Satan's Guide: Treasure Hunter, Lucky and Unlucky
This is a guide for obtaining the max level of the Treasure Hunter Title.
This guide also shows the progress of the Lucky and Unlucky title, as those are mutual with the use of lockpicks, needed to open chests in EotN.
1. Introduction
2. Calculation
3. Results
4. Conclusion
1. Introduction.
Opening 10.000 high end chests is recuired for Granmaster Treasure Hunter. For this, I’ve started opening EotN chest.
Internet: The Locked Chests found in Normal Mode in Guild Wars Eye of the North are actually normal chests with the same qualities as those requiring a 600 key to open but can only be opened with Lockpicks.
EotN loot is inscriptable, and this way worth more than uninscriptable Tyrian drops. (unless its a low req perfect modded, but the chance of an item like that is slimm and my calculation is based on overall figures.)
With the use of Lockpicks, the chances of retraining – or failing to retrain a lockpick will vary. This ‘chance’ is what I have been calculating.
This guide is based on:
1.1 Starting to open chests with 0 points in Treasure Hunter.
If you already have points in Treasure Hunter, this guide is still usefull, because it shows the progress you’ve made so far and what you can expect. You can calculate the amouth of money still needed for obtaining the max Treasure Hunter rank.
1.2 0 points in either Lucky / Unlucky.
If you already have points in either Lucky / Unlucky you can expect to have a better chance for retrains overall. So any points you already have, will only do you good.
1.3 Opening chests in EotN, with Lockpicks bought for 1,200k each.
I strongly suggest buying your lockpicks for 1,2k instead of 1,25k each. Keep in mind that 10.000 chests are needed. The diffrece in price can save you 500k! This ofcourse is impossible for you will be able to retrain lockpicks too, but will still save you aprox 200k in the end.
1.4 Opening the chests in Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza!
This dungeon Always has 1 Locked chest, and doesn’t recuire anything difficult. The only thing needed is to run your way to a Locked chest
2. The Calculation.
IMPORTANT: you can ignore this part and continue to part 3 and 4. only when your interested in how ive calculated it you can read part 2, but I suggest just to skip it.
I hope everyone knows how to calculate percentages. As a reminder for those who don’t have math class for some time, or for those who failed the class ill start with an example:
100% is 1,0 so 40% chance of retraing is calculating the ‘X’ times 0,4.
Rank Title High-end Chests opened: Lockpick Bonus increase
1 Treasure Hunter 100 3%
2 Adept Treasure Hunter 250 6%
3 Advanced Treasure Hunter 550 9%
4 Expert Treasure Hunter 1,200 12%
5 Elite Treasure Hunter 2,500 15%
6 Master Treasure Hunter 5,000 18%
7 Grandmaster Treasure Hunter(Max level) 10,000 21% 21%
Rank Title Tickets won Lockpick Bonus increase
1 Charmed 50,000 2%
2 Lucky 100,000 4%
3 Favored 250,000 6%
4 Prosperous 500,000 8%
5 Golden 1,000,000 10%
6 Blessed by Fate (Max level) 2,500,000 12%
Retaining a lockpick when using it to open a chest (250 points).
Rank Title Games lost
1 Hapless 5,000
2 Unlucky 10,000
3 Unfavored 25,000
4 Tragic 50,000
5 Wretched 100,000
6 Jinxed 250,000
7 Cursed by Fate (Max level) 500,000
Failing to retain a lockpick when using it to open a chest (25 points).
· Rank 0 – Treasure Hunter r1
100 – 0 = 100 chests needed.
100 * 1,2 * (1-0,4) = 72k needed
100 * 0,4 = 40 times retrain
100 * (1-0,4) = 60 times broken
40 * 250 = 10000 lucky points
60 * 25 = 1500 unlucky points
· Treasure Hunter r1 – Adept Treasure Hunter
250 – 100 = 150 chests needed
150 * 1,2 * (1-0,43) = 102,6k needed
150 * 0,43 = 64,5 times retrained
150 * ( 1-0,43) = 85,5 times broken
64,5 * 250 = 16125
85,5 * 25 = 2137,5
total lucky points 10000+ 16125 = 26125
total unlucky 1500 + 2137,5 = 3637,5
· Adept Treasure Hunter – Advanced Treasure Hunter
550 – 250 = 300 chests needed.
Charmed = 50000 points.
50000 – 26125 = 23875 points needed.
23875 / 250 = 95,5 retrains
95,5 / 0,46 = 207,6
so after (100+150+207,6=) 457,6 youll be Charmed
207,6 * 1,2 * (1-0,46) =134,52
207,6 * 0,46 = 95,5 retrains
207,6 * (1-0,46) = 112,1 broken
50000 points = Charmed
112,1 * 25 = 2802 unlucky points
total unlucky points 3637,5 + 2802 = 6440,1
Hapless reached!
300-207,6 = 92,4 chests left for Advanced Treasure Hunter
92,4 * 1,2 * (1-0,48) = 57,66
92,4 * 0,48 = 44,4 retrains
92,4 * (1-0,48) = 48,0 broken
44,4 * 250 = 11100 points
48,0 *25 = 1200 points
total lucky = 50000 + 11100 = 61100 points
total unlucky points = 6440,1 + 1200 = 7640
· Advanced Treasure hunter – Expert Treasure hunter
1200 – 550 = 650 chests to be opened.
