where do Q8's live?
ive farmed the world over and have BUT 1 Q8 to my name that i cn recall. where do all these 8's come from??? i always thought they were in the tweener areas. areas where the monsters are just leveled enough to drop max weapons but usually dont. stands to reason that theyll drop those border line max items. thus the low req barely max items.
Any ideas on this? any theories?? when i see someone selling 9 q8 rares i begin to think he might know something.
Any ideas on this? any theories?? when i see someone selling 9 q8 rares i begin to think he might know something.
I'm assuming you mean max-req 8. they used to drop more in prophecies I think, and you are seeing people's old collections going on sale.
Lawrence Chang
they are random drops... and their drop rae is extremely low.
i know quite a few people who played from the beginning, and yet to have a q8 max gold item drop for them.
i know quite a few people who played from the beginning, and yet to have a q8 max gold item drop for them.
q8 pfff... q7 now thats rare.
Icy The Mage
Yea honestly, if I take into account how many enemies I've killed and how much I've farmed.... hold on... Yea, I've yet to get a Q8 drop even though I've killed over 1 million enemies in the past few months.
i guess my question wasnt so much the rarity, but the areas they are more apt to drop. first place that comes to mind is the vermin farm. i see Q8 and rarely a Q7 crenellated sword and celestial items for instance. vermin are what lvl 19??? roughly i dont think there 20's and they drop alot of border line items. see what im drivin at? im just wondering where they are most apt to poop out for ya.
Cronk.... seeker of the elusive q5 max voltaic spear!!!
Cronk.... seeker of the elusive q5 max voltaic spear!!!
Never Had max gold r8 Drop in 36months. ye? they used drop Early prophecies & factions alot more but not anymore.. But For Sure in hardmode you cannot get Drops below r9 atleast maxed i guess
so... first summer GW came out... my [i]first[i] gold drop, fire wand q8 11-22 +3e while hexed.
only one ive ever gotten.
wait thats a lie. q8 arent that rare... ive gotten at least 5, probably around 7 in my 36 months... q8 shields, a q8 hand axe 14^50...
ps: it was a lightning drake in the divinity coast missions i believe... whatever that mission is with the dead bonus guy that was bugged for who knows how long
only one ive ever gotten.
wait thats a lie. q8 arent that rare... ive gotten at least 5, probably around 7 in my 36 months... q8 shields, a q8 hand axe 14^50...
ps: it was a lightning drake in the divinity coast missions i believe... whatever that mission is with the dead bonus guy that was bugged for who knows how long
Originally Posted by Pleikki
But For Sure in hardmode you cannot get Drops below r9 atleast maxed i guess
Mad King Corn
I got a maxed req 8 Chaos Axe of Fortitude in FOW, but it has no inherent damage mod and it is not inscribable, but I still love it and use it.
I also managed to get a maxed req 8 Ebon Celestial Longbow of Enchanting from Naphui Quarter and it has a built in damage modifier of +15% enchanted, which I use for certain builds.
I don't know what either weapon is worth, but I have a lot of time invested in GW and those are the only 2 that I have found.
I also managed to get a maxed req 8 Ebon Celestial Longbow of Enchanting from Naphui Quarter and it has a built in damage modifier of +15% enchanted, which I use for certain builds.
I don't know what either weapon is worth, but I have a lot of time invested in GW and those are the only 2 that I have found.
Gen Saver
before nightfall came out they used to drop alot in factions, i had loads from running chests in gyala hatchery back then
I'm not sure if this counts as it is not gold, but i had a r9 inscribable Max purple Storm Artifact drop for me in CoF, while 600/smiting it.
naphui is another example of one of the tweener areas i was thinkin of as well. lots of barely max this and that. i remember doin chest runs all the time for that elusive q9 celestial sword. lol.....memories.....
well, i got my 1st and only max req8 item(gold) in maguuma jungle while doing my protector title on monk - yes, it was 2008, 3months ago~
Originally Posted by Pleikki
Never Had max gold r8 Drop in 36months. ye? they used drop Early prophecies & factions alot more but not anymore.. But For Sure in hardmode you cannot get Drops below r9 atleast maxed i guess

Stormlord Alex
Farming Secret Lair of the Snowmen in HM has got me a handful of R8 weapons.
perma-SF with Sliver works fine for it
perma-SF with Sliver works fine for it

i got a maxed non-insc q8 +5e platinum wand in bukdek byway :P
Artisan Archer
I only got one q8 AL 16 shield, that was in one of the factions island missions (in Hard Mode), I believe the estate one, and it was white, so worthless.
Emissary of Xunlai
They drop randomly, it's all about ones luck. >.>
The only r8 weapon I've gotten was a good 32 months ago, got a 'perfect' r8 15^50 Shadow Bow as a drop in FoW. Shouldn't have customized it :S
I've had two max req 8 drops in my Guild Wars life (only about 17 months* now). One was a white Elementalist focus for Energy Storage, which I merched. The other is a Blood Knife, blue, which I modded to be useful for if I screw up and die when 55hp'ing.
It's all about luck, rather than location. Though both my drops occured in GW:EN areas.
*I swear it was eighteen a week ago >.>
It's all about luck, rather than location. Though both my drops occured in GW:EN areas.
*I swear it was eighteen a week ago >.>
Warrior Fo Sho
1 of my friends got a Q8 leafshield (However its spelled, golden leaf shield etc, leave it, lol.) for a couple of months ago.
Alex the Great
got a Q8 gold lotus shield, but no one wanted it!
sold for 5k lol
sold for 5k lol
I have a req8 15 (stanced) chaos axe I found in FoW.
I believe max weapons with a low req drop from enemies around lvl 20 (19-21 orso)
I believe max weapons with a low req drop from enemies around lvl 20 (19-21 orso)
My one and only R8 was just after Factions was released from Urgoz.
R8 15^50 Zodiac Axe! (Yes that made me a lot of ectos)
R8 15^50 Zodiac Axe! (Yes that made me a lot of ectos)
Nearly 3 years of gameplay and my only req8 drop was a blue command Eagle Defender. My paragon has it, but I have yet to mod it...
Originally Posted by CronkTheImpaler
Cronk.... seeker of the elusive q5 max voltaic spear!!!

