The Way to fix the Ecto Market
I love how people will come to these threads, read nothing other people say, and foolishly missing the obvious flaws others have pointed out in their arguements. Ecto has stayed around 4-4.5k in value. There are alternatives. People have been complaining about ursan for months and Anet has done nothing. What makes you think that they will listen this time? They are not adding content. Ecto rates aren't that high anyways. 2-3 per run really doesn't effect things as much as you think. 1/3 of runs fail anyways because of poor Behemoth/Blackness Spawns. They do have monsters with skills to stop the run (Traps and the Shock). And much like the Vwk Warrior, this takes skill to run! Its not like someone devoid of skill can pull this off. As i said earlier, I want to nerf your complaining because thats whats wrong with this game/=.
The forth fly
why should ectos cost4/5k each?
Ecto prices are fluctuating wildly - I'm no economist but it seems like they're not an optimal currency. I'm surprised we're not seeing more zkeys used as currency - they were at one point equal to 1 ecto. Now there's a huge influx of ecto, and very few options to remove them from circulation (chaos gloves and fow armor) Otherwise they just accumulate. Zkeys on the other hand are constantly being removed from circulation, thus their value will not drop like ecto since there will never be an overwhelming supply. I vote zkeys for the new currency! People holding stacks of armbraces and ectos already got screwed, not much more you can do to devalue them.
Dirty Sticks
Originally Posted by itsvictor
I want to point out that there's one huge flaw in the economy in any mmorpg. There is an infinite supply that cannot always be counter balanced with demand. Ecto prices are steady and there hasn't been a Black Tuesday yet so the ecto market is fine. Sell to the trader IMO...
Originally Posted by Dirty Sticks
idk if you would consider this a black tuesday but i think two years ago they had to reset the game back like a week because prices dropped to like 100g for everything
On Topic: Oh please...i can FINALLY buy ectos... don't make them go up again

I would suggest putting ecto and shards else where in the game a place that bots can't get access to it.No dungeons either or make a new one like The Catacombs eeryone wants to see that one openned up agian so open it.
Captain Herbalife
The only people that the ecto price drop is hurting are the ones who do nothing but farm them all day long and horde them up stack after stack.
I say screw these elitist farming asses. Let them play the game more. I
have had my "farming" spots nerfed time after time. I am persoanlly glad
to see ecto drop. I hope they drop to 1k ea. then the arguement will be over aye?
I say screw these elitist farming asses. Let them play the game more. I
have had my "farming" spots nerfed time after time. I am persoanlly glad
to see ecto drop. I hope they drop to 1k ea. then the arguement will be over aye?
Droz the Merciless
Hmmm....the way I see things is that people have become too accustomed to using ectos as a form of currency, and said individuals are now upset because of they feel ecto is losing it's value, all the while it still relatively stable. Why don't you guys find something else to replace the ecto if you're so concerned? I saw some good ideas...Zkeys, lockpicks etc.
Wait a sec....I get it now. If you did that, you wouldn't be able to farm it as easily huh. Interesting how that works out. Get over it. In a year or two GW2 will be out, and you'll have new things to cry about. Just get on w/ the game and have some fun, after all, it's just a game.
Wait a sec....I get it now. If you did that, you wouldn't be able to farm it as easily huh. Interesting how that works out. Get over it. In a year or two GW2 will be out, and you'll have new things to cry about. Just get on w/ the game and have some fun, after all, it's just a game.
A/Me anyone?
If they nerf Shadow Form, A/Me's can still farm it almost as easily, and if they nerf it so much that A/Me's Can't keep it up, the skill is useless IMO
If they nerf Shadow Form, A/Me's can still farm it almost as easily, and if they nerf it so much that A/Me's Can't keep it up, the skill is useless IMO
Trinity Fire Angel
doesn;t anyone understand that prices are driven by the merchants? if people sell to the merchant then the price of ecto goes down. if people buy from the merchant and release the stores then the price goes up.
the cost of ecto is not reflected as much as by how much people are selling them for in Trade chat. that is an artificial price that is somewhere between the merchant buying and selling price.
Just like the fabled US dollar. The once might US economy is falling hard and all money and official transactions are moving to the Euro. An example is that the Australian dollar this time last year was 0.73 US cents and is now 0.95 Us cents. Where as against the Euro it was 0.72 cents and is now aournd 0.63 cents. eg. people are moving away from the US (their economy is falling) and the Euro is increasing. I personally know that many big mining companies are now writing contracts in Euros.
