Crom The Pale
Just like live players you really have to create a build your Heros will run effectively. There are some builds/skills that Hero's just will never use properly.
For example if you set a war/rit up with [splinter weapon] unless you manually cast it he will almost never self target the splinter, casting it on everyone else instead.
While it does take a bit of though, and the occasional dissabled skill, you can create very effective builds for hero's using all 8 skill slots.
For example if you set a war/rit up with [splinter weapon] unless you manually cast it he will almost never self target the splinter, casting it on everyone else instead.
While it does take a bit of though, and the occasional dissabled skill, you can create very effective builds for hero's using all 8 skill slots.
What an awful idea.
There are always 8 skills that can work well for any build on a hero, and will work better then a build with fewer skills. If you choose not to find them, it's because your lazy, not because you've reached some sort of GW epiphany.
There are always 8 skills that can work well for any build on a hero, and will work better then a build with fewer skills. If you choose not to find them, it's because your lazy, not because you've reached some sort of GW epiphany.
My heroes have energy problems. I don't think that's due to me being bad at PvE, I know what I'm doing but hero AI just isn't everything even after all the buffs to it. Point is, I don't want redundant energy wasting stuff on my hero. I want a healer hero? I give it one or two heal skills. I give it energy management. I give it a res. Possible utility skills like hex/condition remove. What else do I need on a healer hero? Nothing, most of the time. When things are going bad I could put an extra prot spirit on his bar but that's seven skills and that's just fine. What do I put on my prot hero? Condition removal, hex removal, damage reduction (PS/SB), block, energy management, res. Six skills again and in 9/10 situations it works just fine for me. If it doesn't, it's most likely my own fault as my heroes have all the skills they need.
I use incomplete skill bars and I like it that way. Now you can say 'omg 6 skillz baaed' and I wouldn't care in the slightest because I like it this way. If YOU want to use 8 skills, then do so, but if someone else finds 6 skills to work fine that's not your problem is it? To each his own.
I use incomplete skill bars and I like it that way. Now you can say 'omg 6 skillz baaed' and I wouldn't care in the slightest because I like it this way. If YOU want to use 8 skills, then do so, but if someone else finds 6 skills to work fine that's not your problem is it? To each his own.
The reason incomplete is considered bad is because it means you're too lazy to put extra skills that might be nice and just disable them for when they arent necessary. Not because you're a bad player, just extremely lazy.
Edge Martinez
The AI is pretty good at interrupting. Give Gwen a bow and fill her bar with ranger interrupts and mesmer interrupts, and she ends up being worth more than a decked out Koss with ultra damage.
Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
Just like live players you really have to create a build your Heros will run effectively. There are some builds/skills that Hero's just will never use properly.
... While it does take a bit of though, and the occasional dissabled skill, you can create very effective builds for hero's using all 8 skill slots. |
Noone ever showed me good skillbar that is better with less than max skills. Usually those bars are deeply flawed to begin with. No. your NM successes are not impresive.
There is ALWAYS utility you can bring. Being lazy/stupid and unable to figure it out is no excuse.
A Leprechaun
Originally Posted by ProgTes
I want a healer hero? I give it one or two heal skills. I give it energy management. I give it a res. Possible utility skills like hex/condition remove. What else do I need on a healer hero? Nothing, most of the time.
One or two heals -> [WoH] [Dwayna's kiss]
Energy managment -> [leech signet] [power drain]
Hex and condition removal -> [dismiss condition] [cure hex]
A rez -> [Restore life]
Thats already at least seven skills, so are you saying either:
1) One more skill will suddenly mush your hero into a tiny pile of fail.
2) Disabling 1 skill (like [aegis]) and casting yourself is beyond your capabilities.
I really don't see the point of not having a full bar.
~A Leprechaun~
Most of the time my healer hero looks like this:
[WoH][Dwayna's Kiss][Protective Spirit][GoLE][Resurrection Chant][Cure Hex]
Res Chant disabled. That is just all my healer hero needs. No, microing Aegis is not beyond capabilities. Yes, I might be extremely lazy. But it works, so why bother what I am running.
[WoH][Dwayna's Kiss][Protective Spirit][GoLE][Resurrection Chant][Cure Hex]
Res Chant disabled. That is just all my healer hero needs. No, microing Aegis is not beyond capabilities. Yes, I might be extremely lazy. But it works, so why bother what I am running.
Stolen Souls
Am I the only one that realises (for heroes) that having a full skill build isn't necessarily the best? |
I can see the point of putting skills on their bar and disabling them. But to be honest I would rather not. Call it laziness if you will, but if I am monking I have my own skills to watch, let alone three additional bars. When it comes to heros I'd rather set it and forget it. So in a few situations yes, I agree with the OP.
Crom The Pale
Originally Posted by ProgTes
Most of the time my healer hero looks like this:
[WoH][Dwayna's Kiss][Protective Spirit][GoLE][Resurrection Chant][Cure Hex] Res Chant disabled. That is just all my healer hero needs. No, microing Aegis is not beyond capabilities. Yes, I might be extremely lazy. But it works, so why bother what I am running. |
and swap out GOLE for [Ether Signet]
or you could add [Hex Eater Signet] inplace of res sig..
There are many builds that will work, if you put a little bit of time into thinking about them.
I admit it, I'm lazy. Case closed, mkay?