Super-Active HM/Title Alliance:SNOW - MAY be seeking 1 new ally



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

[SNOW], duh?


Don't Choose between Quality and Quantity, GET BOTH!

Alliance has people of all timezones, so people are always on... always
May be seeking a new ally, PM me with details on your guild, and see reqs below

For those wanting to bring their guild into the Alliance:
1. Your guild should be Elite PvE AND Title focused
2. They should be some kind of adequate requirements for joining the guild
3. The Leader/Officers should be pro-active for solving any problems that may arise, especially if the problem is one of your members
4. You must have 35 or more players logging in within 1 day. If you don't know how to tell, just look in roster and count all the people on in 1 day or less.
5. The guild should also have atleast 70 players in total and a reasonably low AWOL Time (Away without Leave/Notice).

If your guild meets these reqs and is interested in SNOW, then PM me in any way (here or in game)

Details on SNOW here:

We Are Luxon! Any serious titlers can/will get over it.

SNOW on Guildwars wiki
Our Forums
SNOW on YouTube