Black screen upon freezing.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2008

Hello, last week(the 9th to be exact) I encountered a problem where Guild Wars just froze up on me. I've had it happen a few times in the past but to no real issue. The problem this time was that when I went to restart the system, I got a black screen at the Loading screen and the computer refused to load past that. I tried the Startup Repair and restore point but that didn't work. None of the other times(nor in the last 3 years since I bought GW and played it on two systems) has this ever happened. I sent the system in to get fixed but it'll be at least another few days before they can even look at it.

I had ran all my scans and whatnot eariler that day as I always did and everything came up completely clean and I had experenced no problems in game or out at all before the freeze happened. I had called today to find out the status and they told me that it would take a few days to get too but it might be a problem with the software. I doubt that because as I said before this no boot up at restart issue has never happened to me before.

I've read other threads that said that GW has been freezing alot lately but I couldn't find any thing that sounded like my issue. At last check that morning, everything; drivers, graphics card, protection etc... was up to date. Anyone have any ideas? I'm really wishing that I won't have to get a completely new system should it be unfixable, I don't have anywhere near the funds.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Exactly what stage of startup are we talking? Does the PC get past the POST ok?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2008

It freezes right after the screen with the green loading bar appears, I'm running Vista Home Preimum on it so it won't even make it to the Welcome screen.

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




That is a PC stability issue. Load into your BIOS and load the fail safe defaults. Then when you start to load windows, press F8 repeatedly (right after the POST screen) This will enable you to see the Windows startup options. Select Last Known Good Configuration. If that fails to load, repeat the F8 process upon restart, but select safemode with networking and download new motherboard and graphics drivers for your PC from the respective sites. Install those in Safemode, and once finished, boot Windows Normally (don't try and use Last Known Good Configuration again)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2008

I'll save it and print it out when I get the call that I can pick my system up, fixed or not and I'll run it by them since I don't understand half of what you said. Perhaps if they couldn't fix it this might help, at least I hope so because I really don't wanta have to buy a whole new system(though if I had too I'd get XP, wasn't my idea to get vista)