Report option for Leeching in High End Area's
Heya, I dont know if it has been asked before, but i would like to make a suggestion...
I was doing FoW Hm, and i noticed the high amount of leechers in each time i did FoW or other high end area's... Could anet enable the leeching option in FoW/UW/DoA/Urgoz/Warren?
I was playing in a HM team for Fow... I had 2 leavers, inc 1 HB, and 2 ursans going afk... with 6/11 done... By some good fighting we managed to get a FoW clear with a 4 man team... And somewhere near the end one of the leechers came back, he had a shower... -.-
This really drives me nuts... i notice a very high amount of leechers, and its ruining the game...
Can you add the report leech option with more then half the team voting to leech, resulting in a penalty of some kind???
please, consider this, thanks
I was doing FoW Hm, and i noticed the high amount of leechers in each time i did FoW or other high end area's... Could anet enable the leeching option in FoW/UW/DoA/Urgoz/Warren?
I was playing in a HM team for Fow... I had 2 leavers, inc 1 HB, and 2 ursans going afk... with 6/11 done... By some good fighting we managed to get a FoW clear with a 4 man team... And somewhere near the end one of the leechers came back, he had a shower... -.-
This really drives me nuts... i notice a very high amount of leechers, and its ruining the game...
Can you add the report leech option with more then half the team voting to leech, resulting in a penalty of some kind???
please, consider this, thanks
Kerwyn Nasilan
Do runs with guildies, problem solved.
Originally Posted by Kerwyn Nasilan
Do runs with guildies, problem solved.
true, but problem still remains with PuG's
Kerwyn Nasilan
Don't think you got the drift, DO NOT DO ELITE AREAS WITH PuGS, better yet don't join PuGs period.
Konig Des Todes
This has been suggested before. Also, to the PuG comments. It is hard for one like myself to get in a guild group.... when you don't have a guild O.o. Although I'm not complaining.
Wait, what? 5 people did no work, and you have a 4 man clear? 8-5=3 O.o
Originally Posted by Dograzor
I was playing in a HM team for Fow... I had 2 leavers, inc 1 HB, and 2 ursans going afk... with 6/11 done... By some good fighting we managed to get a FoW clear with a 4 man team...
Originally Posted by Dorgazor
I had 2 leavers, inc 1 HB, and 2 ursans going afk
Leeches suck (no pun intended), so /signed
romeus petrus
Easy solution: don't pug Elite areas.
Seriously though, certain Elite areas are not meant for PUGs. According to our Guild rules, no PUGs are allowed in any Elite area runs for that reason.
Seriously though, certain Elite areas are not meant for PUGs. According to our Guild rules, no PUGs are allowed in any Elite area runs for that reason.
Originally Posted by Dograzor
ursans......with 6/11 done...
Can you add the report leech option with more then half the team voting to leech, resulting in a penalty of some kind??? |
Join a better guild. Only the bad players who aren't in guilds/good guilds PUG.
Originally Posted by Covah
6/11 with an "okay" ursan group (if there is such a thing) is about 25-30 minutes in. You could have just left or something.
Join a better guild. Only the bad players who aren't in guilds/good guilds PUG. |
And yes, i could have quit if wanted, but im no quitter just because you're stuck with a crappy group, i usually try to make the best out of it. So at some point you'll be forced to PuG, and its usually a 50/50 chance if you end up with a crappy group or not.
Still, even if a group is crappy, its an okay excuse for failing a FoW clear. But it is not acceptable if you have leavers/leechers in Elite area's after being halfway in. The leavers i can understand at times, RL can call them or they have connection problems, but leeching is a quite low act.. If you want to play Elite area's HM, then do it for the challenge to prove that you can, not just for the end reward...
So any1 for/against adding a leeching option in /report in Elite Area's?
Sinister Syndicate
yeah would be bad ass if they added the option to report leechers in Elite areas.. They only care about that crap in stupid PvP not stupid PvE just stupid PvP so they wont do it. we had 7 quest done in UW and he goes afk...we got him killed but guess what they have stupid auto rez when you finish all quest so he gets his chest...thats dumb! but they only care about that crap in STUPID PvP oh' well nothing we can do.

yeah guiz PVP is stoopid and should b deleted!!onenoemilloneone
as for all you whiners about pugs sucking, dont do it. simple as. and as for teh OP about 6/11 done in a similar way to you, half the group goes to shit ends up 5 people leaveing and we did it with one death, so like booohoo
as for all you whiners about pugs sucking, dont do it. simple as. and as for teh OP about 6/11 done in a similar way to you, half the group goes to shit ends up 5 people leaveing and we did it with one death, so like booohoo
they need to either allow group leader the ability to kick members of the group, or allow people to /report leacher like in pvp. Just like in pvp, if a majority of players do report, that character is kicked from group.
This would help in alot of situation. This would help runners control non payers. This would help control players who try to sabotage groups.
And everyone who said "Don't group with PuGs". Clever the first time, does not contributed to this idea.
This would help in alot of situation. This would help runners control non payers. This would help control players who try to sabotage groups.
And everyone who said "Don't group with PuGs". Clever the first time, does not contributed to this idea.