I am a complete computer n00b, seriously.
Also, if you think there would be anything on the "Tech Specs" page worth upgrading from the stock specs on the front page before I order it, let me know.
This laptop I have picked out... will it run GW?
Yeb Gw runs Just Fine with that
Malice Black
It's ok for light gaming. Won't play any of the new high spec games.
if i were you, i'll spend the extra $100 and upgrade the graphics chip to a geforce 8600M GT. that will give you enough power to play GW at maximum settings and AAx4.
the 8400M GS is not really designed for gaming, and won't run GW at maximum settings without stuttering.
the 8400M GS is not really designed for gaming, and won't run GW at maximum settings without stuttering.
I agree with the graphics card update, although it would run GW anyway.
Icy The Mage
It would run Guild Wars decently, I would advise taking moriz' advice, as it'll make you much happier in the long run.
Awesome, and thanks for the advice on upgrading the graphics.
Thanks everybody!
Thanks everybody!