedpaint GW characters for Ingame Gold?
Thanks for the comments, guevera verreuil and lakatz =]
Mistical miss: I usually delete and start again if there's some glaring error, but for the sake of the video, I had to try and patch them up as I go along.
Kain666: Unfortunately, I hardly play GW anymore, but I might start a commissions thing for practice sometime...
Mistical miss: I usually delete and start again if there's some glaring error, but for the sake of the video, I had to try and patch them up as I go along.
Kain666: Unfortunately, I hardly play GW anymore, but I might start a commissions thing for practice sometime...
Sab, if you ever start a Commission thread, i want to be your first one on the list. Your skills are A M A Z I N G