For lucky: 100000 – 61100 = 38900
38900 / 250 = 155,6 retrains
155,6 / 0,51 = 305,1 chests
so after (100+150+300+305,1=) 905,1 chests your r2 lucky
305,1 * 1,2 * (1-0,51) = 179,40k
305,1 * 0,51 = 155,60 retrains
305,1 * (1-0,51) = 149,50 broken
total lucky points 100000 = lucky
total unlucky points 7640,1 + 3737,5 = 11377,6 unlucky reached!~
650 – 305,1 = 344,9 chests left for Expert Treasure Hunter.
344,9 * 1,2* (1-0,53) = 194,5
344,9 * 0,53 = 182,8 retrains
344,9 * (1-0,53) = 162,1 broken
lucky 182,8 * 250 = 45700 points
unlucky 162,1 * 25 = 4052,5 points
total lucky points = 100000 + 45700 = 145,700
total unlucky points = 11377,6 + 4052,5 = 15430,1 points
· Expert Treasure hunter – Elite Treasure Hunter
2500 – 1200 = 1300 chests
For Favored 250000 – 145700 = 104300
104300 / 250 = 417,2 retrains
417,2 / 0,56 = 745 chests
so after (1200 + 745=) 1945 chests youll be favored
745 * 1200 * 91-0,56) = 393,4 k needed
745 * 0,56 = 417,2 retrains
745 * (1-0,56) = 327,8 broken
250000 points = Favored
327,8 * 25 = 8195 points
tot. unlucky points = 15430,1 + 8195 = 23625,1 almost unfavored
1300 – 745 = 555 chests left for Elite Treasure Hunter
555 * 1,2 * 91-0,58) = 279,7k needed
555 * 0,58 = 321,9 retrains
555 * (1-0,58) = 233,1 broken
lucky 321,9 * 250 = 80475 pnts
unlucky 233,1 * 25 = 5827,5 pnts
total lucky pnts =250000 + 80475 = 330475 pnts
total unlucky points = 23625,1 + 5827,5 = 29452,6 pnts Unfavored reached!
· Elite Treasure Hunter – Master Treasure Hunter
5000 – 2500 = 2500 chests to be opened
For Prosperious 500000 – 330475 = 169525
169525 / 250 = 678,1 retrains
678,1 / 0,61 = 1111,6
so after (2500 + 1111,6=) 3611,6 chests youll be Prosperious
1111,6 * 1,2 * (1-0,61) = 520,2k needed
1111,6 * 0,61 = 678,1 retrains
1111,6 * (1-0,61) = 433,5 broken
500000 points = Prosperious reached
433,5 * 25 = 10837,5 points
tot unlucky points = 29452,6 + 10837,5 = 40290,1
2500 – 1111,6 = 1388,4 chests left for Master Treasure Hunter
1388,4 * 1,2 * (1-0,63) = 616,4
1388,4 * 0,63 = 874,7 retrains
1388,4 * (1-0,63) = 513,7 broken
lucky 874,7 * 250 = 218675 pnts
unlucky 513,7 *25 = 12842,5 pnts
total lucky points = 500000 + 218675 = 718675 pnts
tot. unlucky pnts. = 40290,1 + 12842,5 = 53132,6 Tragic reached!
· Master Treasure Hunter – Grandmaster Treasure Hunter
10000 – 5000 = 5000 chests to be opened
For Golden 1000000 – 718675 = 281325
281325 / 250 = 1125,3 retrains
1125,3 / 0,66 = 1705 chests
so after (5000 + 1705 = ) 6705 chests youll be Golden
1705 * 1,2 * (1-0,66) = 695,6 k needed
1705 * 0,66 = 1125,3 retrains
1705 * (1-0,66) = 579,7 broken
1000000 points = Golden reached
579,7 * 25 = 14492,5 pnts
tot. unlucky pnts = 53132,6 + 14492,5 = 67625,1
5000 – 1705 = 3295 chests left for Grandmaster Treasure Hunter
3295 * 1,2 * (1-0,68) = 1265,3k needed
3295 * 0,68 = 2240,6 retrains
3295 * (1-0,68) = 1054,4 broken
lucky 2240,6 * 250 = 560150 pnts
unlucky 1054,4 * 25 = 26360 pnts
tot. lucky points = 1000000 + 560150 = 1560150 pnts
tot. unlucky pnts. 67625,1 + 26360 = 93985,1
3 Results
· Rank 0 – Treasure Hunter r1
Cash needed (k) 72
Total Cash (k) 72
· Treasure Hunter r1 – Adept Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 102,6
Total Cash (k) 174,6
· Adept Treasure Hunter – Advanced Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 134,52 + 57,66
Total Cash (k) 366,78
· Advanced Treasure hunter – Expert Treasure hunter
Cash needed (k) 179,40 + 194,5
Total Cash (k) 740,68
· Expert Treasure hunter – Elite Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 393,4 + 279,7
Total Cash (k) 1413,78
· Elite Treasure Hunter – Master Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 520,2 + 616,4
Total Cash (k) 2550,38
· Master Treasure Hunter – Grandmaster Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 695,6 + 1265,3
Total Cash (k) 4511,28
While opening chest your progress or the Lucky Title will be:
Chests opened Lucky Title
457,6 1
905,1 2
1945 3
3611,6 4
6705 5
After opening the 10000 recuired chest for Grandmaster Treasure Hunter. The Unlucky points will be 93985,1. Thats Tragic, and almost Wretched.
