Well, I just got to yaks bend and Im trying to save up until max armour at Droks. Will I be able to do this? Droks seems a bit far off...
I got the collector armour that gives me 45 armour. And I have about 2.5 K right now hopefully when I get there I'll have enough...
When to buy armour
Roy Flospar
You will almost certainly have more than anough when you get there (if you don't get runs etc..) and if you waste it to much you wont have s-t either
If you're playing through the game, I believe Lion's Arch also has AR 40 armors. So, if you're wearing something with 40 or above AR, you're good to go.
I found the best way through was to buy armor twice. 30AL armor in Ascalon then 80AL armor in Droks.
Keep in mind, if you own more than one campaign (or Eye of the North), you can get max level armor once you get to Lions Arch by going to Kaineng or Consulate Docks, or Boreal Station (at lv 10).
Keep in mind, if you own more than one campaign (or Eye of the North), you can get max level armor once you get to Lions Arch by going to Kaineng or Consulate Docks, or Boreal Station (at lv 10).
Originally Posted by Omnidragon42
I found the best way through was to buy armor twice. 30AL armor in Ascalon then 80AL armor in Droks.
Keep in mind, if you own more than one campaign (or Eye of the North), you can get max level armor once you get to Lions Arch by going to Kaineng or Consulate Docks, or Boreal Station (at lv 10). Warriors have 50 AL in Ascalon to Lions Arch not 30 that is for spell castors.The Op is perfactly fine with this untill he get to Sanctum Cay and can go out side and get almost near max for 250g each set and doesn't require that much mats.
The AL from that crafter is 71 as Droks is 80 and dosn't matter all the much in PvE.You could also buy it in Amnoon Oasis and my Ranger wnet through 3 campaigns with that armour.To the OP just save up and go to Sanctum Cay forget about Droks or go to KC.
Keep in mind, if you own more than one campaign (or Eye of the North), you can get max level armor once you get to Lions Arch by going to Kaineng or Consulate Docks, or Boreal Station (at lv 10). Warriors have 50 AL in Ascalon to Lions Arch not 30 that is for spell castors.The Op is perfactly fine with this untill he get to Sanctum Cay and can go out side and get almost near max for 250g each set and doesn't require that much mats.
The AL from that crafter is 71 as Droks is 80 and dosn't matter all the much in PvE.You could also buy it in Amnoon Oasis and my Ranger wnet through 3 campaigns with that armour.To the OP just save up and go to Sanctum Cay forget about Droks or go to KC.
Crom The Pale
It all depends on how much cash you have to play with and if your doing a full run of the game or taking a shortcut via a run.
If you taking a run you have all you need at this point, you can reach Beacons Perch with the armor you currently have and get a run to Drocks.
If you are playing through the entire game look for collectors in the Wilds, they have AR71 and in the desert AR80, just keep in mind you can NOT add insignias to the collector armor. It is a great way to save money however if your looking to get a set of 15K armor or FOW.
If you taking a run you have all you need at this point, you can reach Beacons Perch with the armor you currently have and get a run to Drocks.
If you are playing through the entire game look for collectors in the Wilds, they have AR71 and in the desert AR80, just keep in mind you can NOT add insignias to the collector armor. It is a great way to save money however if your looking to get a set of 15K armor or FOW.
To Crom The Pale.He only has 2.5k that is how much the run will cost him and he will go around wanting to borrow gold to get his set of Droks armour.Take my advice and go to Sacntum Cay.
Crom The Pale
Originally Posted by Age
To Crom The Pale.He only has 2.5k that is how much the run will cost him and he will go around wanting to borrow gold to get his set of Droks armour.Take my advice and go to Sacntum Cay.
Or he could go back to Picken square and kill Charr for a few days to eary 5K for the Droks armor.
And if you read my post I suggested that he visit collectors for free armor if he was short on cash and playing through the game.
And if you read my post I suggested that he visit collectors for free armor if he was short on cash and playing through the game.