Originally Posted by manitoba1073
Come on now. Get serious. Cant have it half and half. Allow all or none, no half assing it here pal. Seriously though you cant allow anything not just the little things here. If your gonna go for the extra rewards as suggested then yes those things listed need to be added.
The reason you can't go all the way is because if its too hard, then no one will want to play except the suicidals and crazy people who think ANet will come up with a "Death Title Track."
Make it hard, but not
too hard.
@isamu kurosawa
In terms of enemies, there are three ways to make a good game experience through the enemies.
1) Mobs upon Mobs that are (somewhat) easy to defeat, especially alone, but in mass numbers are hard (like in DOOM and DOOM2). This however does not work with how GW (and probably GW2) is set up, the mobs idea cannot work with an "auto-target" type of system like GW has. It has to be a "press x to attack once" not "press x to attack until another command or enemy dead." Sadly, this seems to be the direction ANet is trying to take things, at least with how strong the player is.
2) Small groups, or singular opponents, that are very tough, mainly through AI. This was attempted at times (Imperial Sanctum, Doppleganger, etc), but this idea doesn't work because its a team game, the idea with the Doppleganger works, because only one person can be in the team, but the others, not so much. This is the best way to go with enemy set up and AI, imo, but it isn't suited for team games like GW.
3) Small to Medium groups that are balanced themselves. This is basically what you suggested, and is probably the best course to go with this game. However, the problem is that have many groups like this would make the game take too much time, which is not what people want, for various reasons.
What I suggest for GW2, is to have a mixture of all three, have areas where its just mobs upon mobs of enemies that are easy/somewhat easy to defeat, and a few solo missions where you fight a powerful enemy, and a few team missions where you have to fight a VERY powerful enemy (would be sweet to see 12 or so people fighting Primordus or the other Ancient Dragons) but most of the game have enemies with balanced teams, but a little poorer states in order to make the time issue go away.
Fun fact: Spell check suggests Primroses for Primordus... What's a Primrose?