So... my suggestion? this MMO is a free market in all it;s capitalist glory so either sell all your ectos to the merchant to bring down the price, buy all your ectos from the merchant to raise the price or start doing ALL YOUR TRADING IN Z-KEYS or some other commodity that does not fluctuate so heavily. I know that i will be doign all my trades in z-keys from now on....
just watch it like a stockmarket. in one day i bought 300K of ectos at 3.5k early Sunday morning and then sold them all off at 4.2K around lunch time and then bought them all back at 3.7K that evening. Now ectos are around 4.1k again.
Keys have actually seemed to go up to around 5.5k at one point during that day but are abck to 5k again.
the cost of ecto is not reflected as much as by how much people are selling them for in Trade chat. that is an artificial price that is somewhere between the merchant buying and selling price.
Just like the fabled US dollar. The once might US economy is falling hard and all money and official transactions are moving to the Euro. An example is that the Australian dollar this time last year was 0.73 US cents and is now 0.95 Us cents. Where as against the Euro it was 0.72 cents and is now aournd 0.63 cents. eg. people are moving away from the US (their economy is falling) and the Euro is increasing. I personally know that many big mining companies are now writing contracts in Euros.
So... my suggestion? this MMO is a free market in all it;s capitalist glory so either sell all your ectos to the merchant to bring down the price, buy all your ectos from the merchant to raise the price or start doing ALL YOUR TRADING IN Z-KEYS or some other commodity that does not fluctuate so heavily. I know that i will be doign all my trades in z-keys from now on....
just watch it like a stockmarket. in one day i bought 300K of ectos at 3.5k early Sunday morning and then sold them all off at 4.2K around lunch time and then bought them all back at 3.7K that evening. Now ectos are around 4.1k again.
Keys have actually seemed to go up to around 5.5k at one point during that day but are abck to 5k again.
Originally Posted by Bobulation
A/Me anyone?
If they nerf Shadow Form, A/Me's can still farm it almost as easily, and if they nerf it so much that A/Me's Can't keep it up, the skill is useless IMO |
Back to the OP:
2. Chillbains on Dying Nightmares anyone? loljk. A good idea, but since there's hardly any skills that can remove shadow form, it'd be hard.
3. True, at least for mindblades. Cutting the drop rate in half would have a good effect on the price.
4. A genius Idea, but then again, Sin farmers have many ectos in storage or something. So It'd have to be like new FoW armor or something to get ectos up
Hailey Anne
I suggest to close thread myself.
This is just another nerf SF thread mixed in with other suggestions to mke it look like its something else.
Enough with these threads already.
This is just another nerf SF thread mixed in with other suggestions to mke it look like its something else.
Enough with these threads already.
Darkpower Alchemist
As long as a surplus of an item exists, prices will go down. Nothing will change that. If weapons,armor,and items were needing maintenance, then the market would stabilize and thrive. Prices wouldn't go way out of a sensible range,save for truly rare items. The price on an item would mean more than it does now.
It's not overfarming an item that makes prices go down, but supply compared to demand that make a price drop. Hording ecto never was good for the economy. Creating an ecto sink hole was the right thing in a short term level. Yet, with only certain things to sink ecto into, it becomes a fashion trend instead of a total solution. If FoW armor needed maintaining and ecto was necessary for said maintenance, you would have a next sink for it.
3 million people with FoW armor sets and chaos gloves was never going to make ecto, as a market, stable. Personally, I would like the ecto to drop even further into the hole, as to make it affordable to all manner of players. Then, they would spend the cash on ecto and it would be manageable as a material.
It would round out at an affordable price and stay there for at least a solid year, due to the supply matching the demand. 5k isn't a lot of money, but 250 items at 5k each makes a poor man rich. Imagine guys with just 2 stacks of ecto? Or half of a storage panel full? It's doing nothing useful horded on a mule!
[email protected] ea= 1,250,000 platinum per stack. Economics isn't fair. Imagine all the grinders that have a stack of ecto out there! QQing about price drops because they sank so much time for that number of ecto or more. Everything has a season.
Let the market do what it should. Right itself! The GW economy isn't like the U.S. or World economy. Their is no cost for maintaining equipment or people or places. Their is only the player's wants and general needs to continue playing, which the needs are usually handle a little after lvl 20. So, let the sins farm the ecto as much as they want. I'm waiting patiently for my chaos gloves for my mesmer.
32 ecto down, 38 to go.