4 Conclusion
Although 4511,28k seems a lot for Grandmaster Treasure Hunter, keep in mind that the chest drops will have to be calculated too. After opening 100 chest ive calculated the average value of a drop. That number was 400g so 0,4k. 10000 * 0,4 = 4000k. 4511,28 – 4000 = 511,28k.
511,28k is decent. And by this time youve also reached r5 Lucky, so you dont have to do much 9 Rings for lucky points. According to a guide on wiki reaching the Golden rank via 9 rings would have costed aprox 750k. so if you planned on maxing lucky aswell, opening chests would have saved you this amouth of cash aswell.
You will also have gold items which you can use for the Wisdom Title.
Another option is to sell the goldies obtained from the chest and sell then 7=5k. Assuming 33% of the drops is a gold item will result in 3300 gold items. Can be sold for 2357,14k. The remaining 66% will be purple items with an average value of 250g, so 0,25k. 6600 * 0,25 = 1650k. 1650 +2357,14 = 4007,14k. My opinion is that you shouldnt sell the gold items you get from the chest but idd them yourself for the mods and merch value. Because on long terms these will be of more value to you than selling them. Its better to sell them AFTER youve reached max Treasure Hunter. Because the retrain chance of lockpicks is higher.
Ty for reading this guide and may it be to any value for you.
Edit Tuesday 24 June 2008: % droprate gold items 15 -->33%
This guide also shows the progress of the Lucky and Unlucky title, as those are mutual with the use of lockpicks, needed to open chests in EotN.
1. Introduction
2. Calculation
3. Results
4. Conclusion
1. Introduction.
Opening 10.000 high end chests is recuired for Granmaster Treasure Hunter. For this, I’ve started opening EotN chest.
Internet: The Locked Chests found in Normal Mode in Guild Wars Eye of the North are actually normal chests with the same qualities as those requiring a 600 key to open but can only be opened with Lockpicks.
EotN loot is inscriptable, and this way worth more than uninscriptable Tyrian drops. (unless its a low req perfect modded, but the chance of an item like that is slimm and my calculation is based on overall figures.)
With the use of Lockpicks, the chances of retraining – or failing to retrain a lockpick will vary. This ‘chance’ is what I have been calculating.
This guide is based on:
1.1 Starting to open chests with 0 points in Treasure Hunter.
If you already have points in Treasure Hunter, this guide is still usefull, because it shows the progress you’ve made so far and what you can expect. You can calculate the amouth of money still needed for obtaining the max Treasure Hunter rank.
1.2 0 points in either Lucky / Unlucky.
If you already have points in either Lucky / Unlucky you can expect to have a better chance for retrains overall. So any points you already have, will only do you good.
1.3 Opening chests in EotN, with Lockpicks bought for 1,200k each.
I strongly suggest buying your lockpicks for 1,2k instead of 1,25k each. Keep in mind that 10.000 chests are needed. The diffrece in price can save you 500k! This ofcourse is impossible for you will be able to retrain lockpicks too, but will still save you aprox 200k in the end.
1.4 Opening the chests in Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza!
This dungeon Always has 1 Locked chest, and doesn’t recuire anything difficult. The only thing needed is to run your way to a Locked chest
2. The Calculation.
IMPORTANT: you can ignore this part and continue to part 3 and 4. only when your interested in how ive calculated it you can read part 2, but I suggest just to skip it.
I hope everyone knows how to calculate percentages. As a reminder for those who don’t have math class for some time, or for those who failed the class ill start with an example:
100% is 1,0 so 40% chance of retraing is calculating the ‘X’ times 0,4.
Rank Title High-end Chests opened: Lockpick Bonus increase
1 Treasure Hunter 100 3%
2 Adept Treasure Hunter 250 6%
3 Advanced Treasure Hunter 550 9%
4 Expert Treasure Hunter 1,200 12%
5 Elite Treasure Hunter 2,500 15%
6 Master Treasure Hunter 5,000 18%
7 Grandmaster Treasure Hunter(Max level) 10,000 21% 21%
Rank Title Tickets won Lockpick Bonus increase
1 Charmed 50,000 2%
2 Lucky 100,000 4%
3 Favored 250,000 6%
4 Prosperous 500,000 8%
5 Golden 1,000,000 10%
6 Blessed by Fate (Max level) 2,500,000 12%
Retaining a lockpick when using it to open a chest (250 points).
Rank Title Games lost
1 Hapless 5,000
2 Unlucky 10,000
3 Unfavored 25,000
4 Tragic 50,000
5 Wretched 100,000
6 Jinxed 250,000
7 Cursed by Fate (Max level) 500,000
Failing to retain a lockpick when using it to open a chest (25 points).
· Rank 0 – Treasure Hunter r1
100 – 0 = 100 chests needed.
