Mini pets
I think that people should be able to have any mini pet they want for free but have it customized to them so its untradeable. this way everyone has cool mini pets and all the super duper rich people lose a lot of money because people wont wwanna but expensive minmi pets anymore. oohhh gnarly
Even in jest this is just plain stupid.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm ok.
So you're wanting pets you can't afford / upset there are players who can....?
I smell a distinctly bitter odor....or is that the scent of Troll?
So you're wanting pets you can't afford / upset there are players who can....?
I smell a distinctly bitter odor....or is that the scent of Troll?
Lord High Pwner
I'm smelling a thread close more than anything.
and to go along with this nonsense we should all get FoW in pre and a stack of ectos to help us on our way.
and to go along with this nonsense we should all get FoW in pre and a stack of ectos to help us on our way.
I would move this to the suggestion forum, but I don't think they want a suggestion made purely out of envy. Closed.