q5 max weapons are imposible
just got a req8 +12 energy focus from one canthan chest
yay lol

The Red Messenger
Find a place that drops gold crap like "x sword, 14-21, req 9 ".
if you farm there enough eventually one will drop that brings that "14-21" to 15-22 just by luck. and that req 9 has a small but possible chance of being req 8.
the higher level the enemy, the lower chance of dropping a req 8 (from my experience)
if you farm there enough eventually one will drop that brings that "14-21" to 15-22 just by luck. and that req 9 has a small but possible chance of being req 8.
the higher level the enemy, the lower chance of dropping a req 8 (from my experience)
I got a r8 bone idol the other day from GOLEM nm. (i think)
I've actually gotten an r7 12 energy blue focus in nightfall once. I know people would probably find this hard to believe since r7 are not supposed to be dropped max anymore. I'm pretty sure purple's/goldies dont drop r7 anymore.
R8 max blue shields and foci drop quite regularly though. (i still have a r8 death and prot focus if anyone's interested)
R8 max blue shields and foci drop quite regularly though. (i still have a r8 death and prot focus if anyone's interested)
max gold req 8 drops became seemed to stop dropping as much when nightfall came out
Stolen Souls
Almost three years of playing and I have yet to see a max gold REQ8. Only ones I have gotten, though completely usable and perfectly moddable, were a blue Flame Artifact and a blue Healing Ankh...both from CoF.
Originally Posted by IcyFiftyFive
Yea honestly, if I take into account how many enemies I've killed and how much I've farmed.... hold on... Yea, I've yet to get a Q8 drop even though I've killed over 1 million enemies in the past few months.
Where do Q8s live?
Most req 8s I got were from factions before NF was released since then I havent gotten a req 8 max dmg gold. Only req 8 fire focuses which are blue with max stats.
2 15^50 req 8 gothic axes :F and plat blade good times.
2 15^50 req 8 gothic axes :F and plat blade good times.
Orange Milk
Nahpui Quarter is a solid place to find those.
Long ago I got a REQ8 Max Celstrial Longbow that was +5e.
I got a req8 AR16 streght Celestrial shield about 3 months ago.
As I recall the one modifier on it was poop so I merched it.
Doing Mayllax about 3 months ago in Normal Mode I got a req7 AR15 Tactics Tall Shield, it was inscribable, so It was sold for 18k.
Thinking back to noob days (ya know the times when you sold Black dye to the merch or Used Mending always) I'm sure that I merched excelent weapons before I understood the importance of Requirements.
Long ago I got a REQ8 Max Celstrial Longbow that was +5e.
I got a req8 AR16 streght Celestrial shield about 3 months ago.
As I recall the one modifier on it was poop so I merched it.
Doing Mayllax about 3 months ago in Normal Mode I got a req7 AR15 Tactics Tall Shield, it was inscribable, so It was sold for 18k.
Thinking back to noob days (ya know the times when you sold Black dye to the merch or Used Mending always) I'm sure that I merched excelent weapons before I understood the importance of Requirements.
I think when Nightfall was released (or thereabouts) there was an update that just made max req 8 equipment not drop as often. I think most level 24 mobs used to have a chance to drop them, but this update fixed that, just as there used to be max req 7 equipment, but that was changed back before I started playing.
I remember back during my first summer playing req 8 was the place to be as they were still fairly common. Now they've gone the way of the dodo and req 9s are the standard now.
I remember back during my first summer playing req 8 was the place to be as they were still fairly common. Now they've gone the way of the dodo and req 9s are the standard now.
I get a ton of max req8 stuff when farming...mostly max focus items, and mostly blue :/ Had a few blue max shields, and wands too. I can't recall ever getting a gold one though.
I have a purple max Jade Wand req8 but have no idea when or where I got it. Also have a max gold Celestial Longbow req8...but that was given to me
Max gold Skull Shield req8 with two -2 dmg mods on. Again that was given to me, and none of those are inscribable.
So in essence...no idea where to get max gold ones, but GWEN farming areas drop me tons of blue ones.
I have a purple max Jade Wand req8 but have no idea when or where I got it. Also have a max gold Celestial Longbow req8...but that was given to me

So in essence...no idea where to get max gold ones, but GWEN farming areas drop me tons of blue ones.
Theoretically max r7's "could" still drop in factions / prophs, just it would probably white/blue. A purple one would probably be like 1 : 1,000,000 or somthing stupid, and gold... 1 : (not enough room for digits).