100 * 1,2 * (1-0,4) = 72k needed
100 * 0,4 = 40 times retrain
100 * (1-0,4) = 60 times broken
40 * 250 = 10000 lucky points
60 * 25 = 1500 unlucky points
· Treasure Hunter r1 – Adept Treasure Hunter
250 – 100 = 150 chests needed
150 * 1,2 * (1-0,43) = 102,6k needed
150 * 0,43 = 64,5 times retrained
150 * ( 1-0,43) = 85,5 times broken
64,5 * 250 = 16125
85,5 * 25 = 2137,5
total lucky points 10000+ 16125 = 26125
total unlucky 1500 + 2137,5 = 3637,5
· Adept Treasure Hunter – Advanced Treasure Hunter
550 – 250 = 300 chests needed.
Charmed = 50000 points.
50000 – 26125 = 23875 points needed.
23875 / 250 = 95,5 retrains
95,5 / 0,46 = 207,6
so after (100+150+207,6=) 457,6 youll be Charmed
207,6 * 1,2 * (1-0,46) =134,52
207,6 * 0,46 = 95,5 retrains
207,6 * (1-0,46) = 112,1 broken
50000 points = Charmed
112,1 * 25 = 2802 unlucky points
total unlucky points 3637,5 + 2802 = 6440,1
Hapless reached!
300-207,6 = 92,4 chests left for Advanced Treasure Hunter
92,4 * 1,2 * (1-0,48) = 57,66
92,4 * 0,48 = 44,4 retrains
92,4 * (1-0,48) = 48,0 broken
44,4 * 250 = 11100 points
48,0 *25 = 1200 points
total lucky = 50000 + 11100 = 61100 points
total unlucky points = 6440,1 + 1200 = 7640
· Advanced Treasure hunter – Expert Treasure hunter
1200 – 550 = 650 chests to be opened.
For lucky: 100000 – 61100 = 38900
38900 / 250 = 155,6 retrains
155,6 / 0,51 = 305,1 chests
so after (100+150+300+305,1=) 905,1 chests your r2 lucky
305,1 * 1,2 * (1-0,51) = 179,40k
305,1 * 0,51 = 155,60 retrains
305,1 * (1-0,51) = 149,50 broken
total lucky points 100000 = lucky
total unlucky points 7640,1 + 3737,5 = 11377,6 unlucky reached!~
650 – 305,1 = 344,9 chests left for Expert Treasure Hunter.
344,9 * 1,2* (1-0,53) = 194,5
344,9 * 0,53 = 182,8 retrains
344,9 * (1-0,53) = 162,1 broken
lucky 182,8 * 250 = 45700 points
unlucky 162,1 * 25 = 4052,5 points
total lucky points = 100000 + 45700 = 145,700
total unlucky points = 11377,6 + 4052,5 = 15430,1 points
· Expert Treasure hunter – Elite Treasure Hunter
2500 – 1200 = 1300 chests
For Favored 250000 – 145700 = 104300
104300 / 250 = 417,2 retrains
417,2 / 0,56 = 745 chests
so after (1200 + 745=) 1945 chests youll be favored
745 * 1200 * 91-0,56) = 393,4 k needed
745 * 0,56 = 417,2 retrains
745 * (1-0,56) = 327,8 broken
250000 points = Favored
327,8 * 25 = 8195 points
tot. unlucky points = 15430,1 + 8195 = 23625,1 almost unfavored
1300 – 745 = 555 chests left for Elite Treasure Hunter
555 * 1,2 * 91-0,58) = 279,7k needed
555 * 0,58 = 321,9 retrains
555 * (1-0,58) = 233,1 broken
lucky 321,9 * 250 = 80475 pnts
unlucky 233,1 * 25 = 5827,5 pnts
total lucky pnts =250000 + 80475 = 330475 pnts
total unlucky points = 23625,1 + 5827,5 = 29452,6 pnts Unfavored reached!
· Elite Treasure Hunter – Master Treasure Hunter
5000 – 2500 = 2500 chests to be opened
For Prosperious 500000 – 330475 = 169525
169525 / 250 = 678,1 retrains
678,1 / 0,61 = 1111,6
so after (2500 + 1111,6=) 3611,6 chests youll be Prosperious
1111,6 * 1,2 * (1-0,61) = 520,2k needed
1111,6 * 0,61 = 678,1 retrains
1111,6 * (1-0,61) = 433,5 broken
500000 points = Prosperious reached
433,5 * 25 = 10837,5 points
tot unlucky points = 29452,6 + 10837,5 = 40290,1
2500 – 1111,6 = 1388,4 chests left for Master Treasure Hunter
1388,4 * 1,2 * (1-0,63) = 616,4
1388,4 * 0,63 = 874,7 retrains
1388,4 * (1-0,63) = 513,7 broken
lucky 874,7 * 250 = 218675 pnts
unlucky 513,7 *25 = 12842,5 pnts
total lucky points = 500000 + 218675 = 718675 pnts
tot. unlucky pnts. = 40290,1 + 12842,5 = 53132,6 Tragic reached!
