Analysts are clever and smart Battle Strategists. They plan every step you should do, before you do it into the slightest detail.
V 1.1
Every Point in Analysis decreases the Energy Cost of Magic Spells by 4% (so Expertise for Casters XD)
Includes passive/active Group Support Skills
Includes non elemental mental Psi Attack Skills as also powerful Defense Skills to counter Magic Spells
Includes Flag/Field/Formation Skills to manipulate the outcome of battles to your favor
Includes Self Heal Skills and E-Man Skills for the Group,
HP: 480
MP: 30
MR: >>>>
AL: 60
Weapon: Flail and Focus Item (Books, Maps, Scrolls, Magnifying Glass ect.)
Flail Weapon:
13-37 Blunt Damage (Speed of Scythe) Flails have a chance to deal cracked armor to foes of 5%
Analyst's: +10 AL to all Elements + 10 AL vs. physical Damage
Scholar's: + 1 Magic > , when Wisdom higher than 12 (max +2 >)
Strategist's: Max HP + 30/15/5 in regard of where put to Armor, when affected by an own Flag/Field Skill
Sage's: +10 HP Heal, when a Concentration on you starts (max 50)
Prophet's: +1 Energy Heal, when a Concentration on you ends (max +5)
Commander's: +1 Life >, when Strategicd higher than 12 (max +2 >)
Color: White
Symbol: a White Flag
Skill Types:
Flag Skill:
Flag Skills have Effects, like Wells, only with the difference, that no corpses are required for them, and that the usage of these Skills creates an Item - the Flag, that can be then carried around, making the effect of the Skill mobile, as long the Flag exists. The Downside of Flag Skills is, that enemies can, if they have an Analyst too, "exchange" the flag to take over the effect for their side and so getting a free buff from their enemies. This effect you could call then "Skill Piracy"
Field Skills:
Field Skills are environmental Manipulations that could become then advantageous for your party, and disadvantageous for your enemies. Field Skills are similar to Nature Spirits of Rangers, with the difference, that those effects can't be removed, like its easily done by killing the Nature Spirit, when using Field Skills, the effect will last so long, until it ends, when its duration goes over
Formation Skills:
Formation Skills are "Group Stances", going into a Formation will have special effects for the whole group, but these effects hold only as long, as the group stays in its formation. Will a party member leave the formation accidently or die, the formation will end
Concentration Skills:
Concentration Skills are like Preparations for the rangers, just with the difference, that Concentrations get used together with Magic Spells instead of physical Skills.
Hmm, thats as far as I'm yet for my 5 Mins i thought about that CC, while hearign the song "the Analyst" from Delta Goodrem XD
lol so I got the idea for this CC *g*, Music is Inspiration ^^.
So, Edit will bring later some example skills ...
Example Skills:
Actions Recognize - 5E, 2s, 10s
The next physical Attack against each of your Party Members within the next 5 seconds will have a 50-75% Chance to miss
See the Weaknesses [E] - 10E, 1s, 30s
Your selected target will have for the next 10-20 seconds a new Weakness, that will enable you to deal to those foes double the damage, than normal. It can be anything, from physical Damage to a randomous Element that the selected foe gets attached to for the Skills duration.
Revival of the Inner Ether - 15E, 3s, 60s
You and all your nearby Allies will cast and activate all their Skills for the next 15-30 seconds 25-50% faster
Revival of the Inner Mights[E] - 25E, 2s 45s
You and all your nearby Allies Magic Spells will deal for the next 1-5 Spells 5-20% more damage
Prevent Dangerous Items - 5E, 1/2s, 15s
Targeted foe's Item Skills will become deactivated for the next 5-10 seconds. For every Item Spell deactivated through this Skill, targeted foe and all nearby foes of the target will lose 3-9 Energy Points
Strength's Recognize[E] - 15E, 3s, 45s
For the next 15-30 seconds will be the effect of the Primary Attribute of you and all your nearby Allies 15-25% stronger, than normal
Prevent Deadly Surprises[E] - 15E, 1/2s, 15s
Within the next 5-10 seconds you and all your nearby Allies can't receive critical hits, can't lose more than 15% of your actual Health and can't be targets of Shadow Step Skills from foes.
Hit Decimation - 10E, 1s, 20s
Within the next 10 seconds you and all your nearby Allies will move 25% faster and will have a 33-66% chance to dodge (block) projectiles. When under a Field Skill, it will be 45-75% Chance
Mistake Decimation - 10E, 1s, 20s
Within the next 10 seconds your and all your nearby Allies Attacks will never miss and can't be interrupted. Ever when usually being interrupted, you will lose 3-1 Energy, or this Skill will End early
Estimate - 15E, 1s, 20s
You and your nearby allies can estimate for the next 1-3 spells the situations better, enabling you to cast these spells with 10-20% lesser energy
The Analyst
Phoenix Tears
Nice, although The Analyst sounds... Not too fantasy-like. Maybe The Strategist or perhaps Dominator? ;d
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
13-37 Blunt Damage
I lol'd.
Prim attribute seems wayyyyy overpowered, imo.
Not meant as a flame but you might want to reconsider the effect of your primary attribute. people already complain about a ranger's ability to use expertise for their secondary profession skills. The ability to play an analyst/elementalist using attunement for their preferred element to generate effectively a zero energy cost for all spells at 13 in their primary attribute could be a little.....potent?
For example a fire spell that costs 10 energy gets 4 back from using fire attunement. If you also reduce the energy cost by 5 through your primary attribute tehn the net cost is 1 energy. Since you regen energy during the casting process you would effectively pay 0 for that spell.
For example a fire spell that costs 10 energy gets 4 back from using fire attunement. If you also reduce the energy cost by 5 through your primary attribute tehn the net cost is 1 energy. Since you regen energy during the casting process you would effectively pay 0 for that spell.
Phoenix Tears
1st part of example skills in...
Ill think of something different for primary effect ..
Ill think of something different for primary effect ..
Necromantic Biscuit
This seems very similar to a build someone created a few done the page the navigator i think. Hmmm also i've been reading builds and you jsut seem to abuse people and offer no constructive critiscm.
Cosmic Error
Originally Posted by Necromantic Biscuit
This seems very similar to a build someone created a few done the page the navigator i think. Hmmm also i've been reading builds and you jsut seem to abuse people and offer no constructive critiscm.
PT, you rip-off artist.

Eh, I honestly don't care. This seems a bit more fleshed out, anyway. Navigator was entirely teleportation-based, with some formula-based spike damage (like Grenth's Balance) on the side.
Yeah I read that Navigator thing too...just like another paragon to me >.> Except not imba... your "revivals" and "inner focus" or w/e sounds just like chants and shouts... Flail concept is cool though 
Btw those skill names need some touch up, they don't sound very cool. ie Prevent Dangerous Items.

Btw those skill names need some touch up, they don't sound very cool. ie Prevent Dangerous Items.