Do you use numbers or the mouse?
Don't think I have seen a thread on this but what do you use, the numbers for your skills or the mouse and clicking on the skill?
I personally use the mouse because I find it easier but in monk situations, I would use numbers and use the mouse to click on people (unless using party heals of course but even then, I will probably use numbers instead of the mouse)
but besides monk, with any other professions, I use the mouse. I just find it easier
I personally use the mouse because I find it easier but in monk situations, I would use numbers and use the mouse to click on people (unless using party heals of course but even then, I will probably use numbers instead of the mouse)
but besides monk, with any other professions, I use the mouse. I just find it easier
i personally use letters, since i bound my skills on tab q w e r a s d.
I use the numbers exclusively. I have 1-8 on the right hand Numpad keymapped to my skills. I almost never use the mouse. (And I don't monk)
Operative 14
I use the arrow keys/right click to move around, and then I use the mouse to activate skills.
However, I haven't really played my monk at all. I can see in that case how I would probably need to switch.
However, I haven't really played my monk at all. I can see in that case how I would probably need to switch.
I use the numbers and depending on the skills sometimes the mouse ( only for 7 and 8 skill numbers). The only thing i use mouse walking is when i want to reach player or npc faster than pressing WASD.
I use WASD to move myself, just because its easier to use WASD to move and mouse for skills, plus the mouse controls the camera so its easier imo
If you want monk situations... check this out
mouse clicking gets u to the desired spot in the fastest way possible.
mouse clicking gets u to the desired spot in the fastest way possible.
Breakfast Mc Rit
I use the keys 1-4 for important skills (interrupts or strong heals) and use the mouse to activate the lesser skills, micro manage heroes, or target party members.
On my Monk it's 1,2,3,4 Numbers and the rest with mouse. On my Paragon it changes everytime I play
.On my Warrior it's mouse.

I use WASD to move and 1-8 to activate skills.
The Real Avalon
I use ² & é " ' ( § skills 7 & 8 with le mouse
i'l use 1-4 with numbers and rest with mouse
i'l use 1-4 with numbers and rest with mouse
Orange Milk
If I'm on a offensive charcter I click the the skills sice the space bar will move me around chasing my target.
When I'm defensive and need to target team members I click names on the Party bar and use the numbers for the skills.
But now that my right hand is broken I'm doing ALOT of keyboard related things since I mouse with my right hand.
When I'm defensive and need to target team members I click names on the Party bar and use the numbers for the skills.
But now that my right hand is broken I'm doing ALOT of keyboard related things since I mouse with my right hand.
Skills are bound on 1-2-3-4-Q-W-E-R.
I use my mouse to move and the two-thumb buttons of my mouse to go through the party members when I monk.
I use my mouse to move and the two-thumb buttons of my mouse to go through the party members when I monk.
Originally Posted by Apoc
Skills are bound on 1-2-3-4-Q-W-E-R.
I use my mouse to move and the two-thumb buttons of my mouse to go through the party members when I monk. |
I usually keep my most often used skills on 1-2-3-4 and use them with numbers and have my least often used skills on 5-6-7-8 and use my mouse (sucks when I don't have my mouse with me and need to use the touchpad).
I have 6 buttons on mouse, I still use my keyboard though. I like slashing number 4 (infuse/spirit transfer xD)
Bryant Again
Depends on how lazy or tired I am at the moment. When I'm playing for "seriouz buznuss", I'm actively focusing on key binds. Otherwise it's point-n-click.
Neo Nugget
99% of the time it's numbers.
Mouse usually...Numbers if I'm really tired and/or lazy
I use a combo of both..........left hand uses keys 1-4(skills1-4), right for mouse and skills 5-8 which are mapped to the number pad#7,8,9,1 it's a crazy set up i got used to because of my monk.
WASD to move, have my most important skills on 1,2,3,4 and 5 with rezz on 8 and something I dont need to press alot (Dervish form etc) on 7, 1-6 can be pressed with my hand left hand leaving my right hand for my mouse.
Konig Des Todes
All professions:
qweasdzx for movement, 123 and mouse for skills, tab c v ; and space for targeting.
qweasdzx for movement, 123 and mouse for skills, tab c v ; and space for targeting.
I use w a s d for movement q and e to strafe and also with my left hand 1 2 3 4 fot the first 4 skills and programmed 5 6 7 8 on my mouse
QWEASD are reserved for movement/strafing, 1-8 are used for melee/physical professions, mouse for casters.
A mixture of both.
Using a 5 button mouse with the two buttons at the side allows me to throw up interrupts / prots / infuse / whatever when I need it most with minimal effort.
Using a 5 button mouse with the two buttons at the side allows me to throw up interrupts / prots / infuse / whatever when I need it most with minimal effort.
1-2-3-4-5 for the first 5 skills
6 is a
7 is 6 (usually a long recharging skill/res skill)
8 is R
zqsd to move
When monking its totally different tho but I can't remember the bindings
Mouse is for CTRL+click + movement
6 is a
7 is 6 (usually a long recharging skill/res skill)
8 is R
zqsd to move
When monking its totally different tho but I can't remember the bindings
Mouse is for CTRL+click + movement
I use the mouse for clicking skills if I'm eating and can't be bothered to use two hands to play.
I use both, The mouse can be easier if your moving a lot but I have a gaming keyboard with all the gamekeys set within easy reach.
personally i use both or use the numbers when im monking and use mouse to click on party bar
I use a mix of mouse/WASD(r for autorun) movement. Mouse+cspace for targetting. I have no problem using 1-8 for my skills but generally I put skills with longer recharges towards 6-8 so I don't need to reach that much. Clicking skills always seemed slow and inefficient. I pretty much memorize skills when I put them on my bar so I never look down at my hands/computer screen to make sure I'm using the right skill and that's also why it's odd for some people when they see my interface that my skill bar is smashed into the corner and is very small.
Teh [prefession]-zorz
I only bound 3 keys, q and e for weapon swaping, and F for my infuse/SB/ect key
i almost exclusively use the keyboard for everything. i just changed my key bindings to make things a little more effecient while monking, so i'm playing like the noob i always have been.
I use the mouse... just too used to it and I don't plan to change unless directly forced to do so.
Mouse for skills 1-8 and selecting targets, arrow keys for moving, and number pad for important hero skills....(I'm left-handed).
Sir Seifus Halbred
movement= arrow keys
spells/skills= numbers
mouse= mainly used in PvE to select things (not so much in PvP-mainly use tab)
spells/skills= numbers
mouse= mainly used in PvE to select things (not so much in PvP-mainly use tab)
QWEASD for movement, I activate skills randomly with mouse and numbers
Chrono Re delle Ere
wasd to move
1234 for relative skills
mouse for 5678
1234 for relative skills
mouse for 5678
did a quick search and found this thread:
already answered in that one.
already answered in that one.
Brother Andicus
Mouse for rotating/zooming and selecting team-mates.
Keyboard for everything else. Mouse clicking skills is just far too slow the majority of the time.
Keyboard for everything else. Mouse clicking skills is just far too slow the majority of the time.