· Master Treasure Hunter – Grandmaster Treasure Hunter
10000 – 5000 = 5000 chests to be opened
For Golden 1000000 – 718675 = 281325
281325 / 250 = 1125,3 retrains
1125,3 / 0,66 = 1705 chests
so after (5000 + 1705 = ) 6705 chests youll be Golden
1705 * 1,2 * (1-0,66) = 695,6 k needed
1705 * 0,66 = 1125,3 retrains
1705 * (1-0,66) = 579,7 broken
1000000 points = Golden reached
579,7 * 25 = 14492,5 pnts
tot. unlucky pnts = 53132,6 + 14492,5 = 67625,1
5000 – 1705 = 3295 chests left for Grandmaster Treasure Hunter
3295 * 1,2 * (1-0,68) = 1265,3k needed
3295 * 0,68 = 2240,6 retrains
3295 * (1-0,68) = 1054,4 broken
lucky 2240,6 * 250 = 560150 pnts
unlucky 1054,4 * 25 = 26360 pnts
tot. lucky points = 1000000 + 560150 = 1560150 pnts
tot. unlucky pnts. 67625,1 + 26360 = 93985,1
3 Results
· Rank 0 – Treasure Hunter r1
Cash needed (k) 72
Total Cash (k) 72
· Treasure Hunter r1 – Adept Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 102,6
Total Cash (k) 174,6
· Adept Treasure Hunter – Advanced Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 134,52 + 57,66
Total Cash (k) 366,78
· Advanced Treasure hunter – Expert Treasure hunter
Cash needed (k) 179,40 + 194,5
Total Cash (k) 740,68
· Expert Treasure hunter – Elite Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 393,4 + 279,7
Total Cash (k) 1413,78
· Elite Treasure Hunter – Master Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 520,2 + 616,4
Total Cash (k) 2550,38
· Master Treasure Hunter – Grandmaster Treasure Hunter
Cash needed (k) 695,6 + 1265,3
Total Cash (k) 4511,28
While opening chest your progress or the Lucky Title will be:
Chests opened Lucky Title
457,6 1
905,1 2
1945 3
3611,6 4
6705 5
After opening the 10000 recuired chest for Grandmaster Treasure Hunter. The Unlucky points will be 93985,1. Thats Tragic, and almost Wretched.
4 Conclusion
Although 4511,28k seems a lot for Grandmaster Treasure Hunter, keep in mind that the chest drops will have to be calculated too. After opening 100 chest ive calculated the average value of a drop. That number was 400g so 0,4k. 10000 * 0,4 = 4000k. 4511,28 – 4000 = 511,28k.
511,28k is decent. And by this time youve also reached r5 Lucky, so you dont have to do much 9 Rings for lucky points. According to a guide on wiki reaching the Golden rank via 9 rings would have costed aprox 750k. so if you planned on maxing lucky aswell, opening chests would have saved you this amouth of cash aswell.
You will also have gold items which you can use for the Wisdom Title.
Another option is to sell the goldies obtained from the chest and sell then 7=5k. Assuming 33% of the drops is a gold item will result in 3300 gold items. Can be sold for 2357,14k. The remaining 66% will be purple items with an average value of 250g, so 0,25k. 6600 * 0,25 = 1650k. 1650 +2357,14 = 4007,14k. My opinion is that you shouldnt sell the gold items you get from the chest but idd them yourself for the mods and merch value. Because on long terms these will be of more value to you than selling them. Its better to sell them AFTER youve reached max Treasure Hunter. Because the retrain chance of lockpicks is higher.
Ty for reading this guide and may it be to any value for you.
Edit Tuesday 24 June 2008: % droprate gold items 15 -->33%
actually, i disagree for your average per drop.
I think the average is artound 720g per drop.
This is because you can sell 7 unidentifieds for 5k.
Then, you will get some r9's that are valued around 5k, which will account for the purples.
(5000/7)=714 gold per unidentified.
Onless you want wisdom, also.
I think the average is artound 720g per drop.
This is because you can sell 7 unidentifieds for 5k.
Then, you will get some r9's that are valued around 5k, which will account for the purples.
(5000/7)=714 gold per unidentified.
Onless you want wisdom, also.
Your right, the main issue is the value of an average drop. I'm going to research the average value per drop on NM and come back on it. ty for your post.
I'd say that the aprox value of drops is 300g ea.
So i'd say u need 1511,28k
Also i got a question for you, do you just run the chests in Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza? - how long do it take to reach the chest?
all in all, nice guide - ty
So i'd say u need 1511,28k
Also i got a question for you, do you just run the chests in Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza? - how long do it take to reach the chest?
all in all, nice guide - ty
If you get goldies 33% of the time:
10000 chests = 3333 golds and 6666 purples
3333 / 7 * 5k = 2380,7k
6666 * 300g/ea = 1999,8k
2380,7 + 1999,8 = 4380,5k
4511,28k - 4380,5k = 130,78
Sidenote: Ppl are paying more pr unid goldie if you got a large quantity.
10000 chests = 3333 golds and 6666 purples
3333 / 7 * 5k = 2380,7k
6666 * 300g/ea = 1999,8k
2380,7 + 1999,8 = 4380,5k
4511,28k - 4380,5k = 130,78
Sidenote: Ppl are paying more pr unid goldie if you got a large quantity.
Lord Tetsu
question is: whats better killroy or port sledge runs (port sledge runs nets u 3-4 chests in 6-10mins)
Originally Posted by Lord Tetsu
question is: whats better killroy or port sledge runs (port sledge runs nets u 3-4 chests in 6-10mins)
Port Sledge if you have enough money to keep buying more picks. Almost 3-4 times faster than Kilroy, but EotN would have a better chance of golds i assume.
