Death Leveling in Pre


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

in a house

The Knitters Guild


OK I know how to dl in the Northlands but how easy is it to set up the dl with the birds?

I only need 1000 more xp for lvl 17 so is it best to dl charr with 9 toons for 10 hours or a bunch of birds.

I read that you can lvl the birds to 20 in about 3 hours. Should I charm a bird at lvl 20 as well?

Just thinking outloud



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008

Binge And Purge [HET]


by bird ill suppose u mean Moa. Yh charm one at lvl20 is always good, and they are huge. The DL in the northlands takes like 30 mins ot set up but its better, u can get more foes and its better for time/xp ratio. So id say DL a moa or whatever pet u want to lvl20 and charm it, and DL chaars. Btw ranger skills own the chaar, use those