It's not overfarming an item that makes prices go down, but supply compared to demand that make a price drop. Hording ecto never was good for the economy. Creating an ecto sink hole was the right thing in a short term level. Yet, with only certain things to sink ecto into, it becomes a fashion trend instead of a total solution. If FoW armor needed maintaining and ecto was necessary for said maintenance, you would have a next sink for it.
3 million people with FoW armor sets and chaos gloves was never going to make ecto, as a market, stable. Personally, I would like the ecto to drop even further into the hole, as to make it affordable to all manner of players. Then, they would spend the cash on ecto and it would be manageable as a material.
It would round out at an affordable price and stay there for at least a solid year, due to the supply matching the demand. 5k isn't a lot of money, but 250 items at 5k each makes a poor man rich. Imagine guys with just 2 stacks of ecto? Or half of a storage panel full? It's doing nothing useful horded on a mule!
[email protected] ea= 1,250,000 platinum per stack. Economics isn't fair. Imagine all the grinders that have a stack of ecto out there! QQing about price drops because they sank so much time for that number of ecto or more. Everything has a season.
Let the market do what it should. Right itself! The GW economy isn't like the U.S. or World economy. Their is no cost for maintaining equipment or people or places. Their is only the player's wants and general needs to continue playing, which the needs are usually handle a little after lvl 20. So, let the sins farm the ecto as much as they want. I'm waiting patiently for my chaos gloves for my mesmer.
32 ecto down, 38 to go.

tbh the novelty of this whole ecto boom has already worn off for me, was fun to farm for a couple days but just boring as anything maybe its a matter of time before the majority of the ecto farmers get bored and prices start to go back up...but again what do i care i have no use for ecto anymore ;P
Mr. Undisclosed
Hmm...way to fix the ecto market. Don't invest large amounts of money in rare materials that could drop any time and actually use them for armor.
Originally Posted by Mr. Undisclosed
Hmm...way to fix the ecto market. Don't invest large amounts of money in rare materials that could drop any time and actually use them for armor.
Originally Posted by Mr. Undisclosed
Hmm...way to fix the ecto market. Don't invest large amounts of money in rare materials that could drop any time and actually use them for armor.
You know the best way to fix this is to have set price like what merchants are like so say ecto will always be 100g a piece the same with all rares.
Originally Posted by Mr. Undisclosed
Hmm...way to fix the ecto market. Don't invest large amounts of money in rare materials that could drop any time and actually use them for armor.
Originally Posted by Targren
Your reasoned and logical responses are unwelcome here.
Dark Paladin X
Originally Posted by Ambuu
That's pretty much what I was thinking. And If they do nerf it too much, it'll become the PvP version of the skill. So then it makes the whole PvE/PvP split seem pointless.
Back to the OP: 2. Chillbains on Dying Nightmares anyone? loljk. A good idea, but since there's hardly any skills that can remove shadow form, it'd be hard. 3. True, at least for mindblades. Cutting the drop rate in half would have a good effect on the price. 4. A genius Idea, but then again, Sin farmers have many ectos in storage or something. So It'd have to be like new FoW armor or something to get ectos up |
Cutting the drop rates and introducing new weapons and armor would be the best option.
They do have monsters with skills to stop the run (Traps and the Shock). And much like the Vwk Warrior, this takes skill to run! Its not like someone devoid of skill can pull this off. As i said earlier, I want to nerf your complaining because thats whats wrong with this game/=. |
Angelina Collins
the problem is not the ecto market, it's the greed of players who decided to use ecto's as alternate currency. I have an idea, make ecto's useless. Use another crafting materal for chaos gloves and FOW armor, like spiritwood planks. Oh wait then the greedy players would use them, maybe just remove the cap on gp, or increase it to one million plat storage, 50000 plat trade.
I hope the ecto market crashes, I mean what is the loss, gw is dead anyways, unless gw2 fails to meet expections.
I hope the ecto market crashes, I mean what is the loss, gw is dead anyways, unless gw2 fails to meet expections.
Originally Posted by The Pious Priest
The Guild Wars economy is very similar to that of a real world economy
One of the problems that is that every player has a copy of the area they go into, once u get rid of instanced zones u get rid of the mass farmers in one area.
Phoenix Tears
and option 326554513751894 ... would be:
just stop QQ and live with the game, how it is.
Everything will become sooner or later in games like GW cheaper and that the prices fall down is onl< good for casual gamers...
Stop the perma QQ, stop being perma selfish !!!
End of Problem.
just stop QQ and live with the game, how it is.
Everything will become sooner or later in games like GW cheaper and that the prices fall down is onl< good for casual gamers...