Your dont have to kill ppl in stonekin quest, just run for the quest
ty for the posts everyone, first of all noneedforclevernames i hope you got a decent awnser to your question about the value of an average drop. Ty ashes for providing the remaining info, and some math.
The fastest way to run chests is kilrooy. Also like ashes sayd, theres no need for fighting your way to the chest. Just run past every mob and sometimes use the block skill.

The fastest way to run chests is kilrooy. Also like ashes sayd, theres no need for fighting your way to the chest. Just run past every mob and sometimes use the block skill.
I have two notes bout the kilrooy chest running:
1, Sometimes the chests spawns near the final boss. Killing the boss to complete the dungeon isnt that hard. You will get 250g for the quest and 1 Ale (alcohol). However this takes 2-3 minutes and you also have to accept quest reward then change dis to take quest again. So i suggest not to kill killrooy if you plan on running chests.
2, Theres 1 chest spawning point in the second chamber. On some occasions the chest will spawn BEHIND the wall. you can still open it if its not far behind the wall. (otherwise start over) The drop however can drop further away making it impossible to pick up. In order to still be able to get the drop completing the dungeon is neccesary. After the timer runs out and your back in town. You can get the drop by ''unclaimed items''. This can take 4 minutes so you can also just start over.
1, Sometimes the chests spawns near the final boss. Killing the boss to complete the dungeon isnt that hard. You will get 250g for the quest and 1 Ale (alcohol). However this takes 2-3 minutes and you also have to accept quest reward then change dis to take quest again. So i suggest not to kill killrooy if you plan on running chests.
2, Theres 1 chest spawning point in the second chamber. On some occasions the chest will spawn BEHIND the wall. you can still open it if its not far behind the wall. (otherwise start over) The drop however can drop further away making it impossible to pick up. In order to still be able to get the drop completing the dungeon is neccesary. After the timer runs out and your back in town. You can get the drop by ''unclaimed items''. This can take 4 minutes so you can also just start over.
right outside boreal station there is always 1 or 2 need even for a runner build as the wurms do not hit from range...the pinesouls near the 2nd chest spawn (if one) will hit, but you should have enough time to grab the loot before they kill you...a chest run there takes 1-2 minutes...then rezone/repeat
Originally Posted by ashes
6666 * 300g/ea = 1999,8k
I think that you should read this study which covers both normal and hard mode chests. The mean merchant value of a purple item is 140g and that of a rare is 280g. You can also find other relevant statistical information there.
Finally, that's what i was looking for. Ty for the study tmakinen. The main idea which i started the topic was to calculate the retain % and the progress of the Lucky / Unlucky title. The study has the same outcomes as me so im happy with that.
More popular seems to be the fincances. As you mentioned in your own thread, the ongoing deflation is a down side.
More popular seems to be the fincances. As you mentioned in your own thread, the ongoing deflation is a down side.
Your right guys, i'll start over:
If you get goldies 33% of the time:
10000 chests = 3333 golds and 6666 purples
3333 / 7 * 5k = 2380,7k
6666 * 140g/ea = 933,24k
2380,7 + 933,24 = 3313,94k
4511,28k - 3313,94K = 1197,34k
If you get goldies 33% of the time:
10000 chests = 3333 golds and 6666 purples
3333 / 7 * 5k = 2380,7k
6666 * 140g/ea = 933,24k
2380,7 + 933,24 = 3313,94k
4511,28k - 3313,94K = 1197,34k
Originally Posted by tmakinen
I think that you should read this study which covers both normal and hard mode chests. The mean merchant value of a purple item is 140g and that of a rare is 280g. You can also find other relevant statistical information there.
3333 * 280g
6666 * 140g
= 1866.48k
4511,28k - 1866.48k = 2644.8k
Sweet Mystery
Interestingly I have started keeping stats on my lockpicks...
I am rank 5 lucky and rank 4 treasure hunter at the moment... giving me a 62% chance of normal mode retention.
I go into the Secret Lair of the Snowmen with a full party of heroes and hench and kill all the snowmen on route to the end and wherever there is a chest getting all their loot. I make around 1.5K a run from this selling all the chest items I get. I ID all my golds for my wisdom title so don't sell them. That run takes me 12 mins at most and I also get a party item and alcohol/sweet from it. All my lockpicks I buy for 1.25K each.
These are my stats from yesterday:
Broke/retain % : 32.32 / 67.68
Gold Items % : 40.40
Chests Opened : 99
Lockpicks Broke : 32
Golds obtained : 40
Unlucky Points Gained : 800
Lucky Points Gained : 16750
This is something I am going to keep doing and will HFFF to make money to buy picks when needed
I am rank 5 lucky and rank 4 treasure hunter at the moment... giving me a 62% chance of normal mode retention.
I go into the Secret Lair of the Snowmen with a full party of heroes and hench and kill all the snowmen on route to the end and wherever there is a chest getting all their loot. I make around 1.5K a run from this selling all the chest items I get. I ID all my golds for my wisdom title so don't sell them. That run takes me 12 mins at most and I also get a party item and alcohol/sweet from it. All my lockpicks I buy for 1.25K each.
