Guild Wars Scribe
Carrier of Darkness
Hey, I just noticed there hasn't scribe scroll in a long long time, anyone know why they stopped it?
Originally Posted by Carrier of Darkness
Hey, I just noticed there hasn't scribe scroll in a long long time, anyone know why they stopped it?
Indeed,but you sir just gave me an idea.
The Scribe was one of Gaile's "things". Now that she is no longer CM, The Scribe has ceased to exist.
I think she explained this in one of her farewell messages either here or on her Wiki page.
I think she explained this in one of her farewell messages either here or on her Wiki page.
Pretty sure Andrew Patrick was in charge of the scribe.
Meh, there was a thread about this a few weeks ago, and everyone gave a theory as to where was that guy.

Lothlorian Sassun
ANET has tossed out Role Playing and decided it has no use in Guild Wars. Regina is all business and no fun. ANET is a business after all. Why try to entertain the masses with wit an role play? "We are working on GW2" No time for fables.