Stop the perma QQ, stop being perma selfish !!!
End of Problem.
I am partially too lazy to read the whole thing, but a friend pointed out that they may just give all the mesmer's in UW and maybe give everything else mesmer secondaries for [signet of disenchantment]
Who Knows, as for chaos dye & New Items /signed
Who Knows, as for chaos dye & New Items /signed
Originally Posted by Golgotha
Or, better yet: X amount of ectos to change your character's appearance. That'd sell like hotcakes.

Sweet Mystery
Favor will run out, the excessive farming of ectos pretty much ends.... then some people will farm and the market stablizes.... or Anet put a hard code minimum trader price of 5K to sell - buffing the price? Hell we all know price fixing exists in the real world so why not in GW too?
once favor runs out the rare scroll traders will be outa fow and uw passage scrolls and then they become like sup shadow runes. /signed for mimimun ecto price(tho id like 7k). Or just make it so every mob in chaos planes has a touch skill
Tha Dukk
Originally Posted by The Pious Priest
there is too much Ecto on the market and not enough buyers to sell to
4.Introduce new armor, weapons and benefits for ectoplasm |
The economy was retarded. You people farming these items like mad, trying to make in game money, selling useless shit for more cash than a character can trade at one time.
I like the idea of introducing more ecto crafted armor.
Originally Posted by Bobulation
What do you expect people to do once they get over 1000k in storage and 100k on each character? Ectos were the best way to keep money.
That, or have the foresight to sell off their ecto stash upon seeing SF's buff like myself and others did.
romeus petrus
Ecto market was just fixed and all it took was nerfing SF *puts on shocked face.
Thx Anet for listening.
Thx Anet for listening.
Originally Posted by romeus petrus
Ecto market was just fixed and all it took was nerfing SF *puts on shocked face.
Thx Anet for listening. |
Hailey Anne
Originally Posted by romeus petrus
Ecto market was just fixed and all it took was nerfing SF *puts on shocked face.
Thx Anet for listening. |
Its worse than it was before this nerf to SF. 3.7k at trader
This change was overkill. It didnt stop UW farmers hell it doesnt even slow them down. It gives like 3 less dreamriders but can still get 5+ ectos a run.
Only thing they accomplished with this nerf is other farm spots.
Revert SF and make Dreamriders Me/A with Expunge Enchantments so the farmers Cant avoid any of them and make this run almost impossible.
romeus petrus
I disagree. I think the nerf was a good thing, but too little too late. I think a bigger [Shadow form] nerf is warranted. OR just turn all the Riders into Cursed Dream Riders.
Btw it is very easy to say "wrong" in retrospect.
Btw it is very easy to say "wrong" in retrospect.
Mykaal Avalon
True its forced all the SF farmers into UW as its not viable doing green/tome runs.
Originally Posted by romeus petrus
I disagree. I think the nerf was a good thing, but too little too late. I think a bigger [Shadow form] nerf is warranted. OR just turn all the Riders into Cursed Dream Riders.
Btw it is very easy to say "wrong" in retrospect. |
romeus petrus
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
SF needs be reverted back to what it was period. plain and simple. If you did that to all the riders noone would ever be able to finish UW without being URSAN period.
And btw, insisting on a "God Mode" in PvE is something that truly qualifies as a stupid idea.
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
No as both is stupid ideas.
Originally Posted by Cloud_Deven
One of the problems that is that every player has a copy of the area they go into, once u get rid of instanced zones u get rid of the mass farmers in one area.
Before people start calling for more nerfs on SF or any other farm build do something for me. Right here on guru go look at the number of people readying Riverside, Sardelac, Campfire, and Gladiator. The majority will be in Campfire, now when you open campfire guess where the majority of will be readying.
Before anyone suggest nerfs because they are only thinking of themselves take into consideration that if you were the only one playing this game, the game servers would have been closed.
Originally Posted by romeus petrus
And btw, insisting on a "God Mode" in PvE is something that truly qualifies as a stupid idea.
Attacking someone’s grammar is just a poor way to try to debate someone.
Master Sword Keeper
Dear players.
click updates.
UW has now been retrofitted to counteract Shadow form exploitation.
Nuff sed? haha. Oh well. Guess you destroy a system and it becomes repaired.
Ectoes will go back up again.
click updates.
UW has now been retrofitted to counteract Shadow form exploitation.
Nuff sed? haha. Oh well. Guess you destroy a system and it becomes repaired.
Ectoes will go back up again.