These are my stats from yesterday:
Broke/retain % : 32.32 / 67.68
Gold Items % : 40.40
Chests Opened : 99
Lockpicks Broke : 32
Golds obtained : 40
Unlucky Points Gained : 800
Lucky Points Gained : 16750
This is something I am going to keep doing and will HFFF to make money to buy picks when needed

I made my calculations in Kilroy and came out with the result of getting a chest every 1 minute and 23 seconds. Stated time includes runs with the chest near the boss (therefore unreachable) and the time needed to zone out and talk to Kilroy.
I was wondering if it's anyhow better than running Ascalon chests in Ascalon Foothills with two accounts to get the lucky title? Btw. does anyone know any better spots for the Lucky than the one mentioned above?
I was wondering if it's anyhow better than running Ascalon chests in Ascalon Foothills with two accounts to get the lucky title? Btw. does anyone know any better spots for the Lucky than the one mentioned above?
Elusive of SoLD
Nice guide, not a big point but all of your OP says "retrain" not, retain.
The days of selling golds and mods for any meaningful price have gone. To open 10k chests with picks comes at a considerable price. So I believe selling the golds is a MUST. Build up a regular supply of buyers which will save you time spamming in kamaden. 7 for 5.5k for bulk sales of 50 a time is a fair price for wannabe wisdom hunters, it will make up for a lot of the loss you will take from the broken picks. The 30 sellable unid golds from 100 chests is the right percentage IMO (Ive opened 7600 total, 5500 at fronis).
I've reached R6 TH and R5 lucky. The offset from the purples/rune sales makes up the difference from buying the picks and them breaking, only after selling the unid golds. If you are very lucky you will make some profit, the odd good drop once every 500 chests (a sup vigor/q9 draconic spear/Wyvern blade) from Fronis is a nice bonus. You will get countless survivor and radiant runes.
100 chests a day - 2 1/2 hours to avoid overburn. Soon be done
The days of selling golds and mods for any meaningful price have gone. To open 10k chests with picks comes at a considerable price. So I believe selling the golds is a MUST. Build up a regular supply of buyers which will save you time spamming in kamaden. 7 for 5.5k for bulk sales of 50 a time is a fair price for wannabe wisdom hunters, it will make up for a lot of the loss you will take from the broken picks. The 30 sellable unid golds from 100 chests is the right percentage IMO (Ive opened 7600 total, 5500 at fronis).
I've reached R6 TH and R5 lucky. The offset from the purples/rune sales makes up the difference from buying the picks and them breaking, only after selling the unid golds. If you are very lucky you will make some profit, the odd good drop once every 500 chests (a sup vigor/q9 draconic spear/Wyvern blade) from Fronis is a nice bonus. You will get countless survivor and radiant runes.
100 chests a day - 2 1/2 hours to avoid overburn. Soon be done

Thanks for the comments. the main idea of this thread was to motivate others (and myself) to go do chestruns. Im happy to see people posted their progress.
Comment here if you get the max rank. Untill the: gogogog and good luck.
Comment here if you get the max rank. Untill the: gogogog and good luck.
I run from Boreal Station. There are 3 possible spawn regions and the run takes about 1.5 minutes. I bring 2 heroes (W/P or P/W) carrying "Charge", "Fallback", one more speed skill that cannot self-target, and res signet (just in case). I put "Fallback" on my bar and a fast self heal in case aloes or avalanche stop me. With this hero setup, I may have to trigger a skill one out of every 20 runs.
The three regions:
1) across the first narrow land bridge where the wurms spawn before crossing chasm (chest can be anywhere on small loop)
2) across the chasm ranging from the northwester corner on the narrow path to just past the rez shrine (enemies can be wurms or aloe)
3) in the region with the pinesoul and avalanche - chest will be either on eastern ledge that skirts region or one of the three mob areas (4 general locations, but variability in exact location within each general location)
Drops are fairly horrid, but occasionally get a nice mod to salvage. Never once got an armor drop. Dolyak Prod Staves are very common. Gold drop rate is about 33%. This is not the place to make money back, but if you are shooting for speed, this is the way to go. I average just over 2 chests per run, but there are the occasional "empty" runs with no chests. By leaving Boreal Station and coming right back in before starting your first run, when you reach you last chest you can /resign to be placed right at the exit so you can immediately start a new chest run without traipsing through the station. Saves bookoo time.
1350+ chests opened (550+ opened using this run)
r2 lucky, r2 unlucky
buying lps for 1.25k from a regular, reliable supplier.
The three regions:
1) across the first narrow land bridge where the wurms spawn before crossing chasm (chest can be anywhere on small loop)
2) across the chasm ranging from the northwester corner on the narrow path to just past the rez shrine (enemies can be wurms or aloe)
3) in the region with the pinesoul and avalanche - chest will be either on eastern ledge that skirts region or one of the three mob areas (4 general locations, but variability in exact location within each general location)
Drops are fairly horrid, but occasionally get a nice mod to salvage. Never once got an armor drop. Dolyak Prod Staves are very common. Gold drop rate is about 33%. This is not the place to make money back, but if you are shooting for speed, this is the way to go. I average just over 2 chests per run, but there are the occasional "empty" runs with no chests. By leaving Boreal Station and coming right back in before starting your first run, when you reach you last chest you can /resign to be placed right at the exit so you can immediately start a new chest run without traipsing through the station. Saves bookoo time.
1350+ chests opened (550+ opened using this run)
r2 lucky, r2 unlucky
buying lps for 1.25k from a regular, reliable supplier.
Ewa Kirch
I have opened approx 9960 chests
. The fastest place for me was Witman’s from port sledge, 3 chests in 2-4mins depending on location. I have managed to open 3 chests, type /age and it said 1 minute, but it must have been just under 2 minutes.
It is easy to sell 7 unid’s for 5.6k, and when you have found a few buyers, I would just pm whoever was online when my mules and storage where close to being full, so 50+ at a time. I only dropped to selling 7 for 5k in Kamadan when I was so full of un-id’s that I couldn’t run any more chests and none of my regular buyers where on-line. If you want you can easily identify the +30hp mods or +5 energy mods to sell them on, but in the end, I stopped doing that as it just slows down the chests running, while you look for buyers.
At about r4 treasure I started to break even, buying 80 lockpicks for 100k is quick and easy in America Kamadan district.
Witmans chests drop a lot of purple and gold armor, the purples often have major vigor and radiant/survivor insigna’s etc, the gold armor also, I don’t reckon it makes much difference if you id the gold armours (in the hope of a superior vigor and/or insigna’s) or sell them un-id, as you get the same return overall ie you will need to id 15-20+ gold armor’s before you find a superior vigor rune.
Now at r6 treasure and r5 lucky I was actually making money from it! and have now stopped selling un-id’s as I have enough lockpicks left to finish the title. I reckon I have made 200k from the last 5000 chests, which works out at 40g per chest (lol).
As a final note: I would get a gold fellblade approx every 1000 chests opened (none of which have been 15^50

It is easy to sell 7 unid’s for 5.6k, and when you have found a few buyers, I would just pm whoever was online when my mules and storage where close to being full, so 50+ at a time. I only dropped to selling 7 for 5k in Kamadan when I was so full of un-id’s that I couldn’t run any more chests and none of my regular buyers where on-line. If you want you can easily identify the +30hp mods or +5 energy mods to sell them on, but in the end, I stopped doing that as it just slows down the chests running, while you look for buyers.
At about r4 treasure I started to break even, buying 80 lockpicks for 100k is quick and easy in America Kamadan district.
Witmans chests drop a lot of purple and gold armor, the purples often have major vigor and radiant/survivor insigna’s etc, the gold armor also, I don’t reckon it makes much difference if you id the gold armours (in the hope of a superior vigor and/or insigna’s) or sell them un-id, as you get the same return overall ie you will need to id 15-20+ gold armor’s before you find a superior vigor rune.
Now at r6 treasure and r5 lucky I was actually making money from it! and have now stopped selling un-id’s as I have enough lockpicks left to finish the title. I reckon I have made 200k from the last 5000 chests, which works out at 40g per chest (lol).
As a final note: I would get a gold fellblade approx every 1000 chests opened (none of which have been 15^50

I ran from Boreal Station when going after max Treasure Hunter. Since it was going to be my 30th maxed title, I decided to sell unids after checking them for +30 mods. Most of the time I was selling 7 for 5.5k, but a good deal of them was sold to a regular buyer who payed 6k per 7. That, and money from +30 upgrades made me a nice profit.
As Mohnzh's running build is concerned - there is no need for heroes. The build I've used was Dash, Dwarven Stability and "I Am Unstoppable!". DS gives a nice 6 second Dash. Coupled with +20% ench weapon, DS lasts 36 seconds and requires only one recast just before the bridge. Obviously, "I Am Unstoppable!" is here to counter knockdown from Aloes using SoJ.
Also, I've never ran close to the res-shrine, let alone beyond it. If the chest did not spawn just on the other side of the bridge, I'd resign and start over. Average run time: 55 seconds. Chests opened per hour: 40-50 depending whether I'm typing in guild/alliance chat or not.
As Mohnzh's running build is concerned - there is no need for heroes. The build I've used was Dash, Dwarven Stability and "I Am Unstoppable!". DS gives a nice 6 second Dash. Coupled with +20% ench weapon, DS lasts 36 seconds and requires only one recast just before the bridge. Obviously, "I Am Unstoppable!" is here to counter knockdown from Aloes using SoJ.
Also, I've never ran close to the res-shrine, let alone beyond it. If the chest did not spawn just on the other side of the bridge, I'd resign and start over. Average run time: 55 seconds. Chests opened per hour: 40-50 depending whether I'm typing in guild/alliance chat or not.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but how do u check for a +30hp or any other mod when the wep is not identified?
Do u just equip the wep/armor and look if your hp has increased or is there another way?
Do u just equip the wep/armor and look if your hp has increased or is there another way?
If you want to max you title the fastest, I have been running the secret layer of the snowmen for a while now and i can say that you can run between 2 to 5 chests in 2 mins. ( If you can keep up shadow form)
Originally Posted by Argentino
Maybe this is a dumb question, but how do u check for a +30hp or any other mod when the wep is not identified?
Do u just equip the wep/armor and look if your hp has increased or is there another way? |